Monday, June 22, 2020


Rev. Ikpeamachukwu Ebubenso
This is to let the general public know that the libel against the various associations by the apostolic administrator of Buea Diocese were all lies. The social media document flying around was the hand work of the mischievous makers of evil to bring and tarnish our reputation before the general public. Character defamation is not accepted anywhere in the law be it civil nor canonical.
First and foremost the various associations were duly established, founded and decreed by an ecclesiastical competent authority in accordance with the 1983 Code of Canon law. The associations passed through the normal processes before establishment. 
All the ordained clerics were validly ordained by ecclesiastical validly ordained Roman Catholic bishops in full communion with the Church of Rome.
This is to let the general public know that these various associations were founded in Buea Diocese and not in Nigeria. Ipso facto, they are Buea Diocesan associations in accordance with the decree of their erections. 
We are highly disappointed that none of us was consulted and heard from. The only thing we saw was a letter of suspension trending on social media against the good names of our persons. Bishop Bibi if your image is tarnish on social media how will you feel? When has the church started using the social media as a means of communicating clerics in the church or don’t you respect the substance of the ordination character in the church?
It is pertinent to note that some of the priests of Buea Diocese never wanted to see us saying that we have foreign background as if the apostolic nuncio to Cameroon does not have foreign background here in Cameroon.
It is quit unfortunate that the apostolic administrator does not know the difference between private associations of Christ’s lay faithful with the intention of becoming a religious institute and institutes of consecrated life.
This is to let the general public know that we are not institutes of consecrated life but PRIVATE ASSOCIATION OF CHRIST’S LAY FAITHFUL” with the intention of becoming religious institutes in accordance with the common norms of Canons 298-329. This is contrary to his claim of misapplying the canons on us as it was quoted out of context referring to us as institutes of consecrated life quoting Canon 573-730. He made this grave mistake because he never came to us to study our norms and status before carrying out a rash judgment on the associations.
The letter bears false information that the Nigerian Episcopal Conference raised concerned about us and about the status of these congregations is a pure lie before God and man. Bishop Bibi did you actually studied canon law? How can bishops of other ecclesiastical jurisdiction raise concern about associations that were not founded in their jurisdiction? Can you as a bishop go to Kumba, Kumbo or Mamfe that is not your area of jurisdiction to give an order? Open your canon law and stop been arrogant because pride goes before a fall. This is to let the general public know that the associations have no single problem with the Nigerian Episcopal Conference. That after the ordinations of their members they were fully received and welcomed by their various dioceses and parishes. Bishop Bibi can you present us with a document against us that the Nigerian episcopal conference gave you as a person or were you acting on hearsay? You have been going to the nuncio to lie against Nigerians. Do not worry continue in your vendetta mission against the divine projects of God. This is emperor Bibi’s persecution of Christ’s body. The early Christians suffered it. But remember that the Holy See is an objective unbiased umpire unlike you who is a subjective vindictive, trojonic biased umpire. Instead of you to face the allegations of financial crimes of diverting Buea Diocesan funds to your private account in the Bank of America. You are rather using your said letter to divert the attention of gullible and unsuspecting catholic faithful in the diocese of Buea and the world at large. Why are the priests of Buea and your so called advisers suffering from inferiority complex? We hereby call on the church to carry out forensic studies on your financial crimes. This is exactly why you are fighting CUIB not that you have a genuine intentions towards them and that is why they are resisting you.
You violated Can. 220 which says “No one is permitted to harm illegitimately the good reputation which a person possesses nor to injure the right of any person to protect his or her own privacy”. But you violated it to cover your crimes and face. King Nebuchadnezzar started like you and you knew how he ended. Do you have reasons of suspending the associations? However, you are to be punished for tarnishing our images in accordance with Can. 1369 which says “A person who in a public show or speech, in published writing, or in other uses of the instruments of social communication utters blasphemy, gravely injures good morals, expresses insults, or excites hatred or contempt against religion or the Church is to be punished with a just penalty”. Bishop Bibi when you published your suspension on social media what do you intend to achieve? What joy do you derive? What would you have done if you are to be Christ standing before the woman caught in adultery? You would have condemned her right away. You preach mercy but do you preach mercy?
You said that their formation was doubtful. Yet among these associations you suspended they have canon lawyers, systematic and moral theologians duly licensed by Urban University Rome which Buea Diocese as a whole does not have. Some of them are working in different part of the world. Why suffering from inferiority complex? 
What we have seen in your administration is a vendetta against your predecessor and the associations in Buea Diocese. Why can’t Pope Francis revoke all that Pope Benedict erected in the universal church before his retirement? What makes you think that your own decisions are right and your predecessor’s decisions wrong? What landmark achievements can you boast of apart from vendetta against everyone? This idea of trying to use the Nigerian clerics from these associations to diffuse the tensions your highhandedness have generated in Buea Diocese is not acceptable.
How can a bishop and his vicar general be ambassadors of xenophobia in the Roman Catholic Church of Christ? Today, the world is rising up against racism. What does it profit you to take the church of Christ back to anarchy and doom with your xenophobic pronouncement talking bad about the same sacrament you are carrying? Do you really understand the substance of Holy Orders? The bishop Bushu that you are fighting today was your rector in the seminary. What would have been your fate assuming he got you expelled from the seminary? 
You are barely six months in Buea Diocese as an apostolic administrator and you are picking quarrels left right and center with almost everybody. The office of the bishop has actually been debased by your actions.
NB: Any further defamation of our persons again on the social media by you we will commence a canonical and a civil suit against you. All of us have right to good names so be careful and do not take us for granted as we are respecting you are obliged by both civil and canonical laws to respect us also. Pray and seek the face of God before embarking on a vendetta mission against the children of God. Know it that we have spoken with some other church hierarchies other than you.
Dear WhatsApp Bishop Let God be your judge.
Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer.
Prefect of the Congregation for the doctrine of the Faith.
Cardinal Marc Armand Oullet P.S.S.
prefect of the Congregation of Bishops.
Cardinal Beniamino Stella
prefect of the congregation of the Clergy.
Mgr. Julio Murat, Apostolic Nuncio to Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea.
Archbishop Antonio Guido Filipazzi, the Apostolic Nuncio to Nigeria.
Nigerian Episcopal Conference.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Whistle Blowing against Doctors Making Diabolic Gains Out of Corona Virus: "COVID-19 is Real, Stop All BLACK MARKET VENTURES IN THE BUSINESS"

Whistle Blowing against Doctors Making Diabolic Gains Out of Corona Virus:
-COVID-19 and the Mafia there in, who is gaining what? Stigmatizing all death Cases to CORONA

-Sick population now running away from hospitals for fear of being stigmatized.,
Some if not all death Cases these days are linked to COVID-19 in Cameroon and this is seriously calling for great concern. As the embarrassed population every hour keep hearing that "every BIG MAN who just died is a COVID-19 positive case", from all indications, there must be a serious business going on in and around health personnels and officials of this sector, not leaving out it's Minister Manaouda Malaichi.
Tempers keep flairing and rising daily as love ones around the country, victims of the sad situation, are denied the reserved rights to give their fellow death ones a befeating burial.
As we report, there are a cross section of Cameroonians who are victims to the beheast burial of their love ones who are planning court suits or case against not only the Ministry of health, it's Minister, Doctors and personnels (the case of the National human rights Director in Cameroon speaks volume, whose family is finalizing it's court charges against the state).
At press time, Lawyers are equally teaming up after what just happened to one of them in Yaounde that is Battonnier  Barrister emeritus Sama Francis Asaga and was hurriedly burried like "a fowl" in Soa at Fru Ndi's compound after serious pressure on the authorities that be.
The situation, I must emphasis has lost control and has now been transformed into a viscious circle where expliots and declarations are been made for possibly personal gains, hear the aggrieved "it must not be Business all the time in Cameroon".
The world is now moving to something else and the medical Corp is certainly up to something. A series of WHYs has now caused a cross section of the population to lost hope and trust going to the hospital for check up or treatment for fear that the stigma of COVID-19 may be placed on them.
Hear them "how do you explain that other cases go with the virus and they are treated, but every rich man with all the means goes and dies. There is certainly a game going on and why not great mystery associated to most of these sudden deaths. Why is it that, most of the death Cases are men, well to do for that matter. Let it not also be that "NYONGO" has devised a faster way of clearing it's cult members or customers taking cover behind COVID-19".
It is unfortunate, but there are so many unanswered questions about what MAFIAH is really going on. That is why right thinking minds do not want to believe some individuals are taking advantage of CORONA virus to carry out diabolic activities.
It is on this note that the Population is woeing the Head of State President Paul Biya to probe into the matter before it escalates to something else. There's something fishy going on and should not help additionally to discredit the system or spark another problem for the government bigger than the Anglophone separation war or crisis that has left several deaths, material lost and (100,000s) hundred of thousand people displaced.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Death Hits Cameroon Bar, the SDF

Death Hits Cameroon Bar, the SDF
One of Cameroon's finest, refine Lawyer and Social Democratic Front Advocate has just fallen according to news circulating on social Media. Sources close to his office and family are still to officially confirm his death.
Should it be he is truely "gone" whether too soon or late, it is a great lost to the legal family in Cameroon and the Social Democratic Front Party ((SDF) in particular. Where he holds dual functions as it's legal adviser and member of her National advisory council (NAC).
Batonnier, Barrister emeritus Sama Francis who hails from Fru Ndi's Baba II village in Santa, will be remembered for the records he left while at the helm of the Cameroon Bar Council. His sejourn at the Helm of the Bar reinstated Lawyers dignity in Cameroon and helped greatly to revive, revalm and reanimated the then dormant Lawyer's Association. 
Barrister Sama as he is funly called Passes on With Hon. Mbah Ndam yet unburied. What mayhem for Fru Ndi's loyalists!
Who will now be advising Fru Ndi? Who is next in line? What caused his death? What is going wrong in the SDF? Will Fru Ndi be forced to come home for their burrial at the mercy of COVID-19 and Amba Separatist Fighters? Only God will tell.

NB: Press Stop; News in as we pen the sad news of Sama's demise. Pamol's DGM chief Asanga Aloysius Akon drops death 

Pastor Warah & RAMAH Champion Crusade Against COVID-19 in Bda

Pastor Warah & the RAMAH Christian Centre Storm Food Market Bda after Tippers Park;
-This Time with COVID-19 Combat Kits,
-Which Falls within the Frame Work of Ramah's Humanitarian Program.

Rev. Pastor Warah Solomon and the RAMAH Christian Centre Family, yesterday Friday 5th, 2020 reached out to thousands (1000s) of vendors and buyers at the Bamenda Food Market after storming the Tippers Park with a similar exercise two days ago.
This time, he donated life saving kits to combat COVID-19 and to contain the pandemic.
The Marshal plan according to the Man of God, falls within the frame work of the Church's cooperate and social Humanitarian responsibility to assist, come to the aid of it's folks in great time of need and emergency.
The COVID-19 preventive kits comprised of hand wash adapted buckets, face masks, liquid soaps, hand sanitizers, plus blessed, annoited bags of salt and packets of Maggie.

The public apparition of the RAMAH Christian Centre and it's most venerated and celeberated Pastor (Warah) at this crushal point in time not only with the gospel as usual,  but with gadgets to protect the lives of the market population of Bamenda was saluted with great joy and massive turn out as many equally received their healings, blessings and deliverance.

Hear Pastor Warah, speaking to the Press immidiately after "in trying times like this, away from subsidizing our christians financially as usual, we should also secure all possible ways to protect and preserve their lives in the face of any threatening pandemic or virus by providing them life saving kits as we evangelize. The church must assume it's duty, which is to raise more social awareness against the virus, while also assisting them to contain the pandemic".

The market Master on his part after receiving the gifts and the  COVID-19 Combat Kits from Pastor Warah and family, thanked the Ministry for it's ever presence and wander working works in the direction of helping the needy and blessings God's children.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Cameroon Journalists Join Force to Fight the Gruesome Murder of Colleague Samuel Wazizi

SNJC-CAMASEJ Joint Statement on the Death of SAMUEL WAZIZI 

The Cameroon Journalists Trade Union, SNJC and the Cameroon Association of English-speaking Journalists, CAMASEJ have learned with indignation, the death of their colleague Samuel Ajiekah Abuwe alias ‘Wazizi’ alias ‘Halla Ya Matta’ Journalist at Chillen Muzik and Television (CMTV) in Buea. 
Arrested on August 2, 2019, our colleague was detained at  the Muea police station before he was smuggled to an unknown destination.  
He is said to have died at the (Yaounde) Military hospital during this secretive pre-trial detention. 
The SNJC and CAMASEJ hereby announce the creation of a COLLECTIVE FOR JUSTICE on this death. 
This collective, extends its sincere condolences to his family. 
The collective, demands the constitution of a commission of inquiry by the Cameroonian authorities to shed light on his death and requests that the family and public opinion to be clarified on: the exact date of his death, the place where the corpse is presently kept as well as the circumstances of his death, not later than 6 PM, June 4, 2020. 
Faced with such inhumanity and barbarism, the collective: 
Strongly and categorically condemns the murder of this journalist, which is one too many,  
Denounces this revenge-seeking behaviour of authorities and the army on the journalist; 
Recalls that this act is a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, an integral part of the Constitution of Cameroon, in its articles 3, 5 and 11 which stipulate: 
Article 4 
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person. 
Article 5 
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. 
Article 11 
1.Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.  
2.No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed. 
Is outraged by the silence of public authorities, thus giving a blank cheque to the authors of this villainous crime; 
Taking as witnesses the people, national and international opinion, the collective, scandalized by the silence of all institutions in Cameroon, expresses an energetic protest and calls on all journalists and communication professionals to act and condemn this act of murder which is one too many and to remain mobilized for further actions.  
Enough is enough! 

Denis Nkwebo                                    Viban Jude,  
National President, SNJC             National President,CAMASEJ 
+237(677681034)                           (+237 670642926) 

Senator Elizabeth Regina Mundi, Donates COVID-19 Combat Kits to GBHS Bayelle & PSS Mankon

Senator Elizabeth Regina Mundi, Donates COVID-19 Combat Kits to GBHS Bayelle & PSS Mankon
That was on Tuesday the 2nd of June 2020 to school officials of the respective institutions on the occasion of school reopening in Cameroon after temporal lockdown to contain COVID-19 by Government.
This exercise or gesture according to the Senator, is in response to appeals send to her by the said schools to assist, and since GBHS Bayelle is just a stone throw, she had to extend that hand of fellowship taking consideration of the ravaging effect of the virus arround the world and the speed at which it is spreading in the Region which calls for urgent needs for it's containment.
The donated kits comprised adapted hand wash buckets, liquid soap, savons, thermoflash, face masks and hand sanitizer.
Speaking at the ceremony, Ma Mundi as she is fondly called encouraged the students, who amidst all odds, braved the courage to be in school. Telling them that "non of them will contract CORONA virus if they respect in strict terms the basic principles of health tips laid down by WHO and government. She pledged to always be there and available to assist the school when ever need arises.

The principal of GBHS Bayelle Ngesi Cornelius Fru, on his part and on behalf of the school thanked the venerated Senator for her timely assistance and response to their appeal. He stressed the importance of the lives saving kits and promised to make good use of to contain the virus in his school mellieux. On a special note he added that he will come begging soon for assistance to building  their food and nutrition lab.
At the end, the students praised Ma Mund's effort and promised to make good use of the kits.
Also worth noting is that the humanitarian action of the Senator falls within the frame work of her mission to combat female and child mortality rate in the Region.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Who Wants SG for NCPMB's Head, "Leave Prof. Chi Asafor Cornelius Alone"

Who Wants SG for NCPMB's Head
-Clarion Media Call "Leave Prof. Chi Asafor Cornelius Alone"
By the very nature of this visionary senior state's man, he is  " Perfect, gentle to a fault, hates slander, back bitting, blackmail and above all loves peace".
It is not for nothing that he is regarded as a silent "Mover and Acheiver" whose appearance in the Cameroon political scene early 2017 as one of those major personalities called to give English and Anglophone culture a dignified place in the face of French influence, sparked and called for several concerns from prophets of doom and has since stationed a band wagon of enemies and jealous individuals who will stand at nothing to distroy or tarnish his hard earned reputation.
This article, our dear audience, with special focus on this Prof Emeritus, a Political Scientist cum standard chartered supreme auditor of the state who is today exercising state appointed duties at the National Commission for Bilingualism and Multiculturalism in Cameroon is motivated by the smear campaign cooked up recently by a  gang of wayward Cameroonians who are obviously enemies to progress and straight forwardness.
The "MAN" Prof. Chi Asafor Cornelius by his very nature is a "Straight forward gentleman, who loves clean records, transparency and accountability" reasons why according to most individuals who love shaddy deals he is tempted to be regarded enemy of progress.
"Enemy of progress" in the strict sense of wanting justice and honesty to prevail. This very attitude of his is known at every level of his career, while with his students in the University and even more tempting when he was out for state control and auditing.
The motivated recent mix media rantings, smear campaign or outings on his person, holds testimony of the fact that there is something cooking up some where and his enemies are at work.
The $1Dollar question on every lips is why are they after the Head of this venerated state's man? With your permission as an insightful analyst, it is because Prof. is the type of person who cannot easily be manipulated, a man who sticks to his words and stands firm to his decisions.
By self conviction he is made, what he is and as a rational thinker always conscious. It is not for nothing, he practices "clean work in office and clean styled politics in the field during political outings and manifestations.
Maybe the God fearing CPDM Baron's problem is because he is from Akum a village made up of high placed rich intellectuals who command dignity, authory and valor wherever they are,?.
Our humble appeal from this Media grouping is for wayward, self seeking politicians and adventurers to leave Prof. Chi Asafor Cornelius Alone as we look forward Calling names in our next write up if we a pushed to the wall.  .. Affaire a suivre, les chose a verifier..