Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Condemnation of False Accusation & False Alarm:

Condemnation of False Accusation & False Alarm: CPDM Did not Appoint Tabefor Aloysius Vice Principal in CCAST And even if it was CPDM was the post of a Vice Principal better than Principal? Tabefor Aloysius Amungwa was not appointed Vice Principal because of his deditude to the CPDM. He was appointed out of merit following Cameroon’s appointment ordinance. And what is even wrong belonging to a Party? Appointments are done most of the time in Cameroon following government discreation and influence in some fields. But with the case of Education, just like Medicine, appointments are not done “Parazar”, I must emphasise here that, Tabefor Aloysius was appointed Vice Principal in CCAST Bambili to pioneer controls and exercise management over the domitary, the infirmary, the science and computer Laboratory and the Library after managing the Senior Descipline Master Position well to the attention of detractors and blacmaillers who hurriedly went to the internet to declare conjecturing and provokating statements that his appointment was influenced by the CPDM. The same CPDM I have never seen him in it’s outfit or at her ceremonies for the past seven years now! To the attention of enemies of progress and prophets of doom, doing all in their best to tarnish the hard earn reputation of Tabefor Aloysuis, who do not want Bambui people to progress, that he stopped Partisan Politics seven years ago. For somebody to attribute or link his appointment to the CPDM is banal and litigating why not warranting Court actions. People should not just write damaging and make unnecessary comments over the internet because they have access to or are ourightly excited, for it belittles. To say Aloysius was appointed based on Party leaning or standing means, the author of the said diabolic Letter or article, as he may claim to be a conditional statement, is questioning the authority and the decision of the Minister. Whether propagators of false rumor and decipators of false alarm like it or not Tabefor Aloysuis has been appointed Vice Principal in CCAST and will soon be made Principal God being his helper. Surely the author of that article had a hand in the attempt of Aloysuis’s life some two months ago. Security is on the alert on those Bambui subjects who are out there to spray poisonous information to deter peace, Unity and progress in the Community. The Voice that speaks the Truth and Nothing but the Truth which is beater.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Theme "THE POWER OF CULTURE TO CREATE A BETTER FUTURE" By Tamukong Roland Angong Subject; “ Traditional Dances”, “Cry Dies”, “Shrine Visitation”, the Mystery, Symbolism & Effervescence there enshrined for Collective Communal Peace through Adorations, ritual rites & Libation Pouring to Appease Ancestors in Cameroon, the Grass field Region to be Precise

Preface Culture and Tradition owes origin to the Biblical Mission and intension of God Making Eve from the Rib of Adam dating billions of decades ago. The history of creation brought about multiplication, procreation, growth movement, the change of behavioral pattern and attitude. These various characteristic features, in the history of Man’s advent, activities and the speedy growth of the world into a Global Planetary Village in a fast growing scientific World, plagued by natural and supernatural factors, has given each group of people, persons, a Village, a Division, a Region, Country and Continent something which is peculiar and particular about her, which distinguishes one from another, This is influenced by the immediate environment of the people, history and Religion. These aspects clearly define culture to be the way of life and operation of a particular people “Cultina”. Tradition are some enshrined values in a people that governs the routine lives in a particular setting (I am talking here of Traditional rites, dressing and certain act demonstrated or exhibited). Talking about how culture and Tradition of a people can influence Global and collective peace for a better future is an issue very paramount. With special attention, looking relatively and collectively into the ways of life stationed and fashioned by a people and a class of individuals which is very vast. Pushes us to narrow down this broad base subject to a specific case Study, that is the North West Region of Cameroon known as the grass fields harboring the Tikar ethnics group who has as major activities Farming, livestock breeding, death celebrations, “cry dies” and gun firing, Divination, incantations and the pouring of libations, rituals and sacrificial offerings to adorn the gods, adoration of shrines, sacred forest and the glorification of their Fons etc. It should be noted that these acts, activities and exercises are practiced and performed to enable the individual, the family or the community have a “quiet sleep” as it is always referred, which means exercises that vindicates one of maledictions and ill luck or showers one with abundant blessings, a village with great harvest or protection from the trespass of any evil force we are talking here most especially of the mysteries that surround cultural festivals, annual Traditional dances, the pouring of libations and ritual killings. In the North West Region it is a common established fact that children are born and grow to inherit predicaments, maledictions and curse or suffer from evil spells from parents and great grand parent’s acts belonging to a particular secret society or for not performing regularly some routine traditional rites in the assembly of notables or elders, for receiving an unlawful payments, defiling the gods or not adorning them etc. As such life span is not guaranteed in the hands of the “unknown circumstances”. One can only be freed of or vindicated off if and only if he or she performs or fulfill their traditional commitments and obligations in the village with the ancestors and the gods of the land. Life span then is guarantee and long life assured through meeting up with the needs of Cultural and traditional exigencies enhancing individual and communal peace for a collective life that assures and sustains global peace for a prosperous future. The tree of traditional, cultural collectivity and global peace in Africa as a whole and Cameroon in particular, holds that a man’s culture is his roots and his tradition is his identity. Meaning here that once a man’s roots are not deeply rooted in tradition, through routine ritual rite honoring, poring of libation, adorning of the gods and offering sacrifices, he has no base and will be of no worth to the society in terms of enhancing and sustaining collective actions oriented towards harnessing and promoting peace for a joyous end. Peace normally should start from individual actions, to family interaction, village communion, solidarity, social cohesion, understanding, unity and love. Culture and tradition once tampered with can cost society a lot. An aspect of it is “Annual Traditional Dances”, rituals and adoration of gods, in Awing for instance, a village in the North West Region of Cameroon, simply because the people ignored routine rites to appease the gods of Lake Awing, a gaseous disaster occurred that claimed a good number of lives approximately 1500. Today with, routine traditional ritual exercises, for the gods of that Lake, there are no more hazards and the village is living in absolute peace. In Big Babangki Kedjim Keku where the Fon was roasted alive by the people for defiling and out rightly abusing culture and tradition, a sacred ritual dance was conducted which assembled all sons and daughters of this village with the new Fon on the throne to cleanse, appease and bless her subjects off the “bad air” that surrounded the village atmosphere and maledictions following her subjects where ever they go after that murderous act for the collective welfare of the village. In Bafut village, the “Abenefor” just like in Babungo Village, Bambalang, Nso where you have the Ngonso Festival and Bambui where you have the “Mandele” Sacred dance, all are annually performed routine act or dances that follow a particular secret chronograph reflecting their respective cultures and collective ways of pacifying and adoring their gods. Once these exercises are conducted blessings over flow the community, her subjects receive salvations from the hands of their ancestors absolutely, hence a comfortable atmosphere for social welfare is enhanced and that black Pa in the village sleeps and gets up well. Most of these sacred dances came about in the early days introduced by founders of those Fondoms and Kingdoms who had to fight, conquer and defend ones ethnic or clan from evasion or aggression. As such the dances were like a thanks giving mass offered to the “fallen” in the exercise for keeping them alive and enabling them go through the hurdles of such an encounter. The exercise witnesses the roasting of fowls, the slaughtering of goats, cows and ships. End

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Fru Ndi's Son Has no Plans of Becoming Bda II Mayor

Ni John Fru Ndi's last son, Achu Benjamin has won council primaries in Bamenda II council. Achu Benjamin Fru Ndi who is also private secretary to the father won the council primaries in the Ntarinkon Council ward to contest in the upcoming municipal elections as councilor on SDF ticket. Allegations are rife at that Achu Benjamin Fru Ndi is likely the next mayor of Bamenda II. Achu Benjamin Fru Ndi who decided to step into the father's shoes by taking part in active politics has been described as being dynamic and level-headed as well. Mores so, it is worth mentioning that Benjamin has been very active in the SDF accompanying SDF chieftain in all his major political outings. During the 23rd Anniversary of the SDF last May 26, 2013, Benjamin led a powerful delegation of youth during a match-pass that attracted alot of admiration from the crowd. Analysts had since then predicted that Benjamin would run as Mayor of Bamenda II, yet the speculations have come to pass that he won the council primaries this week at the Nsa’mukong Hall with 61 votes away from his rivals with 47 and 41 respectively. During the May 26 celebration in Bamenda, he told Journalists that it is time for youths to take part in the democratic process of this country. This, he has not only been apt in preaching but has moved into the stage by winning the primaries. Benjamin who pundits have long predicted as Fru Ndi's political successor is likely to bring surprises in the upcoming elections. If vote as Mayor, he is likely to be the youngest mayor in the history of the SDF and Cameroon. Benjamin's action we gathered has inspired many youths nationwide who now want to enter into active politics. Accosting Benjamin at the end of the historic election exercise, he observed that he has no plans of becoming the Mayor of Bamenda II. But is rather interested in the development of Bamenda, that he wants to be at the centre of action to contribute his own quota to the development of his Municipality. According to him Councils are drifting more toward decentralization and autonomy. So it is imperative that these Council should be able to put projects in place and also be able to mobilize financial resources to carry out these Projects. This he noted, is a role he believes he can play very well and ease the work load on the Council and Mayor. And even if he were interested in piloting the affairs of the said Bamenda II Council, that would have only been a dream not to come through in the advent of the award winning Mayor Balick Awa Fedelis’s era. Who for seven years has worked so very well and devoted that the people of his Municipality now see him their God send Mayor. To further the voted Award three years round winning best Mayor of the years in Cameroon further plants Mayor Balick Awa deep down the heart and bosom of the National Chairman of the Social Democratic Front SDF Ni John Fru Ndi who most probably will stand behind him for his son who has better chances ahead or should complete elementary Political training before shouldering such a load. Never the less Ben Fru Ndi’s attempt is a giant stride commendable by history that will score in it’s records that at least if Fru Ndi is leaving the stage now, he has a Political successor.

“Twin Elections 2013, Really a Level Playing Grown for all? When all is Stage Managed by the CPDM” Teche Nyamusa Parliamentary Hopeful Mbengwi

For us - the SDF and the genuine opposition to continuously participate in elections controlled by CPDM agents who are themselves part of the exercise, seriously questions our sincerity to fight for real change and succession of government in Cameroon. History has not shown where a dictator has willingly relinquished power. Considering Africa: South Africa, Ghana, Kenya, Senegal and others -relatively smooth change of governments have not been achieved by mere benevolence of the incumbents. No,often pensively unanimous agreements were arrived at before general elections, drafting of the constitution, good governance particularly elections monitor and organization. However traumatizing in Cameroon, Mr. Paul Biya the president of Cameroon who is also the national president of the CPDM ruling party is in charge of all facets of government. He controls completely the elections management body (now ELECAM).The body’s (ELECAM) personnel, appointed by the presidency are predominantly CPDM frontline militants who brandish after-appointment resignation letters from CPDM. Cameroon’s democracy is government without separation of powers: executive, legislature, and judiciary are controlled by one man - the president, Paul Biya. He appoints members of the legislature, the executive president, Biya is the president of the higher judicial council which outfit promotes, transfers and sanctions… judges and magistrates. Court cases of particular interest to the president or his party CPDM are tainted. Results of elections in Cameroon are known before polls day. The SDF has persevered for over 23 years to see whether Biya/CPDM can change to permit good government and a level electoral field to no avail. Thus an informed opinion poll which I fully ascribe to hold that Cameroon’s genuine opposition should boycott further elections, for even after the super trumpeted claims of advancement in electioneering and plans for the country through good governance to emerge from poverty (vision 2035), the most recent one - the pioneer senatorial was as usual a mockery and provocation of Cameroonians in general. We think that the genuine opposition should instead campaign for good laws which will be independent of any particular party/parties or individual/individuals ulterior wish. That the electoral calendar should be without ambiguities, drawn up by all concerned and can only be altered where absolutely necessary by unanimous agreement. The elections monitoring and organizing body as well as the electoral code have to be put in place by all concerned parties. ELECAM with two self-antagonizing leaders may only conduct elections in CPDM not where genuine political parties, of the over 200 in Cameroon are involved. Boycott, however is not new to the SDF yet it is a legendary weapon so long as we work on good goals and stick to them - here Boycott and effective campaign for the owners of power who are majority Cameroonians to see the need for sound laws for development. Once this is done, any makeshift arrangement in the name of a regime which retards progress to say the least will be yanked off. Arguments that the CPDM and her myriad satellite parties will confiscate all elective positions to continue reigning make little or no sense for even during the single party CPDM years, no achievement was recorded. No positive legacy was bequeathed. We were instead made severe debtors; Cameroon became poor and heavily corrupt. The CPDM regime true to her money laundry character dragged a somewhat Ahidjo bestowed buoyant economy into deep shit. The regime in place puts no foundation (except promises) for effective change or developmental takeoff. There is no Cameroon/Africa adapted school scheme for the country’s eventual growth, no basic access farm to market roads in particular, no jobs or enabling environment for job creation to arrest excessive emigration for greener pastures abroad. The powers that be makes no effort to build a befitting health system which includes good medical schools, hospitals and pharmacies after all this ruling elite self-affords foreign healthcare irrespective of the dilemma of Cameroonian masses. The misery list is inexhaustible. Our continuous participation in elections controlled by CPDM fraudulently made to have free access to the public treasury for conscience buying and manipulation during polls will never see any other political party take over and manage the country as per her manifesto. Permanent participation after these years of trial is being insensitive to the plight of particularly ordinary Cameroonians. The regime in place manages the country without even scant regard to the fact that the country is composed of two legal entities (former French Cameroons and former British Cameroons) whose interest for integral progress ought to be taken care of. This Cameroon electoral matter is a public issue of enormous importance. Hence it has to be debated in the open by all interested, by the people’s parliament – the press. It is not a matter for the confines of party or association executive secretariat(s)! God guide Cameroon.

FIFA Suspends Cameroon as Iya Sinks with FECAFOOT

The provisionary Suspension directed to the Cameroonian government most especially the sporting department owes credence to the fact that FECAFOOT, the Cameroon Football Federation for well over two months now have been characterized by a cross section of uncontrollable wrangles fanned and excited by those who are against Iya Mohammed, regime and prolonged stay in government wrecked with thousand scandal. To FIFA the World football governing body, the suspension dubbed provisional is known temporal and stand to be uplifted if the situation in FECAFOOT is redressed by her officials. Hence putting available at the disposal of the Federation, a body that will help facilitate the reconstruction and reconciliation process. Leaving the Cameroonian National team with the compensation of the protest Togolese encounter at Nyame, while being neutral on the issuance following the arrest of the Cameroon’s FECAFOOT Boss. On the retro, for more than a month, after Cameroon’s crushing and humiliating defeat in Togo, Iya Mohammed at the tail end of his Mandate was arrested for a nine Billion racket at SODECOTON. Then erupted the FECAFOOT Election Saga motivated by the third Vice President convening elections without the express approval from the First Vice President John Begheni Ndeh. Who through a Press Conference in Yaounde condemned the act very strongly bringing in a ruction, at the same time permitting the holding of Elections going against Ministerial halt and a proposal body to manage the Federation as the misdemeanor here in play is properly managed. Prompting the Head of State to decree nullifying all the decisions arrived at so very much controversial to the liking of Cameroonians and the smooth functioning of the Federation. These in all, provoked FIFA the Watchdog of all Football Federations in the World, to come to Cameroon’s rescue and this could only be attained by passing a sanction and embargo which will breed some order and sanity in the Federation Given that she was already flying in pieces and detractors were taking advantage of the wrangles in the house to do terrible and horrible things. What Cameroonian must know is that the Suspension is temporal and that through such a decision by FIFA favoring the imprisoned Iya Mohammed only confirms how deep the roots of Iya had gone down into FIFA circles.

After Exhaustive Elections & Draining Appointments; Senators go Borrowing to Stage Home Coming

*Loaning on Election Loans, with Un-restituted Financial Situation, Pay Back Time Contrary to the National miscalculation and the speculation of the salaries of Senators which was vary from one million five to eight hundred thousands, their seating allowances supposed to be huge as compared to that of Parliamentarians and extra benefits like two private sectaries, a body Guard, two Private cars and provisory finances or budget to make pronounce their persons and stage public occasions just belonging to the higher decision making house of the country (upper House) by Cameroonians, the reverse is almost now true. As we now hear, see and even feel for the Senators once even almost thrown out of their Hotel rooms at mount Febe by the manager’s quite notice of the 21st June 2013 for not footing bills and only occupying her prestigious rooms with the promises of “it will be paid” but for the timely intervention of most venerable SDF Senator Jean Tchomuluh who called the President Marcel Niat Njifenji and fresh reassuring promises made to the management. It is really a pity that barely three months with the caskets Senators should stand such a humiliation, very surprising enough to the public as the Senators now keep wallowing and gnashing their teeth of the embarrassing situation and unfair government treatments. For government has just forgotten so soon that Elections completely exhausted them financially to a point now where, some (most especially SDF Senators) barely manage to live, and even on going home, smuggle selves in and out of their base, answering pretentious in coming calls for fear or escaping to spend on a highly expectant and demanding crowd always waiting to hilariously welcome them back at any time provided cash will flow. Again contrary to the rule which normally requires that subjects prepare, finance and organize home comings for their beloved ones, sparing them off demanding and costly thanks giving ecumenical services coming from the first baptism of squandering and which must continue or else suffer criticisms of the highest order. To be frank, since after the 14th of April 2013 Senate Elections, followed by the proclamation of the results and the final Presidential appointments, the privileged one hundred’s have known no peace, or rest in the hands of their gross demanding population who know in one way or the other influenced or contributed to their Election or appointment is payback time and must be entitled to. With drainage and handicapped finances or accounts most Senators have bought permanent residence in Yaounde until empowered financially. While few rich one barely screw out from rescue accounts and sort appeal from close ones and relations to foot and stage home comings. The sums, heralds have spend for respective Home comings amounting to tens and fifteens of millions with precision, Senator Francis Nkwain, Senator Dingha Ignatius all of the North West and Senator Jean Tchomuluh of the West Region is frightening to most who have not yet honored the engagement most especially empty pocket Senators of the SDF. This state of situation is what is actually responsible for a good number of the Senators not coming home or stage home coming even dough willing. Knowing fully well that it is compulsory, good numbers are now into under ground fund raising and has submitted appeals for loans with the hope that government will in the next five years be able to give them some thing substantial to be able to clear the loans and post Election debts.

The Ntumbaw, Njirong Palaver Ending Four Decades Conflict in Ndu; Mbaw Plain(Mbawrong) Belongs to Njirong! Point

Ntumbaw Sanctioned for orchestrating raids and attacks on the Njirongs in multiple forms claiming rights of ownership over the juicy Mbawrong plain in Ndu Sub-Division, Donga-Mantung. The centre of the saga dating over Four decades and coming from a simple hand of favor onto a particular village to farm and help her famished population, paying back royalties to owners and allegiance, turns out after some decades with due devotion to accord, as a palaver over who is the rightful owner since the CDC today had to extend her tentacles to this area of the country. Reasons for want of compensation from the said cooperation, the sales of land whose values had risen and the desire for a Lion share, Ntumbaw Village called to order on several occasions by a series of Sub and Prefectoral Orders has been on the aggression of the Njirongs over right of ownership and the Njirongs on the defensive to protect valuables. Recently after all orchestrated moves of incitement, by Politicians and subjects from either village (we prefer holding the names), Ndu Sub-Division almost jumped into another Genocide like that of the 90s that rendered a good number homeless and human lives watered down. The scenario recorded two deaths from either villages termed “final clash of ownership” drawing government attention, warranting the arrest of nine and several seating for last consensus over the matter to be trash once and for all by her SDO Mesape Ndodemo. Taking you to the round about and the crooks of the matter between Ntumbaw and Njirong Villages respectively based on eye witness accounts of early days transactions, documented evidence and consensus reached in 2004 grants any normal mind the right to authenticate all favors to the Credit of Njirong Village as rightful owners of the Mbaw-plain. As such several inviting calls appeal to government to visit documented evidences and witnesses still alive to pass a second and a final verdict that will reinstate absolute peace and supreme clemency right over the disputed Mbawrong plain by government. Minutes of the Deliberation of the land commission charged with the settlement of the land dispute between Ntumbaw and Njirong Villages at Mbawrong Ndu Sub-Division held on the 9th of June 2004 and the Publication by a living eye witness of the transaction Rev Dr Philemon Bugansa Nfor titled seeking truth, Peace and Unity on the issue of the land dispute between Ntumbaw and Njirong Villages below serves government the pain in her fact finding mission and resolution. INTRODUCTION; I wonder who decided that Bungansa is a Njirong not a Ntumbaw person. That 1 am a Njirong person is perfectly correct. My mother is the eldest sister to the Fon of Njirong; the late Fon's eldest child. That I am not a Ntumbaw person is a lie from the pit of hell. I was born in Ntumbaw, I grew up in Ntumbaw and I shall be buried at Ntumbaw. My father was born in Ntumbaw, grew up in Ntumbaw and will be buried there. The truth is that I am a classic embodiment of the un- dissolvable marriage between Ntumbaw and Njirong villages; marriage made in heaven which men have tried to dissolve. I wonder how many Ntumbaw people know that the Fon of Ntumbaw is a munjar of Njirong (his mother is from Njirong Village)! I wonder how many know that the Fon of Njirong is married from Ntumbaw and that the diary was paid at Fah Mawar! It is hard to list how many Njirong people are married to Ntumbaw people and vice versa. It is no puzzle that the Maya of Njirong governs from Ntumbaw, not on exile; not where she works but where she was born, grown and lives! There are not many Ntumbaw people who can shed the blood of Njirong people without being directly affected and vice versa. Only the end of the world shall dissolve the oneness of these two blessed villages. But before that time comes, we need to decide if we want to live in peace, unity and development or we want to live fighting, hating and destroying each other. The Bible says, "The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself. If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other" (Ga. 5:14-15). We have ignored this in the last forty years. I trust that time has come for us to stop giving the devil the opportunity to help us-destroy each other. I write this as a total and one hundred percent son of Ntumbaw & Njirong villages. It took me quite some thinking and praying to arrive at being at Mbaw on Thursday Ntala, October 18, 2012. I nursed some fear of increased negative talk against me. It has been sounded loud that Dr. Nfor is a Njirong person. Some have even gone as far as saying I told them I do not belong to Ntumbaw. Others have wondered aloud why I, a Pastor should be present for the application of the traditional rite of pouring libation. Actually I wish I was there to see and understand. Unfortunately, this was done at Mbaw in 2001 when I was studying in the United States of America. 1 wish to see the video that is claimed to carry my image at the occasion and see who it is in the village that bears my resemblance that much, because I find it hard to believe that the very reasonable people who are saying so are inventing the stories. I was indeed afraid but remembered that fear that should influence action should only be that which is true. Also, in spite of these fears I considered the need to bear witness to the truth sufficiently strong enough for me to be at Mbaw for the hearing of the administration of Donga/Mantung on this issue. I remembered that I am a blessed bearer of some truths that need not remain a secret. I am a blessed son of Ntumbaw and Njirong! I was there as a young boy around 1974 at the Njitang residence of the present Fon of Ntumbaw when my Grandfather, the Fon of Njirong invited his brother, the Fon of Ntumbaw, to come and receive a piece of land and cultivate rice so as to educate his children. It was a public invitation made to the hearing of all those who were there! *I was farming rice at Mbawrong in a plot not too far from that of the present Fon of Ntumbaw. *I was there when the Ntumbaw subjects moved from where they worked with the Njirong people, to a place they called "power come" and claimed it belonged to Ntumbaw. *I have been there following the conflict that resulted from the above action, not as closely as I would have wanted but very close since I returned to this country in 1996. *I have lived the audile of rejection when Njirong people were forced to carry corn to Sehn or Zerndzfung because they were not allowed to use any grinding mill in Ntumbaw. In fact my cousin and I had to buy a grinding mill and plant at Njirong to rescue the situation. How our economy can be so perturbed! WHY? By the way, who really losses when people are prevented from buying or grinding corn. You need to see the thriving of the new Njirong market! *I was privileged to be at Mbawrong in 2004 when the then Senior Divisional Officer for Donga/Mantung Division presided over the Mbawrong Land Commission hearing. I left the place with the impression that the two villages were actually at the point of reconciliation and especially when I understood that the decision of the Land Commission was not subject to appeal. Unfortunately, the decision instead gave rise to petitions, court cases and recently a near bloodbath if not for God's grace. *And now, thank God I was there at Mbawrong Government Primary School class six classrooms listening to all that went on and able to write down notes which i want to share with you. By the way, it was a pleasure for me to meet the SDO for the first time, contrary to those who carry it that Bungansa has been going to Nkambe to give bribes to administration on behalf of Njirong people to win cases. I have never met the judge who is said to have been induced in August 2012 to turn a criminal case into a land dispute case and throw it out of court. If these two villages are still there today it is clear indication that the God of peace is the Lord of Ntumbaw and Njirong twin villages. Whatever the case God knows that i love Ntumbaw and Njirong people and pray that the two walk hand in glove, work together and develop side by side. What follows are the notes of both my reflection and the Proceedings that I jotted down during the discussion in Mbaw on October 18, 2012. I share these with you because I have come to realize that the Njirong/Ntumbaw conflict has been enflamed by the cancer of ignorance. It is no pleasure of mine to sit and watch people die for lack of knowledge when I have the information that could save lives. I trust that this information I give you will inform your subsequent actions and reactions on this matter; -so that together we can build our twin villages for the glory of God and for our good and that of our descendants. AT MBAWRONG ON THE 18TH OF OCTOBER 2012 ON THE ISSUE OF THE LAND DISPUTE BETWEEN MBAWRONG AND NJIRONG CALLED BY THE DIVISIONAL LAND COMMISSION My reflections before the beginning of the program: I was first and foremost, touched by the anxiety I saw in the people. The gathering of the notables of the two villages reminded me of how intricately linked we are. Imagine the grandson of Fai war (actually a nephew); sitting as a notable of Njirong and Fai War himself sitting opposite to speak for Ntumbaw! How can anyone think of "winning" the other in this kind of an atmosphere? I wondered within me why this marriage has for so long been perturbed by the forces of deception. I could not lie!? asking myself the role, of the elites of both villages in this four decades old conflict. I wondered why tradition, politics, and legal interventions have all so far been incapable of producing the needed peace for our development. Surely, someone; somewhere is refusing the truth! Yet, God calls us to live in and for the truth; to sustain and uphold truth that sets men free and brings peace and progress. What are we looking for in the Ntumbaw/Njirong case? Are we looking for opportunities to exercise might; for land to cultivate; good neighborliness that can allow us exploit the land in oneness of mind, or are we looking for opportunities to win battles and celebrate no matter the outcome? Villages nowadays rely heavily on their external elites for development. Ntumbaw and Njirong are no exception. Surely these elites of both villages have contributed to development in the two villages. But I have observed over the years that most elites play hide and- attack or hide and inflame, sometimes sponsoring falsehood. When the proceedings started at about ll:50am the SDO called on the pastor present (me) for the opening prayer. It was a great honor. I prayed for the truth to prevail and set us free. My prayer was that God would bind any spirit of deception and display the truth so equivocally that no one would leave the hall with doubts. In 2004 I was only present as an observer. Today I was present as a servant of TRUTH and it was rather interesting that when the SDO quoted from his various sources, he made sure I cross examined the document for confirmation. I was excited when I looked round and saw Dr. Usman sitting behind me. I thought to myself, "We can talk after about what we both heard and observed." Unfortunately, the joy was short lived given that the SDO was strict with the roll call. He maintained what he had demanded in his invitation letter: the Fon and five notables including the president of the village development Association (for each village). He allowed the Fons of Sop and Chup and the representative of the Fon ofNtem to be there as observers only. I stayed in because I am a Pastor and he wanted a pastor around. The proceedings: The SDO introduced the subject matter as understanding the conflict between the two villages, especially the recent incidence that took place In August 2012 and bringing the matter to a close. He quoted Eccl. 3:1-8 to say that there is time for everything. He said there is time for a problem like this to die. He said there is a time to be silent and a time to speak. He said that the villages had been at war because they had not been at peace. Just living in suspicion, he said, is a state of peacelessness. "Enough is enough and we have to bring this conflict to an end, let the truth prevail and We live in peace because living in this peaceless situation is jeopardizing the future of your children", he said. He promised that peace will prevail in these villages. He gave the floor to the parties to bring up any submission that were new additions to. what was presented in 2004 when the Administration ruled on this matter. He explained that he was acting on instructions from his hierarchy after the August incident. He asked the Fons to speak. *The Fon of Njirong read his submission (see Appendix). He stated why he was laying claims to Mbawrong and concluded that he believed the present meeting was a follow up of the 2004 Commission whose decision the. Administration should implement. *The Fon of Ntumbaw got up to say that this Mbaw belonged to Him. "It is Mbaw Nswi Ntumbaw," he said and clarified that his boundary is with Nso people and Ntem people. He said he thought the Fon of Njirong is His brother and now he does not know what is wrong. He said the Fon of Njirong claimed that he (Fon of Ntumbaw) does not know anything. He reported that the Njirong Fon had said the government came here and said Mbaw belongs to the Fon of Rong. He said he is not happy that the present Fon is back stabbing him. He declared that he enthroned the Fon of Rong and on that day a son of Ntumbaw was crossing the Mantunmbaw River, fell inside and died and the mother even went away. He said he is not happy with the whole situation perpetuated by the Fon of Njirong. The SDO asked the Fon of Ntumbaw whether in giving the things to the Fon of Rong asking for land he was requesting to take possession of the land or he was asking to cultivate it and pay allegiance to Njirong. The Fon of Ntumbaw said he did not give anything to the Njirong people asking for land. The SDO was infuriated with this and reminded the Fons and their notables that he had the records of facts. He opened to the Gazzets which he said he brought from Buea (the Official records of British Cameroon that recognized the existing villages at the time). He called me, as pastor to come and see and attest to the fact that the official documents of the nation recognized Fon NGANJO as the Fon of Njirong and attest to the existence of Njirong as avillage. I saw it clearly written. Secondly he presented the 1970 Administrative Map of Mbumland from the Ministry of Territorial Administration that shows the geo-social structure of eachvillage. The map showed that the geographic coordinates of Ntumbaw village clearly excludes Mbawrong in her geography limits. The same document also shows that the officially known quarters of Ntumbaw village do not include Mbawrong or Mbaw Nswi Nlumbaw. Thirdly the SDO opened to the minutes of the 2004 Land Commission and read portions of it. It contained, among other things the confession of the Fon of Ntumbaw to the effect that he begged for land from the Fon of Njirong to cultivate rice. *The SDO stated that considering that what remains authentic in administration is what is written, not oral tradition; considering the judicial and administrative reports of his predecessor? on the Njirong/Ntumbaw conflicts and thirdly considering that this matter had been decided upon in 2004 and there is no new submission that should question the correctness of that decision, he concludes that the 2004 decision of the Land Commission stands and will be enforced strictly. Closure: The minutes of the 2004 LAND DISPUTE COMMISSION was re-read to the people in its entirety. The SDO then repeated that anyone who does not abide by this document is acting against the Law. That means those who are chipping the land and selling without the express permission of the Fon of Njirong are criminals who should go to prison. The SDO said there is a proverb in their dialect that "when you hold a cutlass you can either cut someone with it or you beat him with it." he explained that he can decide to apply the law and get those who have been violating the Land Commission Decision to go to prison for he knew them, or he could open up for dialogue. He asked if the two villages wanted him to apply the rule of law on defaulters or he should open up for dialogue The Fon of Njirong said Njirong has never been against dialogue as long as their ownership of the land is recognized. The Ntumbaw notables also called for dialogue. The SDO then said he would go for dialogue on the condition that those who have violated the Land Commission Decision and have extended or acquired land as well as those who have sold some without the blessings of the rightful owners of the land should bring their letters of apology to the Divisional Officer for Ndu Sub Division within three months, meaning by the 31st of December 2012. The DO will bring them to the custodian of the land (the Fan of Njirnng) to regularize their owncr.'hip. Anyone who docs not do so, he said, would face the force of the law. Secondly, he stated that the traditional rites on the land must be performed on the Njirong country Sunday and all those who cultivate Njirong land must bring their royalties to the Njirong people. At this point the Ntumbaw notables agitated on the bases that there was the pouring of libations on the land in 2001 in the presence of the then SDO. The SDO explained that: i). The libation program was organized by the DO and the Land Commission by the SDO. The decision of the SDO is that of an appealed case and thus supersedes that of the Divisional Officer. 2). Libation was in 2001 but did not even bring any peace thus the Land Commission was called in 2004. It is because what the DO did never worked that the SDO came in 2004 and settled it by law. A later decision always supersedes the earlier one. The SDO promised to report his decision to the State Council, the Magistrate and to Yaounde for strict implementation of the 2004 Land Commission Decision. Henceforth any violation of that Commission Decision will invite his wrath. He made his closing remarks and called on Rev. Dr. Philemon NFOR to do the closing prayer. Immediately after the prayer, the SDO and the Land Commission members left. The deliberations ended at i:55pm local time. HERE ARE THE CONCLUSIONS STATED IN THE LAND COMMISSION DECISION OF 2004: *That the piece of land in dispute between Ntumbaw and Njirong belongs to the Njirong people. *That occupants of pieces of land in the said disputed area shall continue to cultivate their farms and any other form nl development there in, but must pay allegiance to the Fon of Niirong as the undisputed custodian of that national land. *That no new farms shall be established without the Express authorization or benediction of the said custodian in connection with the existing land tenure laws enforce. MY CONCLUDING COMMENTS: * I prayed and still pray that this should be the beginning of a great time of peace, unity, togetherness and development of our two villages. All of us have the responsibility to make this happen. Be a peace maker. * It is my humble pled that as elites, nobles, learned men and women, people of good will of these two villages we should inform the younger ones of the truth, learn to submissively benefit from what is not ours and open up what is ours to others to benefit from us. * We should learn to share what God has given us as individuals and as villages. I was there when the pipe lines were dug at the beginning of the Ntumbaw water project, for the water to be extended to the Njirong village. Unfortunately. Some Ntumbaw persons dug a pit latrine on the pipe line and stopped the water from going to Njirong. The pipes had been bought. Hundreds of those pipes are still lying besides the Mfu house in Njirong and Njirong is yet to have water. What is wrong with Njirong drinking Ntumbaw water and Ntumbaw people cultivation of Njirong land? These are from God for God's people! *Let us as individuals, be committed to the development of both villages. Do you know that the creation of Government Secondary School, now GHS Ntumbaw, was thanks to the efforts of the present Fon of Njirong? Such commitment to the twin villages can bring us much more than we can think of or imagine. It is always a blessing for brothers to dwell in unity (Psa/m 133). We should NEVER allow individual defaulters to drag villages to conflict for their selfish aims. Let us consciously build relationships, especially those ones God has established. Who would not smile at Numbaw market or Njirong market or Mbawrong if he sees brother Edward Kwiyup and the Ngiris (his sister's children in Njirong) moving hand in hand and having a good time? After all, will the Mawar people refuse to go to Njirong after their daughter for cry die there or will Njirong people refuse to go for cry die at Fah Mawar when their wintoh is bereaved? We have to break these artificial barriers to love between us. Above all let us pray and do what is right in God's sight for our good and that of our children. God says in His word in Deut. 27:17; "Cursed is the man who moves his neighbor's boundary stone." Then all the people shall say, "Amen!" Rather let's seek his blessings by respecting what He has defined for us but sharing in love and humility for His glory and our peace. Remember He determined the exact time, place and boundaries within which we should live and in Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:24-26). “The conclusion therefore, from the SDO' was that he stands by the decision of His predecessor and confirms the conclusions of the 2004 land commission”. Therefore

Developments in the Cameroonian Catholic Church; Who Succeeds Bishop Lysinge at 75?

As Bishop Mola Francis Lysinge of Mamfe Diocese, the Papal representative officiating chieftain nears 75 ripe ages for retirement in the Catholic Church as a servant of the Lord. Independent sources observes, that Auxiliary-Bishop Elect Rt Rev Agapitus Nfon presently resident at the Bamenda Arch Diocese with temporal base, the St Joseph Metropolitan Cathedral of Bishop Fontem Cornelius Essua after Roma’s recognition. Will succeed Bishop Teche Lysingue according to high opinion holders of Mamfe Dioceses by the time he clocks 75 this end of year 2013. Auxi-Boshop Elect Nfon, by virtue of the fact that he was appointed to a non existent Diocese in Europe once made Bishop and has not taken office, spares Rome of the pain to appoint another Bishop from the Cameroonian Catholic Ecclesial as the Mamfe Diocese’s thrown goes vacant. By so doing, for matter of convenience marring the possibility of the Vicar-General Rev Father Ambe from also climbing who has since moved from Priest school to the Rector of St THOMAS Aquinas Major Seminary, Principal of Sacred Heart College, the Education Sectary and onto the Vicar-General Position where hopes were high that he will be challenged with the task of a Bishop by Rome before he retires from active service to God. With the presence of the Auxi-Bishop Nfon, time situation, and circumstances by all indications are working adversely to the longing wishes of Bishop Hopefuls, at the same time neutralizing all plans and possibilities of Bishop Appointments. And if Rome will have to go extra miles, the options or dwell will then be between Prof Rev Christian Mofor one time Rector of St Thomas Aquinas and Rector of Catholic West African University presently Education Sectary to the Bamenda Arch Diocese who is not very well, Prof Rev Father Polycarpe Fonjock an old renown Philosophy Teacher under the order and the Vicar-General we mentioned earlier all of retiring Bishop Mola Lysinge’s class. Rev Father Mofor not very well, eliminates self from Bishop Roma race up to Mamfe Diocese, Rev Father Polycarp not very weighty in terms of holding post of responsibilities under the order will normally leave Rome with no option better than the big best Vicar-General. Away from such a stance, the Catholic Church and her high officials methodic and realistic in the process and practice of appointments, full of surprises may single out completely a different Rev Father as before God all are equal, thus repeating the regardless notion of who you are and the post you have held before appointing. Bishop Lysingue was appointed from no where (that is as a class room Lecturer at St Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary) to head the Mamfe Diocese and has proven his worth, for sure another simple, Noble, humble and from no where Rev Father may be called up by Rome to run the affairs of the Diocese assigning Rt Rev Bishop Nfon to other pressing duties in roving form most probably.

Time for Ruthless Arrest Actions; HIV\AIDS on the Ravage in Ngoketunjia

HIV\AIDS Prevalence & Dominance in Ngoketunjia Divison Arithmetic’s, with over 5845 HIV\AIDS cases, 3 infected weekly &10s tested Positive Monthly Ngoketunjia Division one of the Seven Divisions that make up the North West Region of the Cameroonian Republic of recent with her reputed Ndop plain topography, her humid climate, with a population of 131,845, with 26 Health Units both confessional, Private and Public, viz progressive HIV\AIDS medical screening, test and administration of the Anti-retroviral Drug reported that the prevalence of the disease in that area of the country is witnessing arithmetic dominance as of the other 10 Regions of the Republic “proxy prevalence using the statistics of PMTC is high compared to the National 5.3 compared to 4.3 National” says the District Medical Officer (DMO). National statistics shows that North West comes in terms of percentage 2nd with 4.2 amongst other Regions, Ngoketunjia Division with its 13 villages and the respective populations of Bamessing(24409), Bamali(17277), Balikumbat(33824), Bafanji(19879), Bamunka(52046), Bambalang(38113), Babungo(12210), Baba I(16033), Babessi(13114), Bangolan(10214), Bamukumbit(11433), Bali Gashu(5369), Bali Gasing(1302) where HIV\AIDS is very rampant because of too much promiscuity and prostitution amongst, youths, elders and widows, comes first according to records from the District Medical office headed by Dr Bambo Emmanuel, who “invites Politicians and every person of the Division to take interest in knowing their HIV\AIDS status, offer voluntary counseling and make available health infrastructures to her ever growing population subjected to the devouring hands of the killer disease AIDS”. The Acquired immune deficiency syndrome which is contracted through sexual intercourse, blood transfusion or by using unsterilized items own dominance of this part of the country more on the fact that by nature girls, men and women of these areas are too flirtatious and very negligent when it comes to the use of condoms. Early marriages holds account to such a factor, where you have contaminated “sugar daddies” who go for youngsters, while widows of diseased victim go along with young boys, who on infection go back to their young girl friends who are placed vulnerable to the infection, in a circle that is how the infection goes. Rape and incest amongst the “bororos” who form a community (indigenous persons) living up behind the sacred Ngoketunjia hill who have and know very little about AIDS and condoms, witnesses brothers interlocking with sisters indiscriminately another contributing factor to the prevalence and dominance of the diseases. Mother to child infection is also one of the means through which the vice is spread since a good number of pregnant women do not go for (ANC) anti-natal clinic here because of poverty to easily be diagnosed such that mother to child HIV\AIDS transmission is prohibited through maternity counseling and drugs consummation. Their fair days commonly known as “market days” highly celebrated within these village circles always go with misadventures and excesses because of too much drinking, as they are rendezvous grounds for concubines “Njumba” to meet and carry out nasty practices in unscrupulous areas, at times behind market sheds and urinary. Cultural festivals, annual dances are other most important moments and venue in the lives of the people where amidst the ambiance, excitement and effervescence, terrible and horrible sexual practices are conducted and promoted by visitors, always in their thousands who take advantage of the naivety of the villagers to satiate their canal desires regardless of their status or that of victims. The insufficiency of HIV\AIDS testing centers, equipments is responsible for less notice of new infected cases as most who fall prey are tested positive and registered in near by Divisions Mezam, Bui or West Region as such relevant records of daily realities are marred. Wanton and reckless behavior amongst the youths, here (most especially those of Bamessing, Bamunka, Babungo and Bangolans known notorious for wild sexual habits and uncontrollable canal emotions) is the sole cause of the predominance and prevalence of the disease in Ngoketunjia. Inadequate sensitization and awareness stands out as one of the responsible factors for the arithmetic progressive infection in the Division. In addition, the fact that her only income generating crop is rice with broken, sandy soils (Ndop Rice) which can not provide them the much needed income for livelihood pushes them most especially women into prostitution. The shortage and the “black practice” of rigid attribution of Anti-retroviral (administered to over 2000 cases weekly), allocated to patients by government free of charge almost pushing them to strike early this year 2013 are indicators of the fact that Ngoketunjia Division embodies and harbors a good number of HIV\AIDS cases not defined since cases are recorded on weekly bases. As basic information and clarion call, we of the Media House World Echoes Newspaper Group Cameroon pathetic about the situation, “Knowing that HIV\AIDS is not a fatality, the public can avoid it by adapting to the best new found behavior of abstinence, the use of condoms, testing and screening always to know ones status enhances responsible habits. A body free of HIV\AIDS in itself promotes and invites sustainable development because health is wealth and wealth means progress, prospects and achievement which is equal to rapid development and growth as we look forward on scientist to come up with a vaccines in a date not yet known. “A secured live worth more than the excesses of its misadventures, obviously fatal you know” Tamukong Roland Angong

Thursday, June 13, 2013

LISAC –partners with outreach

Progress report on LISAC’s activities in Cameroon amongst the indigenous groups has been feel by the World Outreach whose ministry whose objectives are to bring hope and Christ’s love to humanity through community development projects like water, women’s rights, gender equality, education, health and many other areas that works to give human being a better living condition in which love will lead is their main goal. Through a press briefing the Executive Director for LISAC Cameroon, David Mifang told journalists that his organization has been doing a lot to inform and educate Cameroonians and government as whole to ensure that the rural people benefit more from state resources as they suffers a daily tsunami in their living and are those whose hopes have been damaged as they are not being cared for even through government representatives within areas and still reports nothing back to state and or the urban people for proper understanding of the critical problems they face each day; what are the real problems of the rural woman, rural girl, and their living conditions. Society should not politicize all human endeavors, this is not correct. We should corroborate and build positive human relations, healthy in all areas of live which this will promote good will. I use this medium to call un responsible Cameroonians both at home and in diasporas to look behind and help those rural indigenous communities that are seeing themselves as being a mistake on earth for their troubles and cries are not being heard at all. These Cameroonians should know that giving is sharing in the blessings that comes from above and satisfies the heart and the spirit. We all have been given responsibilities which we most respond to if we want satisfaction in our spirit and heart, this call to rescue humanity most and should be obeyed. Today you see these International representatives from World Outreach; they have heard about our work and have come to see for themselves and today we have just signed a new partnership deal with them for the continues good work in helping rural communities live a better live and to fine grace in the sight of God. We trust that we will work continuously with all partners and the rural man through prayers and devotions we will attain our objectives for the collectively benefit of all. Let government know that the rural people need lots of supports, she should help in roods, health centers, not only schools where rural parents will employ teachers with nothing, how will a teacher perform that honorable duty without a pay? Government should give schools and also send teachers to such areas and not put more burdens on rural indigenous families who are those most deprived.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

After CPDM Undisputed Victory in North West; Achidi Pleads Fru Ndi’s Case & others into Senate *Fon Teche or Chafah in!, Lawyer Amongst? *Achidi President of Senate, *Stage Set for another Great Humiliation *Prof Agbor\Fadil Next PM

Pa Akamancho Emeritus Ex-Prime Minister Simon Achidi Achu Meeting with the President of the Republic HE President Paul Biya and the Chief of cabinet Belinga Eboutu at the White house, on the 18th April 2013 after CPDM’s overwhelming and crushing victory in the North West Region, as sources closely linked to the Presidency holds. Pa Achidi Achu on the occasion of the invitation, accompanied by Fon Teche Nji of Ngemouwa village, pleaded the case of Fru Ndi now popularly known as “John Ntarikon” to be appointed and two others from the college of North West Fons and battery of Lawyers. Pa on the occasion is equally confirmed to have pleaded and stressed on the need of his involvement into Senate matters of this country to show love for ones brother. Politics for once in Cameroon is taking a different twist; it is no long a platform for a tooth for tat or battle for revenge, but one now for collective agreement and understanding for the betterment of its citizen. Cameroon going through all the odds of the 90s, and sequential chaos engineered or excited by gullible interest in the past are not of fashioned today. For Pa Achidi to be the first to present the Name of some one termed and likened to be his arch enemy proves of the man Achidi not revengeful, after all the accusations, blames and scorns thrown on Pa by the said those early hot days of Politics in Cameroon. Fon Teche Nji of Ngemouwa surely accompanied Pa to be presented or recommend a Fon who should normally be Fon Chafah XI of Bangolan his “Kaduna Maffia Friend” a Fon, very big, instrumental and influential in North West Politics, and amongst Fons who has held and is still holding a key Position amongst Traditional Rulers in Cameroon. Who hails from a Division Ngoketunjia, known to be the bastion of the CPDM in the North West with it’s over all Lord Almighty Fon Doh Gahgwanyi II of blessed memory. Looking at the Division, if one was to give to “Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what is of God” Babessi Sub-Division in Ngoketunjia is supposed to have one of its illustrious to be appointed. This is because; Bambalang already has a Chief of Cabinet, Ghogomo Paul, Balikumbat, a Senator and Parliamentarian, Dingha Ignatius and Bnami Emmaneul, Ndop a Parliamentarian, a Registrar and the alternate Njingum Musa, Prof Karl Bufung and chenyui Theresia. Baba village boasts of Moh Sylvester the Director general of treasuries in Cameroon, so it is indisputable that, this time is Babessi’s turn and Fon Chafah for the Fons is likely the best option, not Fon Teche Nji who is the President General of NOWEFU or Fon Aneng Francis who is a Poli-bureau members or Fon Angwafor II of Mankon who is the first Vice National Chairman of the party. For Lawyers on the reserve bench which it’s Bar Council President Sama Francis started lobbying for, in the North West, Barrister Kemende Henry, Ben Suh Nfor, Paddy Young and other close aids of the Bar President stand pronounce amongst names if that sector will be considered stand probability of being appointed. One thing is certain the case of Fru Ndi entering Senate or being appointed is Final, for with the voice of Right Honorable Simon Achidi Achu and that of other Cameroonians, John Fru NDI is Life into Senate without any contradiction. “You do good, you put for your kwa, you do bad, you put for your kwa” retributive justice! Says Achidi…….Who is heading for the Presidency of the Senate. Once appointed and of North West Origin it is absolutely clear and obvious that a Nordist, Fadil Bayerou, or a South Westerner, Prof Agbor Tabi will take over PM Ship from the present North West Yang Philemon.

Friday, March 29, 2013


Our concept of leadership development is shaped by our definition of a leader. Contrary to popular perception, a leader is not just the one at the top of the organization chart. Anyone who has the ability to influence how others think, feel and act can exercise a form of leadership. Anyone who is calling others to follow them as they follow Jesus is a leader. A recurring appeal from those within the Future Leadership Issue Group who work with children and youth was to recognize the leadership potential of these younger members of the Body of Christ — not just as future leaders of the Church, but as those with present potential to influence their classmates, their peers, and even those older than themselves to follow Christ. In many parts of the Body of Christ, women too have been overlooked in terms of their potential to exercise influence in moving groups of people toward God’s purposes, whether in the context of their families, or the church, or their community, or in Christian organizations. Because of these limited concepts of leadership, much of the leadership training that is provided is available only for adult men. Christian education provided to children and youth generally does not encourage them to think of themselves as those who can exercise spiritual influence and lead others. There are relatively fewer opportunities available to women than to men, especially in some regions of the world, to develop fully their God-given capacities or to exercise their God-given responsibilities to participate in the Great Commission. Often Christian leadership is considered only in relationship to the local church, whether the focus is on house churches, cell churches, or more traditional expressions of congregational life and pastoral duties. Leadership training and development has focused on developing skills for Bible teaching, counselling, small group leadership, and other “pastoral” functions. These areas are essential. However, less attention has been given to the Christian leader whose role involves administering the complexities of a larger Christian organization, whether as pastor of a multi-staff church, or director of a mission, or executive within a denomination, or principal of a Bible college, or president of a Christian development organization. Even less focus has been given to those whose role as Christian leader resembles that of Lydia, the business owner, or Nehemiah, the general contractor for a large urban redevelopment project, or Luke, the medical missionary with research and writing gifts, or Daniel, the scholar/administrator in government service. When the term “Christian leader” is understood only in terms of the church gathered for worship, rather than the church scattered in the marketplace, or primarily in terms of the local congregation rather than including the work of parachurch organizations, or only in terms of adult males rather than women and young people as well, then the task of leadership development will have a much narrower focus. When we remember that the task is that the whole church take the whole gospel to the whole world, and when we consider the great variety of gifts, capacities, responsibilities and opportunities given to the entire Body of Christ, then the possibilities for equipping and mobilizing people for ministries of influencing and leading multiply enormously. That is why we see the need to catalyze a “global movement” of developing Christ-like leaders. Five types of leaders: Expanding spheres of influence Since leadership is a process of influence, it is useful to employ a classification of leadership based not on formal job titles, or on levels of education, but on breadth of sphere of influence. The following classification for Christian leaders is adapted from a chapter by Dr. Edgar Elliston in Missiological Education for the 21st Century (Orbis, 1996). Even though the primary reference of this classification is to leaders in the church, it has broader application as well. Type 1 Leaders (Small Group Leaders) are leaders of small groups. These would include house church and cell group leaders, heads of families, Sunday School teachers, and others who have direct, face-to-face influence in guiding and encouraging a limited number of people. They would normally be unpaid, volunteer lay workers. Type 2 Leaders (Self-supporting Local Supervisors) are volunteer workers who supervise other volunteer workers in their own local area. Their influence is multiplied because they are encouraging and equipping others who are also leading, but their sphere of influence is still limited because of their other regular employment, and because of their focus on their own locality. In some cases these could be volunteer workers overseeing a ministry in a local church, or they could be an unpaid or very nominally paid pastor of a smaller congregation that consists of several home groups. This category could include self-supporting or “tent-making” pastors and missionaries, as well as volunteer supervisors of a number of house churches. Type 3 Leaders (Full-time Local Leaders) are leaders who are devoting most if not all of their time to the work of Christian leadership. These would include local church pastors, church-planters and missionaries, whether they devote all their time to one congregation, or to a circuit of several congregations in the same general locality. Some may be bi-vocational workers, but in such cases their Christian service would still be equivalent to a full-time job. Like the Type 2 leaders, they are also overseeing volunteer leaders, but their influence is broader because they have more time to devote to their task. Yet their focus is still limited to a particular locality. Type 4 Leaders (Regional Leaders) are leaders whose influence is felt within a region. They may be leaders of several mission teams, or the district supervisor of a number of full-time church workers, or the principal of a small Bible college that serves a particular state. Their ministry is generally indirect, in that they work with and through the local leaders who have the primary face-to-face contact with the people. The ministry of the regional leaders is generally in the vernacular, but they will also interface with national leaders, primarily within their own group or denomination. They may also have influence through their writing, but it is limited to their own region or local language. Type 5 Leaders (National Leaders) are leaders who have influence throughout the entire country, or internationally. They may be leaders of denominations, or national missions or Christian organizations, or training institutions that draw their students from the entire country. They may exercise influence through policy-making, writing, mass media, or speaking at national conferences, in addition to their personal influence on coworkers who have broad responsibilities themselves. Leaders of Type 4 and Type 5 may or may not be involved in Christian ministry full-time, but their influence clearly extends well beyond their own locality. All five types of leaders are crucially important for the growth and development of the church. The strength, health and speed of expansion of the church will depend largely on what have become the core values of Type 1 and 2 leaders. They are the ones who have the most direct and personal influence on the greatest number of believers. Their passions and priorities will establish the tone for the groups they lead, and will establish the base line for the whole movement. Do they honour the word of God? Are they servant-hearted, holy, sacrificial, compassionate and prayerful? Do they believe in the necessity of evangelism? Are they free to exercise their gifts and to innovate? Do they encourage others to join them in ministry as brothers and sisters and as fellow-members of the Body? Type 2 and 3 leaders are the key to rapid multiplication, since their influence is direct and personal, yet they are also investing themselves in other leaders. As they serve effectively, and reproduce other leaders, their impact will lead to multiplication rather than merely addition. Type 4 and 5 leaders are critical to keeping the movement on course and well resourced. They are in the best position to think strategically and to see new opportunities. When we look at any nation as a whole, it is evident that by far the largest number of leaders needed is Type 1 leaders and the smallest number are Type 5 leaders. When we look at approaches to leadership development, we need to consider the varying needs for each of the five types of leaders, but also the different spheres in which they exercise their influence, whether primarily in the church, or in a Christian organization, or in the marketplace. Contact: LISAC- Cameroon. Cow Street Nkewn Bamenda Phone: (00237) 7920-4667 or 33 160999 Email:mifangus2002@yahoo.com

Wanted Uently!

Public Notice, Who so ever Knows the Where about of Findong Clive Tekoh or can give information leading to his arrest, is requested to contact the District Police of Nkwen urgently, a handsome reward shall be the cost. He is wanted for questioning on account of spreading the secessionist ideology of the Southern Cameroons National Council for a separate sovereign state of Southern Cameroon, which is illegal in the Republic of Cameroon.

Mayor Rebukes Anti Development Bafut Elite

Mayor Langsi Abel Ngwasuh, Mayor Bafut Council who doubles as chairman of the management committee of the Bafut District Hospital has rebuked Some Bafut elite over what he termed backstabbing and anti Development aiming to negatively pant his tenure dubious. The condemnation was voiced on February 12, 2013 on the occasion of the inauguration of the maternity building and reception of medical equipments and furniture for the Bafut District Hospital. The inaugurations and reception of the medical equipment included the reception of a new bridge leading to the government reserved area at Alonji, a block of two class rooms equipped with benches and teacher’s table, a cupboards a toilet and water point at GSS Agyati. The project has been realized in partnership with the National Community Driven Program PNDP. Speaking to clear the air on the accusation of the inauguration of the sponsored project by the council and funding body, to some of the elites, Mayor Langsi Abel Ngwasuh told them that while in his partnership mission with the Langsing city council in Michigan USA which has friendly ties with the Bafut council, stories speculated he was given a caterpillar meant for the Bafut Manjong Development Project. The caterpillar, he went on was hidden by him, the Fon of Bafut HRH Abumbi II and the president of Bafut Manjong Development union Fusi Namumkong. He went on and elaborated that, he the Fon and the president of the Manjong Bafut union hid it some where and were collecting money form the population to later bring out the caterpillar for selfish reasons. The Mayor wanted those enemies of progress to continue gnashing their teeth in anger and frustration while the train of Development moves on. Confusion he said brings down the development effort of some Bafut elite to the detriment of the needing population. On development train, the Mayor, Langsi Abel used the occasion and thanked the members of “Achamboo “for their developmental effort. The members have donated twelve modem medium size wooden beds with mattresses with some facilities costing over 1.200.000FCFA. The group formed in Mbengwi in 1999 by some Bafut elites who worked there, had the vision to mount series of development projects in their council area. The president of the Achamboo social group Tangye Joseph Ambe on his part highlighted that, since health is wealth and so a healthy person is therefore a wealthy person. Reasons why he and his Achamboo members have chosen the health sector to commence their Development assistance. He has advised the elite from their different localities to do all it takes to form associations and develop Bafut to become a modern community. In the chain of speeches presented during the august event, the principal of GSS Agyati chinwi Emmanuel Ngwa while he received the two modem classrooms, water point, toilet and benches appreciated the council through the mayor and his development partners PNDP for the donation. As Oliver Twist, wanting more, he requested for an administrative block to handle administrative matters and a GCE strong room as they pioneers write their GCE in 2015. He used the forum and challenged the community to be aware that, peace and stability can only be achieved in society by upright and responsible citizenship. Responsible citizenship he went on can only be achieved also by being molded, changed, filled and used for the development of society in provided structures. Speaking earlier, the regional delegate for public health for the North West region, Ndiforchu Victor on his part, called on the population of Bafut to be aware that, a maternity with no use will have no impact to it existence. They should make judicious use of the hospital. The RDH promised that, Bafut was the first to receive a maternity in the region with a low maternity cost of only 2000 francs paid for any delivery case in the hospital. No franc will be added for any complicated delivery, He warned. It will be recalled that, a wilderness cry ushered by the population on the dubious extortions of money by staff of the hospital during consultation of delivery or sick cases has come to rest seeing from the faces of the population during the pronouncement of the low cost by the Regional Delegate for public health for the North West, Ndiforchu Victor.


On the 9 of December 2010, President Paul Biya on the occasion of llie commcmorution of the 50 anniversary of our armed forces said, "Ceci ne nous empecherapas, a plus long terme, de prevoir la construction d'un barrage hydro-electrique sur Ie cours de la Menchum.Mais Ie developpement c'est aussi I'accession du plus grand nombre aux sciences et aux techniques. C'est ce quo nous nous sommcs appliques a faire en ouvrant a I'Ecole Normale Superieure Annexe de Ramhili,en Mars 2009,18 departements couvrant autant de disciplines au niveau des lers et des 2emes cycles de I'enseignement superieure. L 'ojfre deformation a I'ENSAB est dvsormais I 'une des p]us importantes au Cameroun .Elle accueille actuellement environ 3500 ctudiants et pourra ulterieurement en recevoir davantage lorsque Ie programme d'extension des infrastructures en cows aura ete mene a bien. Ainsi se trouve deja pose Ie probleme de Sa Transformation en universite de plein droit, jouissant de I'autonomie que sa taille et son role justificnt pleinement. That is 'why I am pleased to announce to you that I have decided to create the University of Bamenda!" By decree No 2010/3:72 of 14th December 2010,President Paul Biya rendered his declaration Concrete by creating the University of Bamenda. On October 1st 2011 the Pro Chancellor and Vice Chancellor were appointed and on the 3rd of October 2011, they were installed in Bambili by the Chancellor of Academic Orders, Prof Jacque Fame Ndongo. This was in the Presence of a cross section of North West elite, those who lobbied for this University and who had that responsibility of making it grow. This was the realization of the CCAST Complex Vision that the fathers of this nation in the likes of Pa John Ngu Foncha had. Naming and Locating Like other state universities, UBa needed both a physical and an intellectual setting. A close look at these Universities will tell us that they came as a result of the transformation of some existing educational institutions. University of Ngaoundere—Food Technology School (ENSIAC) University of Buea—School of Translation and Interpretation (ASTI) University of Douala—Higher Technical Teachers Training College (ENSET) University of Dcshang— School of Agronomy (ENSA) ENS and ENSET Bambili therefore served as pillars of the University of Bamenda. The vision of UBa is "to be a leading national institution of higher learning geared towards meeting present and future development challenges through efficient teaching, research and sterling innovation". The challenge is now ours, as citizens of this nation, to build the school and help the officials of UBa keep the vision alive. That a university of this caliber (six faculties and five schools) can operate on a single campus, is an intellectual farce given the resources we have. On the basis of this, some political elite and traditional rulers from the North West Region, began speculating, Suggesting and lobbying for the placements of faculties, schools or offices in ''x" or "y" Locality for purely economic and/or political motives; Aware of all these, ProfJacque Fame Ndongo in a letter to the Vice Chancellor dated 18th April 2012 writes "I kindly wish to draw your attention to the fact that the inhabitants of Bamenda have to feel the presence of the University in their region although there is no argument with the seat of the said university, it is practically impossible for its structures and Establishments to be located entirely on its current site". Discord; On the 8th of January 2013, the SDO of Mezam published prefectoral order No 03PO/E29/712/S2 setting up a site board commission for the selection of a parcel of land for the construction of the chancellery and residence of the vice chancellor of UBa in Bamendankwe, considering letter No 012/1614/UBa/VC/Cab/nyf of 11th December 2012 from the vice Chancellor ofUBa. Few days later, in his meet the people tour in Tubah Suh-Division, the SDO met with fierce arguments and protests against the attempts of the Vice Chancellor to move the seat of UBa out of Dambili-Tubah Sub Division. On the 21st of January 2013,the youths of Tubah staged a public demonstration in llambili where they handed a memorandum through the DO of Tubah to the Head of State in which they questioned "why the 112 Hectares of land reserved by our forefathers in pre independent Cameroon for the development of higher education in the then Anglophone Cameroon has been ignored by ProfTafah Edokat" They assert, "we the youth of Tubah, -are not against decentralization -are against the decentralization of what is not yet built -are pleading that the reserved land be used before the tentacles of UBa begin to spread -are requesting that politicians of North West desist from tearing this new bom baby apart". The meeting of 6th February summoned by the SDO of Mezam: In attendance were all the Fons of Tubah (Bambui, Kedjom Keku, Kedjom Ketingoh, Bambili). From Bamenda 1,2 and3 were the Fons of Mankon,Bamendankwe,Nkwen,Nsongwa,Banja and Mbatu-Thefons and elite of Tubah held the SDO responsible for the tussle because during his tour, he disclaimed the order, on grounds that it was done by his predecessor and that he was going to annul it, but later stood as the architect. The Fons of Nkwcn, Bamendankwe, Nsongwa and Banja stood for the implantation of the seat of UBa in Bambili. Some elite from Mankon argued that the university was named Bamenda and that it should be in Bamenda and nowhere else. The Vice Chancellor on his part argued that the 112 Hectares of land in Bambili-Tubah was earmarked for some schools of the University. "What Comes first the Chancellery or the schools? This is putting the cart before the horse. Where is the master plan that the government spent more than 200million to produce under the University of Yaounde 1 with Prof Dorothy Njeuma as Rector?" Tubah Fons questioned. The SDO at the end advised the population through the Fons, to stay calm and that he was going to channel the hearings to the appropriate quarters for action. What Next? Tubah fons and elite gave the SDO's declarations, serious doubts. They have since then been Collecting signatures for a memo to the Head of State, that the SDO of Mezam and the Vice Chancellor want to parcel and auction UBa to bidders and that they (the Fons and their Subjects) are for the maintenance of the seat of UBa in Bambili-Tubah. They equally wish to mobilize funds for the renovation of underused government structures in Tubah for the benefit of UBa. Fortunately enough, the time ultimatum and instructions from the Head of State through the Minister of Higher Education ordering the Vice Chancellor to declare to the Press that no Chancellery is moving to any where and that most of the Faculties will remain in Tubah, brought the population new found glory in the Party. As such motivated the youths and the entire Tubah Population to take the street on Saturday in thanks giving March to President Paul Biya declaring their unalloyed and unflinching support. Promising to take back the constituency Mezam V from the hands of the SDF held captive for over 11 years now. The great question now is who is the winner or the looser? as the struggle continues, an uneasy calm plays host within the University

Memo to Biya, after thank You March by Tubah

We the youths of Tubah Sub-Division did welcome the creation of the University which you declared on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of our National Defense force here in Bamenda. Your Excellency, our President, this University took off smoothly with its cradle being the advanced Teachers’ Training college in Bambili Tubah Sub-Division. Your Excellency you appointed, with your normal clairvoyance Prof Tafah Edokat to Head the Institution. We have realized with great dismay and disappointment that Prof Tafah might sail your smooth ship to wreckage. -since his appointment, Prof Tafah,has been recruiting auxiliary staff based on tribal lines. The University is for all Cameroonians, but his recruitments are for Oshie natives first. –the land that our fore fathers reserved in Pre-independence Cameroon for the development of higher Education in the then Anglophone Cameroon has been ignored by Prof Tafah.-He has discouraged University staff from taking residence in Tubah on the premise that the University is “passing” in Bambili Tubah Sub-Division.-There are attempts by Prof Tafah Edokat to forcefully claim land that houses the Bamenda cattle market for the construction of the Vice-Chancellor’s Office and residence.-Prof Tafah last Friday 18 January 2013 organized an out of campus graduation ceremony in the Bamenda Congress Hall which unlike the school hall could not accommodate the population leading to serious health accidents. –Your Excellency we the youths of Tubah, - Are not against the decentralization of the University of Bamenda, -are against the decentralization of what is not yet built, -Are pleading that the reserved land be used before the tentacles of the University begins to spread,- are requesting that the Politicians of the North West Regions desist from tearing this new born baby apart,-are promising maximum cooperation to the Head of State as you drive Cameroon towards emergence in 2035,- are wishing you, our Head of State more wisdom and clairvoyance so that you may be able to keep away all those who are not helping you to attain your objectives. God Bless you our President, signed, Ashaga George, Ndikum PETER, Afinui Edwin, Asongwe Emmanuel, Bekeni Paul Chi, Sonbong Martin, Awemo Augustine, Awah Richard, Mbosi Divine, Munjo Thomas, and Tamukum Princewill.

VC Debunks Fake Rumor of UBa Chancellery “Mov’t”

This was at a Press Briefing holding at the University of Bamenda’s Auditorium on the 20th Day of February 2013 where Prof Tafah Edward Edokat, declared that contrary to the fake rumor and allegations backed by the 8th of January Prefectoral order signed by the SDO Mezam Nguelle Ngelle Felix, and letter requesting the signing of the order of 11 December 2012, No 012\1614\UBa\VC\Cab\nyf, requesting the putting in place of a commission to carry out feasibility studies up at Bamendankwe where the Chancellery and the Residence of the V-Chancellor will be built, that I quote “according to a letter instructing me from my Minister, no Chancellery is moving to any where, the seat of the University remains Bambili and is in Bambili. The notion and the issue about the movement of Faculties, is a yes and no one. Faculties shall only move if the allocated land is inadequate, and will not move if the land is sufficient enough. All decision pertaining to decentralization can only be well handled by the Senate and Council of the University”. These are the phrases of Prof Tafah that reignited renewed joy and hope from the People of Tubah who rallied massively at the University of Bamenda for the blessed Press Briefing waiting to hear the contrary, to take the streets immediately after. “Now that the instructions were followed word verbatim from the Presidency of the Republic of Cameroon, through the Minister of Higher Education Prof Jacque Fame Ndongo, by the V-Chancellor, as a good number declared to this Reporter, he becomes our friend only to an extend, a thank you march shall accompany the Head of State’s final resolution resolving UBa crisis and wrangles about the seat and movement of the Chancellery 20 kms away from Tubah”. The sudden twixt our audience will wander, comes from a letter instructing the Vice Chancellor not to attempt moving the movement of the Chancellery further as countless complain has reached the Presidency from the people who suffer directly the predicament of harboring the University and should enjoy it to the fullest. The Press Briefing went does. “I wish to seize this opportunity to thank all of you for responding to our rather short notice for this Press briefing. Permit me also welcome you, especially those who are coming into this campus for the first time, to the precincts of The University of Bamenda—the University of the Future. This Press briefing comes against the backdrop of so many rumours and press information concerning The University of Bamenda in recent times. It is intended to inform the public of what we have been doing since 2011. Since our Installation on October 4th 2011, we have been doing our utmost best to put the University on the rail in strict compliance with the rules and regulations in force. From the then two existing schools, Higher Teachers Training College (HTTC) and Higher Technical Teacher Training College (HTTTC), we have opened four more Schools/Faculties to make a total of six out of eleven Schools/Faculties operational. The four new Schools/Faculties include: -Higher Institute of Commerce and Management –The College of Technology (still in its first year)- The Faculty of Health Sciences; and -The Faculty of Science -In its second year of functioning and with a student enrolment of about 8000 students, the infrastructure on the Bambili Campus has become grossly inadequate to accommodate all the classes. In consequence of the foregone, we decided to move the students of the Faculty of Health Sciences and the College of Technology (COLTECH) to a building in Mile 3 Nkwen which had graciously been offered to the University by Mr. YONG Francis, even before my appointment as Vice Chancellor, to use for a period of three years with possible extension. In these two years we have graduated two batches of students from HTTC and HTTTC. The first Convocation ceremony took place in Bambili but due to the reduction of the land space used for this first convocation as a result of construction works on a new administrative block currently going on, on part of that site, the second convocation took place in the Congress Hall in Bamenda. - The growth of the university requires more land than what is currently available. Given this -situation of insufficient land and in order to be proactive in our bid to secure more land for future structures of the university, and in total respect of government procedure in matters of public land acquisition, we wrote to the Senior Divisional Officer (SDO) of Mezam requesting for the attribution to us of any public land in BAMENDA. As a follow up to the request the SDO signed a Prefectoral Order creating one commission to attribute land in Bamenda I and other similar commissions were created for Bamenda II and III. -It is regrettable that all these actions taken in good faith for the development of The University of Bamenda have been misconstrued and misinterpreted by a few individuals. Fortunately, the SDO of Mezam convened a meeting in which these misinterpretations were clarified. -Since the beginning of this academic year there has been total calm and serenity on campus. Studies and examinations are going on and the final year students of HTTC and HTTTC are out on teaching practice. We wish to congratulate our students and staff for their maturity and sense of purpose despite some difficulties which we are facing. We continue to count on their high sense of responsibility in dealing with University matters. We wish to use this opportunity to once more thank the Regional Administration and through them tile Minister of Higher Education and Government for the continuous support given The university of Bamenda. Thank you for your kind attention”.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Bapesu + Nature, Forest Protection & Apicultural Promotion in Cameroon

BAPESU in Committed Effort Embarks fully on “Kagwene Gorilla Sanctuary Beekeeping and Conservation Pilot Project” Under the rigorous coordination of Christian Tabifor (Project Coordinator) , The Benevolent Association for the Protection of the Environment and the Socially Underprivileged (BAPESU) a very active nongovernmental organisation in Cameroon has been and has made real impacts in the livelihoods of impoverished communities around the Kagwene Gorilla Sanctuary in Cameroon. The Kagwene Gorilla Sanctuary is the very first exclusive cross river gorilla sanctuary in the world created in 2008 by a Prime Ministerial Decree. BAPESU approach for the Protection of the Environment and Biodiversity Conservation does not only target the conservation of the environment, but it seeks to tackle poverty and other causes of environmental degradation. Poverty and Environmental Degradation are inextricably linked together. Poverty remains the main cause and consequence of environmental degradation and resource depletion in Sub Saharan Africa. Without important improvement in the living conditions and livelihoods of the poor especially women, environmental programmes will achieve little or no success. In a pilot project christened “Kagwene Gorilla Sanctuary Beekeeping and Conservation Pilot Project”, BAPESU trained and supported four villages (Amassi, Bantakpa villages in South West Region, Ekaw and Ngwo village in the North West Region) in beekeeping as a way of bringing relief to the people and helping already existing conservation work by Cameroon government through the Ministry Of Forestry And Wildlife (MINFOF) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). The project goals mission is to provide the communities a new alternative stream of income through training and support in beekeeping and in aiding conservation by education linked to beekeeping. Through this pilot work from small beginnings, destitute people are empowered to plan their own pathways out of poverty while at the same time helping in the conservation of gorilla populations in their natural forests habitat. PROJECT OUTCOMES: - 55 destitute people have acquired skills in beekeeping that will help to generate self-reliance or self employment (economic empowerment) thus reducing burden to forest. - Five (5) new beekeepers cooperatives have been created in the respective villages as a result of the project: Amassi Beekeepers Cooperative (ABC), Bantakpa Beekeepers Cooperative (BBC), Ekaw Beekeepers Cooperative (EBC), Ngwo I Beekeepers Cooperative (NBC I) And Ngwo II Beekeepers Cooperative (NBC II). The establishment of 20 beehives on the community land. - The local people have been educated on the importance of conserving great apes: that is its flagship species, the Cross River gorilla and the other mammals, birds and herpetofauna in their natural forest habitat but also they will know that their forest is important for their livelihoods and requires serious attention, sustainable and wise use. There is already a very positive change in attitude with increase in consciousness of the people towards local biodiversity conservation. Beekeeping equipment was donated to the groups that include Kenyan Top Bar Beehives (KTB), beekeeping protective suits, rain boots, hammers, saws, beekeeper’s gloves and beekeeping manuals. Five apiaries have been set up by the respective beekeepers groups. This pilot phase of the project has been realised with funding from the Rufford Small Grants Foundation (RSG). For More information about the project visit the following websites www.bapesu.org www. http://www.ruffordsmallgrants.org/rsg/projects/christian_tabifor_0 Email: info@bapesu.org

End of Road for CPDM; As Fru Ndi Armpits New Fon Gah Nyamyi III oF Balikumbat, Takes CPDM Bigwigs Aback at Fon’s Celebration

Because the pressure that appeared at the ceremonial ground and back in the palace on the occasion of the celebration of the life and the death of his father Doh Gah Gwanyin III was too much load for the young promising Fon to carry. Not being very too use to intrigues, like the father, the expectant crowd surrounding the high officials before the front perch of the Palace where the New Fon stood High jacked by Fru Ndi and his 50 man Delegation expressed fear and sympathy for the new Fon who could neither move, nor reject or dare walk away from Fru Ndi, was subjected to keep his fellow colleagues the Fons , the Central committee Delegation, the Administration and CPDM Bigwigs here waiting for over 50 minute while he attended to Almighty John Ntarikon and SDF Officials. Hear Fru Ndi “it is unfortunate that I was not given room to speak, for fear that I would hammer on many issues affecting the Region, like the issue of gun firing which has been stopped, the act is a complete bridge of North West Culture and tradition. I came because you personally invited me, let those your CPDM people not think that this is a one party affair, we are here to celebrate the life and death of your father, and would have loved to seek reconciliation with the Palace and grant you all the blessing and support it takes to accompany you in your daunting task reasons why I came with this population to show the Balikumbat People how much we have them at heart”. From these carrying messages from the National Chairman of the Social Democratic Front, Fon Doh Gah Nyamyi III held at spell bound accompanied Fru Ndi to the reception Ground and kept him company until he left before attending to the rest, watched most especially with disdainful eyes by the so called CPDM Bigwig elite frowning at the humiliation to the happiness of Barrister Kemende, Sidiki and Dr Lecigah who scored the shot and stole the show from the CPDM with high expectations. . This is a placid and a vivid indication of the fact that the Fon, dough of the regime and born of CPDM is contemplating fusing in some SDF blood in and amongst his people. The occasion was some sort of a ceremony where power, might, strength and influence were measured for it was a ceremony for SDF bigwigs like Barrister Kemende, Sidiki and Dr Lecigah to through Fru Ndi’s presence make Balikumbat people know that Fon Doh’s death marks the end of CPDM dominance and tyranny rule. Reasons why Hon Njong Evaristerus told off and ridiculed his colleague able Parliamentarian of the CPDM Balikumbat special Constituency Hon Banmi who attempted addressing his National chair without any respect. SDF militants left the scene shoulders high as the presence of the National Chairman high jacked the death celebration of Fon Doh from start to end to the annoyance of CPDM Big guns who are even charged for poor organization of the ceremony. Hear some Fons at the occasion “with this kind of Fru Ndi’s influence, we fear what our new Fon will subsequently be subjected to. The pressure from what we are noticing here will be too much for him to bear, but we are always there to advise him”. Other schools or shade of pinion holds that the CPDM is deeply enshrine in the strings and arteries of the Balikumbat people, so it will be difficult for Fru Ndi to Dismantle what Fon Doh had put together before dying. SDF die hearts hold since the people pay too much loyalty and allegiance to their Fon, where he belongs automatically carry the people to, so their first target is the Fon, which is already yielding fruits and next will be the people. Generally the celebration enters deep the annals of Cameroon’s Political and Traditional History as one regrouping almost all Fons of the North West Region, a personal representative of the Head of State and the National Chairman of the Social Democratic Front Ni John Fru Ndi.

Mbombo Abel Chenyi our Model Mayor of the Month

Barely two Months on top of the Ndop Council seat, Mbombo Abel the Interim Mayor for the Ndop Council at almost stagnation point, has been able to put her back on her heels, and gradually through steady means the Council is flying back to the apex as was the case in the glorious days of Mayor, Tabali Bernard and Saanchong Richard. It should be recalled and not to the surprise of many that this financial expert and chartered Accountant by profession born of trainings in Britain and the united state of America loaded with skills from banking and finance would give just the best and is making news, history in council management all over the Region. This is through the logical and transparent practical and why not the most flexible management style instituted through daily accountable tendencies and the realistic flow of transactions backed by dialogue and understanding. It is only given to few who are blessed abundantly by Divine Grace to make and mare at their discretion. Mayor Mbombo Abel is a self made and established man of faith even before appointment as Mayor imbued with unique qualities to always exact and achieve. Entrusting his entire and whole life to the church, the good Lord that he serves, has never spared any given opportunity to always and keep blessing him with God’s endless abundance and finalities thus enabling him to keep swimming in the alorious milk of Divine Domination to the envy and chagrin of many. God’s endless mercies to his life lift him up above all natural circumstances and predicaments. This did not come by chance, but by his interconnected interaction and transaction with the ever good Lord Almighty that we all serve. Making absolute use of his precious time, Mayor Mbombo grew up to always make, invent, create and build according to Divine tendency. So much cherishable about him, is the forgiving heart he posses, the ever shouting smile he projects from his ever welcoming look and because of these, countless praises are always directed to him on daily bases from the good handy God fearing works that comes from his Gracious hands.. with God by and with Mayor Mbombo, hopes are assured to infinity, that Ndop Council is on the right track, moving on a salient course to move mountains at every second or minute. This is reflected exemplary in the clean and the most organized way he handled this year’s Divisional Agic Pastoral show in his constituency. This first open door exercise and the Council budgetary session managed smoothly with out any flaws or setback, oks the fact that Mayor Mbombo has a messianic mission for Ndop Council and with God in all he thinks, do or say the council shall surely be swimming in the endless gratis of the Lord Almighty. May God bless Ndop Council, her Mayor, its workers and the public they serve with the fear of the Lord.