Wednesday, November 21, 2012

NACDA at 50 Celebrate Triumphantly

*Ntumfor Nico Halle Venerated Barrister Ntumfor Nico Halle well known as Cameroon’s number one peace Crusader cum international consultant, on the 17 of October 2012 at the Awing Palace esplanade bag credits for a unique organization of her 50th anniversary exceptionally to the envious eyes of the mammoth crowd that showed up. Hear them “Ntumfor has shown to the world and the Awing Man that he is indeed a Multiple Cure always there and ever present to make a difference, how we wish North West had about three of them, then the Region will have much to be envied of”. Here, on that blessed they that goes down the annals of Awing Cultural and development history, Ntumfor rallying all the Natural, financial, human and spiritual resources gave to his honoured village and the 50th anniversary the stem and pomp required for her to be classed exceptional and unique in the History of Anniversary celebrations in Cameroon. The over 3000 man population that gathered, to name the Swiss Ambassador, the British High Commissioner, the consular Generals of Niger, the Minister of Culture, the Governor, the DO of Santa Sub-Division, MPs, the Mayor Santa, Dr Dorothy Njema etc saw for themselves what it takes and prides a village to have a son illustrious like the Nico Halle of all and a people who are very much attached and dedicated to the development of their own village caring less of Government effort. Ntumfor Barrister Nico halle, Chairman of the organization committee, the master of ceremony, at the same time the protocol officer, showed and demonstrated again to the most Credible Fons of the North West who assisted the anniversary, in the likes of Nchomba, Guzang, Bambui, Mejang, Nzah etc how he remains most respectful, dedicated and serviceable to the Fons. The anniversary that regrouped all sons and daughters of Awing all over the world was to celebrate 50 years of Awing Cultural and development Association’s existence NACDA created in 1962 till date by Pa Mbachi, 50 years of maturity and speedy growth of the Association, the village and branches, 50 years of the Lord’s favour to the Awing People. This symbolic cultural and development exercise saw the reading of the Golden jubilee speech by Prof Paul Mbah Ngwan, an exceptional display of the culture and Tradition of the Awing people and the unalloyed love they have for their Fon and Fondom not leaving out the unveiling of the symbolic monument of “Ndong” Awing NACDA. The Awing Man on this God given blessed day, were also celebrating the countless support in the domain of Portable water provision, health care services, roads, Schools, and socio-cultural centres, Farm inputs, donated by the VSO, the American Gov’t, the Germans, Swiss, South Africans, Japan, Canada, Nigeria etc to the people of Awing.

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