Saturday, October 24, 2020

Dev'ts on the Mass Killing of Children in Kumba Yesterday the 24th of Oct. 2020

Government Prompt Action on the Kumba Massacre, US Reacts, Population on Red Alert.

 The PM chaired a crisis meeting on that at 4pm, today 24 Oct 2020. In attendance were the Ministers of Defense, Territorial Administration, Basic Education, Secondary Education and Communication. The Police and Gendarmerie bosses were equally there.

At the end, instructions were dished out to the Ministers of Territorial Administration, Defense and Communication.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Ngalla Nicolas is Now New Land Tenure Regional Delegate N.W.R

Ngalla Nicolas is Now New Land Tenure Regional Delegate N.W

He took office yesterday in Bamenda on the 23th of October 2020 at a time the sector in the Region needs a lot of serious redress and restructuring following government's recent plan to digitalize all land legal related activities or transactions around the country.

The new Regional Delegate in his late 40s hails from Donga-Mantung, has worked as land Registrar in Bui Division, later served in the same capacity in Ngoketunjia Division, where he worked for over Seven years to be appointed Divisional Delegate and recently catapulted as Regional Delegate for the North West Region.

Taking office yesterday, he was tasked to ensure prompt services at the land's office, the resolution of most disputes caused or which erupts most often as a result of poorly established land titles and encroachments, and finally lay ground work for the smooth transition of the system to the digital plan or programing.

Speaking to the Press immediately after, the seasoned Administrator Ngalla Nicolas Ngeh, reaffirmed his commitment to make things easy for the population at the level of land tenure. In fact , he stated very clearly that his office and his very office will and shall always remain a people service oriented one, meant to meet the expectation of government and the maximum satisfaction of the population he is called to serve.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

President Buhari, Speaks Out on the End SARS Palavar Distabilizing Nigeria


Fellow Nigerians,

It has become necessary for me to address you having heard from many concerned Nigerians and having concluded a meeting with all the Security Chiefs.

2. I must warn those who have hijacked and misdirected the initial, genuine and well - intended protest of some of our youths in parts of the country, against the excesses of some members of the now disbanded Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS).

3. On Monday 12th October, I acknowledged the genuine concerns and agitations of members of the public regarding the excessive use of force by some members of SARS.

4. The choice to demonstrate peacefully is a fundamental right of citizens as enshrined in Section 40 of our Constitution and other enactments; but this right to protest also imposes on the demonstrators the responsibility to respect the rights of other citizens, and the necessity to operate within the law.

5. As a democratic government, we listened to, and carefully evaluated the five-point demands of the protesters. And, having accepted them, we immediately scrapped SARS, and put measures in place to address the other demands of our youth.

6. On approving the termination of SARS, I already made it clear that it was in line with our commitment to the implementation of extensive Police reforms.

7. Sadly, the promptness with which we have acted seemed to have been misconstrued as a sign of weakness and twisted by some for their selfish unpatriotic interests.

8. The result of this is clear to all observers: human lives have been lost; acts of sexual violence have been reported; two major correctional facilities were attacked and convicts freed; public and private properties completely destroyed or vandalised; the sanctity of the Palace of a Peace Maker, the Oba of Lagos has been violated. So-called protesters have invaded an International Airport and in the process disrupted the travel plans of fellow Nigerians and our visitors.

9. All these executed in the name of the ENDSARS protests. I am indeed deeply pained that innocent lives have been lost. These tragedies are uncalled for and unnecessary. Certainly, there is no way whatsoever to connect these bad acts to legitimate expression of grievance of the youth of our country.

10. The spreading of deliberate falsehood and misinformation through the social media in particular, that this government is oblivious to the pains and plight of its citizens is a ploy to mislead the unwary within and outside Nigeria into unfair judgement and disruptive behaviour.

11. On the contrary, both our deeds and words have shown how committed this administration has been to the wellbeing and welfare of citizens, even with the steadily dwindling revenues, and the added responsibilities and restrictions due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

12. Government has put in place measures and initiatives principally targeted at youths, women and the most vulnerable groups in our society.  These included our broad plan to lift 100 million Nigerians out of poverty in the next 10 years; the creation of N75 billion National Youth Investment Fund to provide opportunities for the youths and the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Survival Fund, through which government is:

a. paying three months salaries of the staff of 100,000 micro, small - and medium - enterprises,

b. paying for the registration of 250,000 businesses at the Corporate Affairs Commission,

c. giving a grant of N30,000 to 100,000 artisans; and

d. guaranteeing market for the products of traders.

13. These are in addition to many other initiatives such as;

a. Farmermoni,

b. Tradermoni,

c. Marketmoni,

d. Marketmon

e. N-Tech and

f. N-Agro.

14. No Nigerian Government in the past has methodically and seriously approached poverty-alleviation like we have done.

15. With regard to the welfare of police personnel, the National Salaries, Income and Wages Commission has been directed to expedite action on the finalization of the new salary structure of members of the Nigeria Police Force. The emoluments of other paramilitary services are also being reviewed upwards.

16. In order to underscore the importance of education in preparing youths for the future, this administration has come up with a new salary structure and other incentives for our teachers.

17. Let me at this point reaffirm the Federal Government’s commitment to preserving the unity of this country.

18. We will continue to improve good governance and our democratic process, including through sustained engagement.

19. We shall continue to ensure that liberty and freedom, as well as the fundamental rights of all citizens are protected.

20. But remember that government also has the obligation to protect lives and properties, as well as the right of citizens to go about their daily businesses freely and protected from acts of violence.

21. To our neighbours in particular, and members of the international community, many of whom have expressed concern about the ongoing development in Nigeria, we thank you and urge you all to seek to know all the facts available before taking a position or rushing to judgment and making hasty pronouncements.

22. In the circumstances, I would like to appeal to protesters to note and take advantage of the various well-thought-out initiatives of this administration designed to make their lives better and more meaningful, and resist the temptation of being used by some subversive elements to cause chaos with the aim of truncating our nascent democracy.

23. For you to do otherwise will amount to undermining national security and the law and order situation. Under no circumstances will this be tolerated.

24. I therefore call on our youths to discontinue the street protests and constructively engage government in finding solutions. Your voice has been heard loud and clear and we are responding.

25. And I call on all Nigerians to go about their normal businesses, and enjoin security agencies to protect lives and properties of all law abiding citizens without doing harm to those they are meant to protect. Let me pay tribute to officers of the Nigeria Police Force who have tragically lost their lives in the line of duty.

26. I would like to thank those state Governors, traditional and religious leaders who have appealed for calm and restraint. I also thank youth leaders who have restrained their followers from taking the law into their hands.

27. This government respects and will continue to respect all the democratic rights and civil liberties of the people, but it will not allow anybody or groups to disrupt the peace of our nation.

Thank you all. God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

“Mad” Tax Drive on Phones this 15th to Spark another Wave of Problems in Cameroon

“Mad” Tax Drive on Phones this 15th to Spark another Wave of Problems in the Country

As the already over burdened population is crossed by the decision and are of the opinion that the regime has reached the apex of its manipulations and must be brought down.

Given that its Ministers are only introducing misleading decisions all in the name of generating income for the State which is in no distance time misappropriated and embezzled.

Hear the embattled population “We think it is time we join force with Kamto and rally behind all the problems plaguing this Nation Cameroon to kick out the regime in question and its dishonest Ministers. It is too much, day in day out, they keep introducing new ways of extorting money from the poor, helpless and hopeless population, worst of it all, we are not seeing what they are collecting the money and realizing with? It is too much”.

From such a reaction, from the frustrated population, the regime, can only sense another big danger looming and that is coming to add onto the Kamto Wahala that is shaking the nation, the Anglophone war of independence that has rendered North West and the South West Regions of the Country ungovernable, the ceaseless threats and continues attacks from the Boko Haram Islamic sect in the North which is posing as a major security problem, the BAS movement abroad and it's anti regime crusade, human right criticism and advocacies, ethnic clash, natural disaster, general poverty and misery etc.

The era we are living in Cameroon are daring and the times trying, that the least occasion will push the population to go on rampage. This may be the last spark and Cameroon may find herself wanting forever because of the callous decisions of some few gullible individuals in government. 

To be honest, the “Mad” Cell Phone Tax Drive which went operational on 15th of this October 2020 is already radicalizing and pushing the Population to think of going on rampage.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Prof. Chi Asafor, Mayor Samki Elvise and Santa CAUCUS Mobilize Population to Effectively Start Schools;

#-Dolls Out School Gadgets, COVID-19 Kids Plus Benches Worth Over 50 Million frs CFA

#Launch a Robust Scholarship Scheme 

The Santa CAUCUS from all indication is back, vibrant and vibrating, this observation is without doubt or better still can be seen in the mamoth crowd who answered present at the Santa Council premise to the abrupt call of it’s elite heeding to appeals for parents to send back their children to schools and embrace peace. 

The historic outing by the Santa CAUCUS to bless and Spoil pupils and the student population of this council area, cum Mezam II constituency goes down the annals of history as one of those events that rekindles hope to an over burdened population by the Anglophone crisis that has crippled almost half of North West's economy.

The arranged come together by elite for the interest of the needy population a week after school resumption all over the country was yesterday 16 of October 2020.

The Elite of this Sub-Division, came out as one man in unity and peace to effectively campaign for Effective back to schools in their area of origin after sinking all the differences that have since characterized the Section.

God doing it the exact way, the population  responded alike and came out in their mass answering the calls of the true representative of the people in government.

It is without gain also saying from the pictures this Reporter saw at the ceremonial ground that things are picking up very fast and coming back to normal and the elite are gradually, if not, have totally regained the confidence of their people through this symbolic outing to canvas for effective School resumption while crusading for peace and tranquility in Santa.

This giant stride or gesture, falls in line with the Head of State's good will and generosity expressed through his Political actors in the field subjected to contribute in yielding wounds and making amends for the long period of stress and distress underwent by the population as a result of the crisis.

The happy population prayerfully and in thanks giving saluted the efforts of this Christian outing by the CAUCUS in which they saw love, care and compassion deeply enshrined.

What must be noted is that this symbolic gesture of the CAUCUS comes at a time when the population is deeply in need of both financial and material assistance to send back their  children to school after four years of educational stalemate in the Region.

At the occasion, the high profile Delegation led by Prof Chi Asafor Cornelius stated that their mission is full of good will for the innocent children who have suffered a lot in the hands of the crisis and will do all it takes for schools to go on effectively, while praying that peace should have it's place to enable them to start executing the much envisaged five years strategic development plan of action for the Council with the Mayor Samkie Elvis who doubles as the Paramount Fon of Baligham.

Hear the Sectary General of the National Commission for Bilingualism and Multiculturalism Prof Chi Asafor “we mean business with our population, and have each taken the firm commitment and responsibility to assist and why not shoulder all the burden of our impoverished population as a result of the Crisis for their children to regain classes and schools. We owe them a duty to contribute in their sound moral and educational upbringing as we canvas for peace to enhance the development of the area. We are not only ending at the benches, books, buckets, or school didactic materials, but we are also launching a robust scholarship scheme that will take care of the absolute needs for schools to effectively resume all over Santa Sub-Division. The massive turn out to our call has a positive connotation and indicates that we are on the right track”.

Mayor Samkie on his part the host, thanked his elite for the timely intervention to answer to the school needs of the population, while praying that combine efforts and action should be the watch words of the CAUCUS.

The population in response "celebrated and venerated the multiple humanitarian actions of the CAUCUS geared towards development oriented policies, the social welfare of the people and the reestablishment of peace in the Municipality and the Region at large.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Minister Dr. Fuh Calistus & the Crusade for Effective 2020/2021 Back to Schools in Donga-Mantung; Donates 18 Millions FCFA to most Peformant Pupils and Students of the Division

Minister Dr. Fuh Calistus & the Crusade for Effective 2020/2021 Back to Schools in Donga-Mantung; Donates 18 Millions FCFA to most Peformant Pupils and Students of the Division

That was on the 7th of Oct 2020 in Misaje, Ako and Ndu Sub-Division, under his scholarship scheme or programme. 

Over 300 pupils and students who made it in flying colors in the just ended FSLC and GCE Exams benefited from the gestures of Minister Dr.Fuh Calistus Gentry.

According to the development oriented Sectary of State for Mines, school is a good thing, sound moral education to all in his Division stands as a fundamental instrument to regulate peace and promote nation building.

The Minister, it must be noted is the main architect behind peace and development going on in that part of the North West Region infested by war.

It is thanks to his openness, support and usual socio-cultural interaction with the people that they can talk and the people listen in times of crisis.

As we report, the honourable Minister who always have plans for the great Division he comes from, is planning another big surprise, which he claims falls within the framework of paying back to his people without reserve through charitable works.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

War in the Cameroon Bar after Barrister Tchakounte's Sudden Death

War in the Cameroon Bar after Barrister Tchakounte's Sudden Death

The passing away of Cameroon's Bar President Barrister Tchakounte Patie few days ago in an abrupt, sudden and mysterious manner in France, has left many lips wagging, creating tension all around the legal corps and is sparking general confusion on the way forward for the Cameroon Bar most especially at a time when English speaking Lawyers are canvassing for sovereign rights and identity.

Where the Bar Council finds herself today is very demanding because the mandate of the present regime under the leadership of late Barrister Tchakounte Patie was to end next month and the law obtains that a Senior member of the Bar Council should take over office for two months before organizing fresh elections there after.

Now that their mandate ends next month and by then the corpse of late Bar Council President most likely would not have been buried, it means for this short while, the Bar will remain dormant and accounts freezed. No room for any Senior member to take up the office temporarily.

As we report, there is tension in the house on how to proceed with management of the Bar, the Bar President's Burial, and the organization of fresh elections.

Another situation which may not possibly be averted after the burial of the Bar President is conflict of interest, ideology and the strict respect of the "gentleman" agreement in the face of rising tension amongst English speaking Lawyers wanting a total break away.

From that stand point of view, it is therefore obvious that before the covenening of a general Bar Council elections in Cameroon, there will be a serious clash between Anglophone and Francophone lawyers on who takes over the Presidency.

A split of the Cameroon Bar this time arround with the speed ride in the call for the assertion of Anglophones identity is most likely.

More to that, North West and South West Lawyer's Associations must be teaming up to face their counterpart in order not to be overpowered by French influence. 

Looking keenly amongst the lawyers, there are a lot of them already seeking for notice. A good number know very well that this year's Bar Council elections comes at a very decisive period in the political history of Cameroon and will have a lot to ride home if one picks the crown.

In the face of this situation, will government also allow "anyone" in quotes to pick the crown? will Separatists leaders give a green light to Anglophone Lawyers to be part of the whole movement? What is cooking up only God Knows. The future is pregnant as the so called "Big Lawyers" are already teaming up against any eventuality.

Monday, October 5, 2020

2020/2021 School Reopening Day in Cameroon: Mayor Bda II Launch Routine school Visit Campaigns

2020/2021 School Reopening Day in Cameroon: Mayor Bda II Launch Routine school Visit Campaigns

That is, in all schools arround his council area  to ensure its smooth function, following strict COVID 19 norms and security in all its form to teachers and students.

The decision which comes against the backdrop of motivating and encouraging both parents, and teachers in the crisis hit Regions to send their children's to school after four years of stalemate falls within the framework of the council's cooperate social responsibility plan.

As a decentralized entity, working towards emergence, Bda II Council under the leadership of it's emblematic and pragmatic Mayor Chenwi Peter has been committed to people, service, centered development oriented actions that directly affect the lives of her populace.

To name, schools, health, market, road infrastructures and why not capacity building programs, plus out door sports leisure activities that has kept the Municipality vibrant and booming from the day they took office in the heart of the crisis.

In addition, to ease movement during this crisis period to the impoverished Bamenda man by the several lockdowns and constant Ghost towns every Mondays, the Mayor out of good will has donated township taxis over 30 of them to ease the movement of population and property at a little or no cost.

These actions and effort I must emphasis comes from the personal innititiative of the Mayor and his good will to lobby. 

The Mayor as a youth in his early 30s by his very nature is compassionate, considerate and development oriented.

Hear him as he commence his routine schools hygiene and sanitation visits campaign in the Municipality, to the Press "fellow men and women of the Press, there is only one thing I owe the people of my Municipality, to take development to their doorsteps, ease life, improve on their living conditions and above all bring administration closer to the people while at the same time ensuring their security and assuring sound moral education for our children".

In all today Monday the 05 of October 2020 the Mayor stopped over in basically all schools within his Council area which openned with all effervesence and massive turn out.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Bda II Mayor Chenwi Peter Intensifies Back to School Campaigns in the North West

Bda II Mayor Chenwi Peter Intensifies Back to School Campaigns in the North West

Dolls out to the student population and families school gadgets in millions.

That was in the Municipality on Saturday the 3rd of October 2020, in the presence of all the constituted Corp of the Sub-Division.

The items comprised; school bags, pens, books and COVID 19 kids to ensure safe returns of schools in a condusive environment for learning.

Talking to the press and the mamouth crowd that gathered to receive the said school items, the Mayor Chenwi Peter stated how fundamental it was for the Council and parents to respect children's rights to education. Adding that, for four years children's education have been grounded for a course that has nothing to do with children's liberty, right and access to education. 

Expressing deep regret, the Mayor appealed to the student population and parents to brave all odds and send their children to school, for it is the source of their future livelihood.