Crying Fowl to Atrocities as Anglophone Crisis Grows in Propensity:Serious Man Hunt for Harboring Separatists Fighters

✓The Case of Fung Clovis and many others at large for their dear lives, whose where about are very much unknown

As the liberation War in Anglophone Cameroon deepens with untold suffering meted on English speaking Cameroonians, plus the misery it has inflicted on the desperate population,. People continue to die unexpectedly because of the war which is growing in Propensity daily. Most schools have remained permanently closed, villages deserted  and gun battle the order of the day between Republican forces and separatists fighters.

Security reports on the ground have it on good grounds that many have been shot in cold blood, others caught by cross fire and a cross section in the regime’s maximum security prisons. All in the name of putting the situation to rest through military and repressive measures and not through a genuine and sincere dialogue.

What human rights organization and international bodies are yet to know or are blind to.

This is because most of the acts are covered in the course of execution. As we report arbitrary arrests and gun battles are seriously going on in all the areas of the seven Divisions of the North West Region declared as “Red zones”. These are areas declared as no go zones harboring separatists fighters or are hide outs for Ambazonian defense forces, we are talking of Bambalang, Ndop, Jakiri, Kumbo, Belo, Njinikom, Bafut, Tanka, Mbengwi, Bali, Batibo, Widikum etc.

Because they are hide out for separatists forces, they are subject to several targets and most often a time any youth of average height found around is gunned down.

Fung Clovis and many other youths from areas declared as “red zones” happens to be targets by armed groups who use them as food suppliers and are also targeted by the regime for harboring armed groups and providing them  safe locations for their hide out.

Kom, as we report which makes up Boyo Division is in total chaos. Government troops have raided the whole area to fish out two generals of the separatist forces. We are talking of RK and Co. In the course, there is serious gun battle, burning of houses, wanton arrests and outright killing.

What has caused many to flee areas closer to said camps and villages harboring the said gang.

Briefly put that is the ugly face of the war situation in Anglophone Cameroon which generated from a pacific strike organized by teachers and lawyers seeking for justice in 2016 that has grown into a full scale war in demand for liberation and sovereign rights that has brought the English speaking economy to a stand still and the two English speaking Regions ungovernable with schools permanently locked and over a hundred thousand displaced.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Dual Mega Award of the 21st Century Coming Up on the 14th of Aug. 2021

Exclusively for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) and exceptionally for promoters and supporters of humanitarian actions which are people centered and oriented toward social welfare and inclusiveness.

Persons with Disabilities (PWD), old persons and internally displaced Persons (IDPs) who have distinguished themselves in different works and areas in life will be given the first pride of place this August 2021 at the Bamenda I Conference Hall through a  Media Prize Award dubbed “2021 Ability in Disability Media Prize Award (CADMA2021)”.

World Echoes Media group in it’s cooperate social responsibility and answering to Divine calls and assignment have decided this year 2021 to tilt all attentions onto persons who are most often left out or forgotten in the society, as if they don’t form part of human race.

It is in this light that, World Echoes Media Group and Kiki News and Disability Forum will be regrouping in a special way Persons with Disabilities (PWD) who have excelled in life and are into innovative works be it in the domain of education, carpentry, shoe Mending, salon works, catering services. Social entrepreneur services for recognition and honor.

The timely and emergency call for action it must be noted,  has as major goal to Trump and canvas for global humanitarian actions and attention to these neglected set in the society by the press.

In effect the mission is to bring all on board for a multi dimensional twist to come around social actions geared towards promoting and supporting initiatives of persons having multiple social challenges.

What is cooking up is more of a Media crusade or campaign to cause humanity to stop misdirecting charity and to combine efforts to create a more conducive and a more inclusive society for all.

The time is now for global and general media actions to promote the initiatives of  persons with disabilities and the mission must be accomplished by the Cameroon Press as a family.

Join us on that faithful day and be part of the Cameroon Media general awareness campaign for PWD.

The ceremony it must be noted, will in the first phase, witness prize Award to PWD and in the second phase see actors and promoters being appreciated with a National Award in Gold Category in return gratitude for their day to days support to the needy. 

"Congratulations To All Winners and Accept God's Abundant Blessings from our Media Group," THE NATION IS PROUD OF YOU.