Monday, September 23, 2024

Climate Disaster Risk Response Management Initiative by CCJN: “Prevention is Better than Cure” Maroua Flood Emergency Situation Report and Exigencies as Heavy Rains Persist; ✓ Over 158,620 Persons affected so far, 44,700 Houses engulfed, 195 Schools flooded, 74,000 Children deprived school, 30,000 Pregnant Women amongst IDPs, 1,178 heads of Cattles lost, 103000 Hectares of Farm Land Submerged. It is estimated that by the end of the Flood over 463,000 and 600,000 people risk being affected in the North and Extreme North Time for Mitigation and Adaptation Emergency Programs using Nature Based Solution Actions.


“Waste is Wealth Part XXXIV” on board our CLIMATE WAGON this week, our eyes are all focused on the flood disaster risk situation up North and the increasing humanitarian Challenges which is pushing our Land Media editorial team to push forward a spade of analysis that will resonate some sense in the minds of high level officials to step up preventive or preemptive disaster risk response management measures all over the Republic and nature based solution actions now or wait to intervene all over the Republic because climate change has come to stay and has suddenly taken a new dimension. Which is why we are recommending The “Prevention is better than Cure Therapy”.

Whistle Blowing Editorial;  “Prevention is better than Cure, Act now to Stop Future Disasters” Flood Situation  Management Up Extreme North in  Cameroon Under Surveillance.

The ever growing flood situation up North and the way it is been handled by government officials and international organizations is leaving the public with no better option than to take their own destinies into their own hands.

That is to start thinking of securing safe locations and disaster free zones as habitat subsequently .

This is as a result of what the public has witnessed and continues to undergo as flood situation persist in the Northern Part of Cameroon in the phase of increasing torrential rains. “poverty and absolute misery is the cause”  as many will explain for their living in unsafe areas.

Indicators and statistics have it on sound grounds that by the end of the Far North flood disaster risk situation over 463,000 and 600,000 people risks being affected and social provisions will not meet the expectations of the increasing numbers daily.

It is not for nothing that the indigenes of late resorted to using sticks and bags filled with  sand to mount artificial barricade in the Logone River to reduce inflow.

Artificial barricades in a River to reduce inflow and not a Dam in the 21st century makes mockery of the whole situation.

A flood situation which is not taking the government by surprise, because the signals have long been there and meteorologist had even cautioned.

Another questionable situation under the ongoing flood circumstance up North is how much food, how many pillows, mattress, buckets and how much humanitarian relief actions will be sufficient enough to help victims come back to normal life situation.

We are not talking of lives lost yet, we are talking of material damages and social welfare, which as we report is growing worst daily irrespective of all the interventions and missions.

Missions, which to right thinking minds has not stop the flood and is not helping things out of the situation. Because many have now taken advantage of the situation for business as usual.

If it is not business as usual which one is cheaper to handle prevention or intervention? Because billions are been pumped up extreme North but the precarious flood situation is still at stake and much more money will be needed after to reconstruct homes, bridges and roads.

Soon you will hear of a special Presidential plan to reconstruct disaster affected zones in Cameroon(which as we report is cooking). When the Presidential reconstruction plan for crisis hit areas in the NoSo have not finished it’s work and is even still lobbying for funds to complete it’s phase II and III plan of action.

Another big glaring fact which leaves the government with no better option than to prevent disaster risk situations from happening than intervene because it is more expensive.

Unfortunately for the population, the Media has ironically taken the side of over reporting on the heavy lost, intervention measures taken by the powers that be and praise singing than cause the system to resort to disaster risk management efforts or embark on effective reporting on disaster risk response to averts another great climate subsequent predicament looming.

Climate change and Climate crisis is the disease of our time which need a lot of mitigation for adaption using nature based solution actions to prevent, preempt, notify and alert.

Most affected areas by the flood risk situation it must be noted are the Logone and Chari, Mayo-Sava, Mayo- Danay, Mayo-Tsanaga and Diamaré Division.

Please “Prevention is Better than cure” for Christ Sake… ..

Monday, September 16, 2024

MP for Momo West Constituency on 2024 Effective Back to School Campaign in his Constituency: “Call on Population to Shawn Fear and respect Children’s Fundamental Rights to Education by sending them to school”.

Honorable Barrister Awutah Philip on the occasion of the 14th ordinary session of the North West Regional assembly on Monday 16th 2024 expressed to the North West Media family, hopes of effective school resumption in his constituency MoMo West.

Saying that the timid resumption of schools in the Region with the exception of Nkambe as of the allocated date which was the 9th, was because of the enforced two weeks lock down by secession activists.

Other, than that, some school authorities in his area of jurisdiction are also responsible for the non smooth take off of the school year, solely because of non effective presence given the security challenge.

Which is why he the Honorable MP has been working on day and night to oversee the creation of catchment centers, with new cream of teachers from the area to take up effective classes, as he scout and soften the minds of armed groups around the vicinity on school resumption.

Concerning school need assistance to age going students and minimum package which he has been offering to schools for the past school years, he said that of this academic year 2023/2024 is on the way and delayed just by the ghost town.

The Honorable MP for Ngie, Njikwa, Widikum speaking, also lashed out on secessionists call on school boycott that it is in gross violation of children's fundamental rights to education.  That it has nothing to do with independence or obstructing independence as secessionists think.

Appealing to his peace loving and loyal people of MoMo West, the CPDM Member of Parliament reiterated the need for parents to send their children to school with the assurance that security will be beefed up around catchment centers.

While calling on the Regional Delegate of secondary education Mbaijong Ezikiel to enforce measures on effective presence of teachers in their appointed catchment centers to serve as a call and inviting factor to parents to come and enroll their children.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Editorial:Answering “Concerned Christians” of the CBC: “Allow Rev. Dr Nditemeh Charlemagne and Ngum Samuel to Work in Peace” “leave the Executive President and the Director of Health Services Alone” for Christ sake.


Our dear readers and audience of high esteem, please Wave all the insinuations, the accusations and speculations spread daily by said individuals, authors of  A CLARION CALL TO ACTION: CONCERNED CHRISTIANS SHOULD SAVE THE CBCHS UNDER MR. NGUM SAMUEL FROM COLLAPSE

CBC, CBCHS is on Rail and Waxing Strong.

Away from every distraction and the laid down diabolic agenda of some CBC faithful from our findings to continuously excite, spread gossip, spark confusion to breed disunity and provoke uproar in the Cameroon Baptist Convention and why not (give CBC leadership sleepless night),.

It’s leadership headed by the Executive President Dr. Nditcheme Charlemagne, the Board chairman and the Director of the CBCHS Ngum Samuel are standing firm on their commitment and engaged to the fullest, beyond every human opposition and manipulations.

So far, our dear audience, what has wagging tongues not said about the present CBC leadership? All because of the fact that a cartel that use to be in control, toiling with CBC wealth was dismantled.

Dismantled to set records straight and bring back the system on rail “in the ways of God and in the fear of the Lord” not business as it was the case in the past 50 years in God’s own house and hospital.

A giant stride to restructure the  operation and functioning of CBC in transparent and accountable modus that has since blocked many chopping avenues and continues to expose those thrown out of the system.

kicked out of the scene or from the system it is likely obvious that, some, if not all will take upon themselves to be at the center of confusion, sponsoring rebellion and chaos internally, to discredit the new leadership.

CBC, for forty  years it must be noted has been under captivity and manipulation controlled by a circle of individuals who have enriched themselves to a  point of no return. The Advent or coming of Rev. Dr Charlemagne changed and spoiled a lot of shady business deals in the CBC to the gross vexation of perpetrators, which is exactly why today, they are all on the throat of the Executive President and the Director of health services.

The court cases, issues on the constitution, management crisis and declarations about unpaid salaries all boils down to the missions and plots of the “So called Concerned Christians”.

“Concerned Christians” who are bent on seeing things not working well for the institution and leadership, what an irony. Praying day and night for disorder, fomenting evil, spreading disunity and confusion in the CBC. All the false alarm in and out of CBC are cooked and hashed by them.

It is not for nothing that the executive President is in court for reviewing the constitution to set some records straight in the CBC. It is also not for nothing that the Executive President is in total disagreement with some CBC Christians who claim to be concerned Christians and are at the back ground fanning the flames of discord.

CBC, is belt and founded on a solid rock with a mission to evangelize through inter faith Ministering and the provision of sustainable holistic health services.

Anything short of that is diabolic and in maximum contradiction of CBC maxims or dictum.

Which is what the present leadership has stood up to defend and are opened to an avalanche of attacks.

The serial manipulations through petitions, false allegation, blackmail and open threats have gone no where. Why because the present leadership has stood the path of faith with unwavering commitments.

Which is why God stood beside CBC recently to safe her image from the hands of those who stole a child at their hospital in Yaounde.

It is not also for nothing that with all the underground manipulations, there has been no open demonstration of strike actions.

To tell the world that God is solidly behind CBC and it’s Present leadership.

Truth be told, all those dragging CBC to court, have their drummers at the back yard and are on a salary. Quote us anywhere, they drink and wine after every adventure or fired missiles as long as it is sparking confusion in the CBC and animating social media circles. The enemy of CBC is in the house, worshiping in that CBC church and even working in a CBC office, Driving a CBC car and Cleaning the yard or even guarding CBC.  NB: People will come and go but CBC will still remain, our humble appeal to perpetrators of sad or bad news for CBC is that “they” should allow the Executive President and the Director of CBC health services to work. For Christ Sake , God have the back of this present CBC leadership.

NB: That the Present CBC leadership are now playing the “Bishop Damina role” which is exposing ugly or shady deals going on in the Church to the dislike of demon fowlers.

For the information of our readers, our editorial desk is not done, as we have opened an investigation on stolen CBC assets, private estates, villas acquired with CBC funds, ghost workers, fake supplies and bills, not leaving out some of the shady deals with contractors, funders and the ports authority. The great time of reckoning is now and truth must be told and the manipulator exposed. Affaire a suivre.


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Cameroon on the lime Light: How Dr. Fuli Julius Sold Tubah Council and Cameroon’s Image on Waste Management at BRICS 6th International Municipal Forum


Showcased the Rich cultural Values of Cameroon and the ever growing innovative scheme of Tubah Council’s Waste Management and recycling plant,

This was in the just ended historic BRICS international Municipal gathering that took place in Moscow, Russia on the 27th to the 29th of August 2024 at the Expocentre Central Exhibition Center

Which brought together parties from all countries of the world to discuss Municipal cooperation   issues and build up exchanges ahead of BRICS Summit.

Here, experts discussed the development of trade and investment relations and exchanged experience in the use of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, and green technologies to create a comfortable living environment. 

On and at the occasion the remarkable presence of Dr. Julius Fuli, representing Cameroon and Tubah Council as a high esteemed Councilor  could not be undermined amongst over  1,133, as he took pains off to share Tubah Council’s fulfilling story on waste management and recycling.

Coming from a fast growing University Sub-Division with over 420,000 inhabitant, with a student population of over 20,000 students, Dr. Julius saw the BRICS International Municipal forum as a unique opportunity to sell her Council area’s activities in the direction of waste management.

Holding participant for over forty five minutes hostage, Dr Julius a Municipal Councilor who doubles as Lecturer in the University of Bamenda, School of Transport and logistics, Department of Custom narrated how plastic pollution is subject of the past with the growing population of Tubah, given that the Council under the leadership of Mayor Tanjong Martin had since championed the crusade against waste and plastic pollution.

By setting up a waste management and recycling center which is into the production of pavement bricks using recycled plastic waste.

In the breath taking presentation, he showed parties how proper waste management was growing in economic value “Waste is Wealth”.

How in the course of keeping Tubah clean and free from waste and plastic pollution, Tubah Council is now producing pavement bricks, building class rooms and producing organic manure a substitute for fertilizer and a solution to soil infertility and contamination.

True to what we are reporting, Dr Julius held Moscow participant at the 2024 BRICS Municipal summit at spell bound with the startling Revelation he made about Tubah a Council area in Cameroon championing the campaign and crusade against waste pollution through proper waste management and recycling.

In all Dr Fuli’s presentation had a lot of drivers which contributed to some Key resolutions arrived at in build up to the upcoming BRICS Summit.

Changing global geopolitical architecture, creating new patterns of economic power, redesigning relations were at the core of the 6th BRICS Municipal Conference held from August 27 to 29.

The Forum it must be noted, was attended by 1,133 official foreign representatives, including 163 official delegates and 88 representatives of international non-profit organizations. Participants from Russia included 18 representatives of federal agencies, 716 representatives of Russian regions, and 229 mayors of Russian cities and heads of municipalities, as well as roughly 300 foreign mayors. The total number of business participants exceeded 2,300 people.


Tubah Council Holds 2024 Mid Year Evaluation Session, in Frank Deliberations


This was at the Council’s conference hall on the 6th of August 2024, chaired by the SDO for Mezam Emile Moh with all Councilors answering present.

The fiscal year 2023/2024 which started on a good footing and is moving to a successful end of year, required that the Council should stop mid way and take stock of it’s activities and realizations.

Which is why the Mayor of Tubah Council Tanjong Martin, Cameroon’s Award winning Mayor, took pains off to Call Councilors of his Constituency to take stock, cross examine, access, make proposal and vote for unforeseen exigencies,.

It was also an Occasion for Councilors and the various commission heads of the Council to present their respective reports based on field assessment and evaluation reports.

Which is what was the standing order of this year’s mid year evaluation that ended up with frank talk and fruitful deliberations.

All the assessment reports it must be emphasized, gave the Mayor and his Council administration, a 100% pass mark in appreciation of the feasible realizations of the Mayor,  his multi scaled activities on waste management and people centered actions which is collectively working to harmonize Council plan and the great vision of the party which is to work for the collective good of the masses while ensuring their social welfare in a clean and comfortable environment.

Speaking to the press immediately after, the SDO for Mezam who through out the session spend time praising the Mayor of Tubah for building and transforming Tubah, showered praises on the Mayor and extended words of encouragement to his immediate collaborators and Councilors for their ceaseless support and contributions to the great realizations of the Council.

The Mayor Tanjong Martin Meshugong  on his part thanked his honorable Minister, for the open recognition given to him as best Mayor in Rwanda, he also thanked Cameroon English language newspaper publishers for their mile stone Award and the government of Cameroon for the series of medals given to him this year.

This he observed are the fruits and the results of hard work which he took upon himself as a commitment from the very first day he entered office to achieve.

Onto Council projects and realization, he said his greatest challenge has been insecurity, but in all, he surpassed all the obstacles to engage and realize all project works of his municipality.

“So far, he added, that all parts, villages, quarter or any household in Tubah knows and feels the development impact of Tubah Council.”.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

CAEPA Sharpens Journalist Skills on Effective Reporting on Disaster Response in Bamenda City


✓while Strengthening Women’s Voice in Strategic Risk Management and governance.

In a one day enlarged media working and training session that played host at the CBC Health service conference hall on Tuesday the 27th of August 2024.

On the Occasion over 20 Journalists cum disaster risk response reporting media men and women were taught effective ways on reporting to enhance disaster response and strengthening women voice in disaster risk management and governance in the city of Bamenda.

This was in partial Fulfilment of CAEPA’s Common wealth Foundation project which focuses on disaster risked communities, exposed to flooding and landslides in Bamenda city area.

With a project goal to strengthen  capacities of women and girls in disaster governance in Bamenda city area by shifting the narrative away from women and girls as vulnerable victims and Forster their participation and leadership in climate actions.

The 20 Journalists, in the over four hours training and skill building workshop acquired knowledge on some clues on in-depth reporting on disaster risk response and sustenance.  

They were trained on solution based and preventive reporting to rescues, prevent or avert a flood situation or a danger risk situation.

They were empowered to report to increase women’s voice in risk governance and management, to change their news room policies and editorial policies, to drum and groom support for more media men and women participation in reporting on disaster response, to carry out community mobilization initiatives to create awareness and to educate the public on how to live safe and in sane environments free of disasters.

This were tutorials and lectures handed to them with practical examples by the workshop facilitators, Fenwi Linda of CAEPA and Tamukong Roland Angong of Cameroon Climate Journalism Network (CCJN) Media Consultancy Agency (CCJN-Media Consult) specialized in grooming climate experts and nature based solution reporters to enhance sustainable development, nation building and good governance.

Speaking to the press after the serious exchange Mme Fenwi the coordinator of CAEPA observed that the wish of her organization has been met and she expects to follow in the days ahead effective reports in Bamenda on disaster response from disaster conscious response Journalists trained.

Tamukong Roland from CCJN-Media Consult the key facilitator a Net Zero and a GHG (Green house Gas emission) specialist reporter on his part thanked participants for answering present and CAEPA for creating such a unique opportunity for Cameroon Journalists to gain knowledge on how to report in response and rescue a situation not to report incidents or casualties. It was an enriching training that goes a long way to change the narrative and enhance the frequency of effective reporting for disaster response.

CAEPA Community Agriculture and Environmental Protection Association   is an organization that was formed in 2011, by a group of women who wanted to enhance their agricultural systems by committing and engaging them to conserve nature while being environmentally friendly. The urgent need to fight environmental degradation and soil depletion then, motivated actors of the did association to diversify her approach in tackling and handling environmental and home based issues for societal welfare, most especially women.

The mission of CAEPA is to advocate for women and girls to live dignified lives in a disaster free environment, and to also have the platform to voice out their worries.

Certificate awards, a group photograph and an appraisal of ceremony by Chifu George Publisher, Editor of the Website Newspaper accompanied the historic working and training session of Cameroon Journalists on effective reporting on disaster risk response.





Friday, August 30, 2024

Authorities of Private Higher Education Institution Clear the Air on Paramedical Training of Health Professionals


-Debunks False Social Media Campaign on the Cancellation of HND/BTS in Medical and Biomedical Science.

This was in an enlarged press conference organized by (ANOWEPHEI) the Association of North West Private Higher Education Institutions at the National Polytechnic Higher education institute’s conference hall on Wednesday the 28th of August 2024 bringing together press Men and authorities of the said association to clear the air on the false social media articulations around the last resolutions of the interministerial meeting on the training of Paramedical personnel by certain institutes of higher education in Cameroon.

That HND/BTS medical and Biomedical Science Exams has been cancelled. Stating very clearly that none of such exams have been cancelled, that no authorized private higher education institution has been banned or suspended from the training and that HND/BTS Diplomas are valid nationally and internationally.

This clarification, the authorities of ANOWEPHEI sounded it loud and clear to media men and women in their last media outing while appealing to government in follow up to their last letter of August 22nd 2024 addressed to MINESUP and MINSANTE that the parties should consider giving a period of grace of three years before implementing the resolutions of final press release number N0D13-255/MINESUP/MINSANTE of August 16th, 2024 to permit private higher Education institutions to have time to reorganize themselves.

In the course of the  authority’s presentation, they called on level two and three students to resume classes with no fear of any interruptions.

Hear the vice President Rev. Njoya Basile, speaking to the press immediately after, “No HND or BTS exams have been cancelled or authorized private higher education institution banned or validity of Diplomas questioned, rather we are appealing to government for three years to adjust while asking our level two and three students to continue with classes as we sort out things with government”.

The special media outing by ANOWEPHEI it must be noted is provoked by the last Ministerial outing of 16th August 2024 in Yaounde to bring some sanity in the training and recruitment of Paramedical professionals in Cameroon which has sparked a lot of debate and the circulation of false information around social media circles.

ANOWEPHEI it must be noted, is a non-profit making, apolitical and democratic association created since 2017, dedicated to improving quality higher education and social services,


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tubah Council Empowers Over 220 Youth Recruits this Summer Holidays

✓Challenged them at the end of Exercise to Champion crusade against Waste management in their various communities, to be Civic and law abiding.

This was the take home message issued to a battery of youths cum student intakes recruited by Tubah Council this year 2024 for voluntary holidays job services to the council.

Issued by the Mayor of Tubah Council Tanjong Martin on the 13th of August 2024 at his plastic waste management and recycling site in Bambili where the youth recruits were assembled to end their holiday job activities with Tubah Council.

A Council that has since taken upon herself as a special routine to gather youths during long summer holidays and assign them to clean their communities and major squares around to earn a stipend that will assist in completing their school fees or back to school preparations.

The essence according to Tubah Council is to first get the holiday recruits engaged and committed during holidays to voluntary community services and activities.

This year’s intake were about 220 youths cum students selected from Tubah administrative head quarter and the four villages that make up Tubah (Bambui, Bambili, Kedjom Keku and Kedjom Ketingoh).

They were assigned for the first week exercise, to clean their various palaces and vicinities, for the second week, send to clean major squares, the third assigned to clean major catchment areas and plant trees around the municipality and for the last week, they were drilled on proper waste management and recycling to produce compose manure  and hard pavement bricks.

This activity or exercise in the north shell, fall within Council and government plan to occupy, educate and empower youths during holidays.

According to the Mayor of Tubah, it is always a unique opportunity to bring youths and students during long summer holidays to work for the collective development of their council area.

Speaking on the occasion to the holiday makers and the Press, the Mayor of Tubah called on all to be civic, responsible, Ambassadors of peace and to champion the crusade on waste management and recycling which is what has earned him National and international awards as Cameroon’s best mayor at the forefront of community development and environmental protection.

The Mayor of Tubah Council Tanjong Martin, it must be noted is a bulldozer who has since committed his stay in office to community service and development through people centered activities, upholding the “The clean city Initiative and Waste is Wealth Campaign”