Wednesday, June 28, 2017


Some points in Cameroon history are viciously distorted to meet-up with the wish of some persons for Secession, creating a Republic of Southern Cameroon. All that true history can present about Cameroon start with the German Kamerun. It was single territory that suffered separation in the hands of Britain and France. One brother became British administered and the other French. That is, British and French Trusteeship being the sharing in 1916 as a result of the World War that ended in 1945.
Since separation in 1916 till 1961, they lived apart with the knowledge that they were Brothers separated by two Colonial masters- British and French. To substantiate this fact, when Ahidjo became Prime Minister of the French administered Cameroon in 1958, he immediately laid a plan for the reunification of the two Cameroons into one single Cameroon. This plan had a pride of place in the minds of both the British and French administered Cameroon. It should be noticed that since 1957, just 12 years after the Second World War ended , and 31 years in the administration of two different colonial masters, they came immediately the surfacing of that brotherly interest to unite Cameroon as one nation.
Here I present an excerpt of Ahidjo’s speech in November 1957. “The oneness of Cameroon remains the ordent dream of all Cameroonians. Unity is possible as long as two conditions are fulfilled:
1.     Real Community of feeling of all Cameroonians and a oneness of purpose around our flag to the exclusion of all barriers of race or ethnicity.
2.     Reunification of the two Cameroons into a single Cameroon.
At this point, it must be accepted that Reunification had no huddles as it was long deep rooted in both brothers. With the burning desire to Reunite,the united Nations on the 11th and 12th February, 1961 organized a Plebiscite in the British administered Cameroon to decide if they will choose to remain part of Nigeria or join La Republic Du Cameroon. The two areas that were involved in the Plebiscite were the Southern Cameroon and Northern Cameroon of Nigeria who had her independence in 1960. There came the need for United Nations to decide on the future of the southern Cameroon and Northern Cameroon.
The Southern and Northern Cameroon voted in the Plebiscite and their votes were Counted Separately. The results were: Southern Cameroon 233.571 votes for integration with their brothers of the Republic of Cameroon and 97.741 votes against to join the Republic of Nigeria. The Northern Cameroon voted 146.296 to join Nigeria and 97.659 votes against and in the struggle for reunification; La Republic Du Cameroon lost that part of her brotherhood to the Republic of Nigeria. After the Plebiscite that was declared by the United Nations to be valid and binding as from April, 1961, Cameroon of the Southern Cameroon and La Republic Du Cameroon was Reunited as one and indivisible entity. For the Northern Cameroon that La Republique Du Cameroon saw strongly as part of her brotherhood, going to Nigeria, She made a plea to the International court of justice in the Hague and the case was dismissed. That part of motherland went to Nigeria as Southern Cameroon went to La Republic Du Cameroon.
One thing those seeking for Secession should note is that the desire to reunite was so strong that it wasn’t out of pressure in Foumban, but out of sincere willingness. If after many years of Co-existence, a brother nurses a grudge against the other, the United Nations has requested for a dialogue in the interest of good relationship, to foster the good spirits that originally was behind the Reunification that sought jubilations on both sides of River Mongo and the Diaspora.
Let the truth be preached to bring Cameroonians out of ignorance. By the time we take to following that which is correct, we shall see the rational in the request for dialogue and not secession. Nobody should tell a lie that reunification that gave the birth to a Federal Republic and later a United Republic, was without the consent of the people of Cameroon. On the 9th May, 1972, there was a draft constitution that was submitted by President Ahidjo for the people of Cameroon’s approval. The question read: “ Do you approve with a view to consolidating National Unity and accelerating  the economic, Social and Cultural development of the Nations, the draft constitution, instituting a Republic one and indivisible, to be styled the United Republic of Cameroon?” To this question, Cameroonians overwhelmingly answered, “YES”.
     At this point, I wish to quote the words of President Ahidjo after the
20th May, 1972 overwhelming “YES” to the question that he presented to the Cameroonian people:
“A nation ever more United; a strong and democratic state.
It rest with you and with all of us together to ensure that these seeds of today yield abundant crops tomorrow; that the plants which spring from them bear fruits worthy of the great work that the Cameroonian people have undertaken. Then we shall be proud to go with a bountiful harvest to the rendezvous with history. I address my best wishes to the United Republic of Cameroon. And so, fellow Countrymen, the birth certificate of the united Republic of Cameroon, that is to say, the sacred pact which once and for all enshrines and express their profound Unity. 20th May, 1972, will this beyond dispute, be the day of national unity and as such will surely be commemorated by future generations who will see in it the symbol of a great achievement carried through in solidarity, fraternity and confidence in the nation’s future. The strength of will of the Cameroonian people and the exemplary continuity of its efforts, today crowned with success, to unit within a common fatherland, free and independent, and to forge one nation at once proud of the rich diversity of its cultural personality and conscious of the absolute necessity of its unity, leave me in no doubt as to this devotion to the united Republic of Cameroon and this faithfulness to the profound meaning we give to it which is to complete the Unity of the Cameroon Nation and increase the effectiveness of our drive for a rapid and balance development. Long live United Cameroon, in Justice, brotherhood and progress.”
After observing these sincere words of President Ahidjo concerning our unity, let me now draw the attention of the innocent to the viciousness of the colonial masters that led to the inhuman fragmentation that has left some African countries as land-locked deserts. Those African countries as we can see, ought to have been better portions of their brother countries, but are deserts left independent and their people are dying of famine and extreme poverty, all in the name of sovereign nations of Africa. This is where the African Union has fast seen the importance of having a United States of Africa as a country to have her place juxtaposed other giant countries of the world. In a single United States of Africa, a united Cameroon will hold a powerful position, than a Cameroon fragmented into a Republic of Southern Cameroon and La Republique du Cameroon. Together we stand and separated we fall. it is easy to break a few broom sticks, than breaking a bundle. And finally, only when tiny threats are put together that they can tie a lion.
            In a united states of Africa there would be a weighted voting system in the General Assembly and the weighted vote of member states shall depend on the population, Contribution to the Union budget, and its unit share of the union membership. As such, the Republic of Southern Cameroon as a micro-state compared to La Republique du Cameroon, shall certainly count less votes and equally occupy an inferior position in the union. Here, I am putting it clear that the fight for a Republic of Southern Cameroon without a vision of future reforms in Africa to liberate her econo -politically, can be a futile mistake as was such that was made by the early states men for  our independence.
            They did sniff the wind of independence and went headlong without a vision of certain reforms that were to come up after independence. They could only table their inability to visualize after they had drawned their people into rubbish in the name of independence. Their lack of vision has placed Cameroon in the present state with quite some serious differences to handle. We can be doing our future generations more harm, if we also want to move in the dark without a vision. The book of wisdom (Bible) says, “Those without a vision are bound to perish”.
            Hanging on the fact that the Colonial masters fragmented the German Cameroon for their interest, and it pleased God to re-unite her and place her on the world map and history, I will want us to accept that the potential benefits of remaining a united and indivisible Cameroon are enormous. God is not a separationist and He hates all tendencies of separation. In the Bible the book of wisdom He says, “What I have put together, let no man put asunder”. The United Nation, African Union, and many other groupings are the good works of God to bring His people together as one people, answerable to each other and finally to Him. Our traditional adage says, “There can be no house with people and they do not quarrel”. This is where the phenomenon known as dialogue in human relationship, plays an important role in peace building.
            Should some people succeed to repeat the greedy actions of the colonial masters and scatter Cameroon once more into two microstates, then I here reveal a vision that it will surely  lead to further separation or secession that will render the people to become slaves worse than they had ever been. Despite the fact that the idea of secession carries no vision, there is every sound reason to believe that some Anglophones hold it as an ideal dream that they think shall come to pass. A lot of Anglophones too recognize the extent to which the benefits of unity for a United and indivisible Cameroon outweighs those of secession. Most Anglophones are becoming enlightened and call for dialogue that can bring about major reforms in a united and indivisible Cameroon. We all agree that there are differences between us as Cameroonians. We need equally to agree that none bears all the blames alone. Hence, we find ourselves at war that will not be to our advantage nor that of our children. Even though there are differences between us, we can after a sincere dialogue bury the past in the interest of our peace and Unity to head for a better place in a United States of Africa and the world.
            The Anglophone early leaders (Foncha and Muna), did acknowledge that they made mistakes, but now working on their mistakes to separate with our brothers (Francophones) will not be the best option to rectify the mistakes of the past. All of us (Anglophones and Francophones), will feel the pains of a lost brother and those of festering wounds caused by war. We shall then long for something to be done to heal them, but it will be a situation of eating our cake and wanting it back. At such a late moment, who shall do what, to fix the damage relationship and bring back our cherished peace and Unity?
            Even the Apostles of Christ working very close to God disagreed with each other at times, but the teachings of Christ helped them to get back on good terms and continued as a family for God’s work on earth. The counsel of Christ should help Cameroonians remain a united people ready to solve their conflicts and repair broken relationship in preparation for a united state of Africa. What a wonderful expectation! This is no longer a moment for deadwoods, but that of people who can see visions. The many separationist groups in different names are all deadwoods that will only mislead the Anglophones for no sound achievements as the destiny of our children. Working hand in gloves with them, we shall equally acknowledge shamefully our own mistakes as our leaders (Foncha and Muna) did before passing into their graves. Let us leave the various separationist groups alone and head for the dialogue that can make peace with our selves. At the dialogue table, we (Anglophones and Francophones ) shall all lay bare the false of each and every one . Whether it is the Francophones that have cheated the Anglophones or vice versa, the dialogue table shall talk matters out very much in a spirit of mildness for peace and unity, not heading to a battle field.
The paramount aim of such a dialogue should not definitely be to preserve the image of the Anglophones because of the separation intention or to pummel the Francophones into apologizing but for us to establish true solutions to problems hindering the brotherhood that was put in place by Foncha and Ahidjo, and make peace that will keep us one people of a united and indivisible Cameroon. That remains the truth for a sound mind who has a vision for a united state of Africa. A united states of Africa will not be built with very small and hungry countries that came into being out of vicious greed of separationists .
It is just but normal a human phenomenon for people who live and share together to have differences, and equally normal for them to always sit down together and iron matters out in the interest of peace building. We (Anglophones and Francophones) have to sit together, facing each other, with every good intention and talk the language of peace building and maintenance. That surely will work for the good of all (Anglophones and Francophones), because wars have never paid any dividends and the will never, ever, pay anywhere in the history of mankind. The way of solving our differences can be by taking off the obstacles that some separationists in the country and in the Diaspora are placing along the way of our cherished peace and unity, as they long for an Anglophone Republic.
At this point of facing the bull by the horns, I love my fellow Anglophone brothers to understand that pride and haughtiness due to ignorance will hinder all arrangement for  dialogue . Pride has deluted most Anglophones that I have discuss matters with them, to conclude that we are right in all circumstances even where we are floundering in quite a lot of our own mistakes. Haughtiness has made us build a strong spirit of placing our selves always right and the Francophones wrong. The way out of such a complex is to think of separation since relationship cannot be improved upon. Well, if wishes were horses then all beggars will ride.
The strange expectation of a sovereign state to be carved out of the Republic of Cameroon, instead of resolving  the difference that will maintain her peace and unity, is opening  wide the doors for a meaningless blood bath that can be realized very un-noticed, to the regret of both Anglophones and Francophones alike. Will Cameroonians be so un-reasonable to allow this happen? Will the united Nations and African union choose to see the Republic of Cameroon that is their member state, shattered to please separationists? Impossible! I am quite sure that like a barricade that halts traffic on a highway, the people of Cameroon, African Union and United Nations, will stop all efforts made by separationists to disrupt the peace that has and is reigning in this country.
            The Government of Cameroon has chosen to dialogue and therefore, invites the separationists who are in the country and those in the Diaspora, to join hands and open the strong bar to the room of reconciliation, no matter where it hurts most. We shall surely leave the dialogue table not the antagonists that we are presently to each other, but brothers as usual, of a united and peaceful Cameroon. In the interest of this dialogue, I will like us to examine critically statements of the founding fathers of this nation in Foumban, as they went there to accomplish a strong desire to reunite. Let us find out where the Anglophones are today right to blame the Francophones, and exonerate themselves, rather than discovering the errors that are today our destiny, and humbly accept to dialogue for meaningful change that should bring about good relationship in a Cameroon of peace and justice.

Statement by J.N. Foncha
            “Your Excellency, I wish to make just a few remarks on the proposals we made on the draft constitution submitted to the Southern Cameroon Delegation. I do not wish to comment on all of the points we have presented to you, but it is my place just to say the spirit in which we make these recommendations. For three days we sat over the papers your Excellency Presented to us. We looked into all the clauses and found many things quite agreeable to us and some, though agreeable needed some little suggestions from us, and we did so. We had heated debate on some of the points, and I can assure you that, that stemmed from the fact that we wished to produce the best for our Country. Our recommendation therefore, has nothing inimical but something which we feel the future Federation of Cameroon will be proud of if we take the points to reason and put down just what is practicable.
            I do not, at this stage want to claim that we are perfect in our recommendation, but I want to assure you that what we suggest is not far from being perfect if your Excellency and your party will consider those points seriously and accept them. I want to remark this – that the recommendations we made stem out of the brotherly feeling we have towards the Republic of Cameroon. We feel that we are building our house and not building a house for anybody, and any suggestion that we make to strengthen that house you may be sure stems from our very best interest.
            I must be frank to say that in my opinion, we have done a greater part of the constitutional proposals if we all can agree upon the points so far produced. I envisage a further meeting, but it will merely be to iron out the few words which we might not have put properly. I have said that I do not want to make comments on all that is put down here, but this general remark”.

Statement by Dr. Endeley, Leader of the Opposition:
            “Mr. President, Honorable Ministers, Gentlemen, I have great pleasure in associating myself with my colleague, the Premier of the Southern Cameroons. I must say that in my last talk I said we were here with an open heart and to work as a team. We have succeeded in working as a team in looking through the proposals which were placed by your government before the Southern Cameroons Delegation.
            There were proposals which were the results of great thought by experts, legal experts and therefore, it took more time than we thought it would take. We do not presume that we have found the answer to the problems which will unify the two Cameroon; but we have given an indication of what we think and what we feel. All we request is that you should receive our proposals as an indication of our good intentions and good will for a union. It is like a young brother who is anxious to live coldly and does not have any encouragement, he may feel very discouraged. Much of the desire for the people of the Southern Cameroons to Unite with their brothers, will depend on the attitude of the Republic of Cameroon and the manner in which they treat these proposals.
            I am happy for one thing, and for this I have again to thank the Sultan of Foumban and his people, that we have been able to continue our discussions in very good humour and  under a very happy atmosphere. We do not feel that we are in a strange Country at all, and this, I think, we owe to the friendliness and the peaceful atmosphere of Foumban. In the midst of work, we have been able to relax.
            Finally, Mr. President; I would wish to say one thing and this I would try to convey through you this is to our brothers who have gone wild in the bush. If I, as opposition leader, and my colleagues can reconcile with MR. Foncha, I can not see why those who are the opposition and have gone wild in the bush can not reconcile  with your government. I have had great reason to feel that MR. Foncha is an enemy to me and I would not work together with him, as the terrorists have felt against President Ahidjo. We have come to set an example. I have come to set an example – that by working together, we can make a better country. If, by this example which I set with my colleagues, we can not produce a peaceful Cameroon, then we will be a laughing stock to the country.
            Many people thought that this conference would be a failure and that it would not work; as it is the first conference and it has succeeded, I am convinced that all other conferences after this will succeed. And, therefore, Mr. President, I am appealing to those brothers who have gone wild to cease fire and cooperate with us and come back to help make Cameroon a peaceful country. We should not use our arms against our brothers, we should use them against our enemies.
            Mr. President, I do not believe that what we have taken four days to answer, you might find an answer to every clause that we have put before you. As my colleague the Premier said, we have only concentrated in dealing with the more urgent matters which would make our Union on the 1st October possible. There are other matters which I think we can treat as secondary and which we can deal with later on.
            Finally, Mr. President, on behalf of  my colleagues, I am grateful for the indulgence you have given us to look through your papers and your proposals at a time which was convenient to us. I pledge our loyalty and determination to be at your service any time necessary for the betterment of the Southern Cameroons”.


            “Gentlemen, at the close of this historic gathering, I am very happy to be able to collate our different points of view that we have put forward during these few days in order to find concrete form to be principles of our future constitution.
            After we had expressed our desire to reunite, the United Nations decided to organize a plebiscite in the Southern Cameroons to see whether these wishes were really genuine. The question put to the population of this part of the territory was: “Do you wish to become independent by uniting with the Independent Republic of Cameroon?” to this question the vast majority of the electorate responded clearly in the affirmative.
-         Consequently, it became incumbent on the Republic of Cameroon which already enjoyed international sovereignty and which possessed its own institutions, to form a Union with the brother territory of the Southern Cameroons.
-         During our former talks we came to the agreement that this reunification should be realized on a federal basis adapted to suit particular conditions of our two territories. We have kept our promise, and have submitted for your meditation the draft proposals which would be in accordance with the objective that we have laid down. The suggestions that we have just received from Premier Foncha, after several working sessions, during which you studied our draft proposals, following your arrival in Foumban, bear witness to the profound interest in and the particular attention given to this delicate question. We appreciate these dispositions and address to you our sincere congratulations. We are all the more happy to see that in the main outlines, our views are identical. It only remains for us to put appropriate legal form the observations retained – a task which we propose to undertake as soon as we return to Yaounde, and in which  the Prime Minister and his colleagues will participate at the end of the month.
The principal amendments which you proposed to the draft can be classified in two categories – those which concern questions of detail on which I do not think it necessary to insist, and those which concern questions of Principle. With regard to the later, the Cameroon Republic Delegation is in agreement with the greater part of your view.
With regard to nationality, we are of the opinion that the Federal Republic can give but one nationality to it citizens, and on this condition the subjects of the Federated states are citizens of the Federal Republic and possess Cameroon’s nationality”.
To conclude, in the present situation that the Anglophones have poisoned minds and are bent on parting  and it is not the best option, I would want us to juxtapose the statements of the two founding fathers (Foncha and Endeley), and the response of Ahidjo, particularly his response on citizenship, and reason rationally how possible it is for us to shower all our blames on the Francophones and exonerating the Anglophones (Southern Cameroon), who had all God’s blessings and thought well and decided well what was good for them in the union with the Republic of Cameroon.
            The United Nations, African Union, Nigeria, Britain and France were not present in Foumban. It was the delegation of the Southern Cameroon and the Republic of Cameroon. All that the two brothers agreed on and are passing through today is of their making. In such circumstance, as no mostal decisions are perfect and today cracks are found all over the walls of our building, I call on my people the Anglophones, to take to the usual good intentions and good will for a continuous Union of brotherhood and go to the table and dialogue for a peaceful and united Cameroon. Should this cry remain on the rocks in the Wilderness, and we refuse the option to dialogue, but prefer secession, the Barrel of the white –man’s gun will be at our disposal and we, our children, our women, the old, shall discover but too late that we acted foolishly to reject a  fry – pan, and ran into the fire.
            At this point that the entire air in the Anglophone zone is smelling nothing but secession, I here refer us back to the good intentions of a great opposition leader of the Southern Cameroon Dr. Endeley, who reconciled with Foncha for the interest of building a nation where there is peace and Unity. They did set an example by going to the dialogue table for reconciliation. Today, it is for us too, to also set our own example to seek for reconciliation with the Francophones that we now see as a people we can no longer live with as brother, and our glorious union of the past is falling apart.
            Just as Endeley saw Foncha as his enemy, but had to reconcile with him in the interest of peace, unity and progress, we can also emulate the good spirit of the two state’s men, even though there are pins here and there that pinch severely. All we need now is dialogue as brothers of one and indivisible Cameroon. All the wahalla have and are only exposing Cameroon to be a laughing stock to the rest of the world and preparing her for a battle field. Worse of it, our schools are closed, and our children not going to school.
            I strongly emphasize that nowhere in the world and at no time in human history has war been embraced. We must always avoid it as much as possible because even when we fight and win, or when it is stopped by the powers that be, it leaves behind scars that can never be forgotten. Little pins that pinch us here and there can be removed, should we take to a dialogue table, rather than the battle field. The United Nations and the peace loving people of the world need a report on the dialogue in Cameroon to avoid a blood bath, as has happened and is happening in some countries. Jumping to get a feather off a flying goose might seem great to separationists, but the fact will remain that separation will be emulated to become the destiny of our children.
            I am not by this write – up out to provoke bees in their hive, rather, I am out to let us know that it is dangerous for us to allow separationists play on the people’s intelligence to benefit themselves and their supporters in the diaspora. The separationists want to build a pond in Cameroon that our children shall fish in trouble waters and pay prices that are too dear, and not of their making. When we talk of separation, I remember the Buea All Anglophone conference (AAC) that was meant to enormously contribute to the large debate. We should at this moment see how  the Buea declaration of AAC of 2-3/04/93, sent the Anglophones  off agenda. There after, we went to the united Nations and returned with a symbolic United Nations flag, but failed to tell the Anglophones the significance of the flag and how it was acquired. Rather we went ahead floundering about with various deceitful concepts:

1.                 The non termination of the Trusteeship Agreement
2.                 That it was terminated, but not the right way
3.                 The violation of a 30years transitional agreement
4.                 That the leadership of Ahidjo imposed the unitary system of government
On the Southern Cameroon
5.                 That Foncha and Muna are to be blamed
6.                 A return to the agreed two states Federation
7.                 Of Secession.
Examining these concepts properly, I wish to observe that these are points viciously distorting Cameroon history to  meet –up with the cry of separationists for a so call “Republic of Southern Cameroon”.

The Republic of Cameroon is a Sovereign state with full membership in United Nations and the African Union. All the charters of the two organizations were ratified and to be respected by Cameroon and equally the organizations. They were not ratified to be used as tools for the creation of a new state or for the separation of the United and Indivisible State of Cameroon.
            The headache which needs but a dialogue comes from the acceptance naively to allow President Ahidjo (May his soul rest in peace) in 1966 to stifle multi-partism in the territory and gave life only to his own party. This affected negatively the West and East Cameroon Federalism agreement, but the West Cameroon had no eyes to see how things were to unfold later to their detriment . Furthermore, with mono-party giving all powers to Ahidjo, he in a referendum in 1972, capitalized on the naivety of West Cameroon and the Union between the two as was agreed upon in 1961, gave way to a United and Indivisible Cameroon. Even though some persons today cry  that the referendum of 1972 contradicted UNITED NATIONS  Resolution 1608 of 21-4-1961, they fail to understand that UN had nothing to say or do as two brothers of the same house (West and East Cameroon) decide to put things right in their house and fortify their union for their better. There is no charter of UN that objects to internal arrangements for the wellbeing of the nation concerned. All that happened was an internal matter that concerned a member state of the UN and any interference would have been tantamount to UN violating its own charter.
            We accept that the referendum changed the union voted for by the Southern Cameroon in 1961 – That is, Federal Republic changed to United Republic. How do we today attach annexation here when the two brothers out of no pressure agreed to a referendum and voted freely for a United Cameroon- That is, they voted to unite themselves as members of the same house for their wellbeing. Again in 1984, President Paul Biya’s regime that had representation from the two sides, saw the need for another change of name, with no iota of resistance or protest. How do we hold UN responsible for all our internal political gymics? If the gymics taste sour to us today, the right thing is to take to the dialogue table and there, reshape the branches of the tree of our union to avoid an ugly situation that can become the bitter destiny of our children.
            For the dialogue to be quite effective, the former West Cameroonians by blood, should all stand up and put their heads together to get persons amongst them of substance, who will communicate the Government of Cameroon their readiness to dialogue in the interest of peace and unity.


A man thought it was right for him to keep crying deceitfully of a wolf invading the village. Each time he cried and the entire village showed concern and came out prepared to attack and kill the wolf, he laughed, telling the people that it was only one of his tricks to make him know that they were so foolish and can be tickled in any form, at any moment, for his selfish desires.
One day, when the villagers were fedup with him the wolf actually entered the village, stood right beside him, quite prepared to devour him. He cried on the top of his voice, but the villagers stayed unconcern, claiming that it was just one of the days that he wanted to make a fool of them. He was finally devoured by the wolf. What ever a man sowed, that shall he also reap.
           Since Cameroonians went floundering in politics, Ghost Town has always made some cold rundown the nostrils of Government Authorities. But as at today like the man who kept crying “wolf” where there was none, Ghost town is no longer the cold to be felt severely by Government Authorities. Reasons being that, it has become monotonous and nobody says, “an old wound pains”. Presently, Ghost town is looking more of a childplay to enable Cameroonians acquire more laziness from the demonic realm and go strongly with the notion that to destroy and leave the country worse, is far better than to keep improving  on what they have, and to leave the country better than they met  it. How reasonable is it for us to burn our roads, houses, markets, schools, or kill a fellow Cameroonian all for a supports of ghost town?
           The sad point I am bringing to the understanding of rational Cameroonians is that since we went floundering in multiparty politics, the scenarios have always been that of “Like fathers like children”. None has bothered to leave footprints on the sand of their time. The question today is, “ must you take your precious time to build your country and you rather go supporting negative concepts?” This question is blowing in the wind. I hold that behaving as “children like fathers”, will equally make you leave no footprints of yours on the sand of your time, but will rather sent you regretting at the end of your journey as your fathers did. I wish to advice that the errors the Anglophone fathers made, the principle of duplication should not be copied by their children. It is acceptable that the errors of the Anglophone fathers are pinching and the bleak future of the country is full of uncertainties. Let us know that God will only continue to bless this country and abundantly, if we can only reason rationally and throw wide-open the doors to the dialogue room, and go in with the conception that God had condemned the Anglophones and Francophones to live together as brothers of one and indivisible Cameroon. Being discontent and a rigorous atmosphere of ghost town closes the doors of our institutions of learning  and paralyses our economy, is not the best for the destiny of tomorrow. The mistakes of the Anglophone fathers of yesterday that have let to marginalization, can be properly handled in the dialogue room, than running in the bush, children and old men starved to death, women raped and  all that is negative enough where there is a struggle for secession.
           God is still giving Cameroon some hopes, and at a moment like this of ghost town, his sympathy remains eternal with our violent anger, as he waits on seeing Anglophones and Francophones hand in hand, moving into the dialogue room, to seek final solutions to their differences. Ghost town is not the best solution any longer, but in the dialogue room, God will provide solutions that will lead to peace and unity for His Glory. Life is mankind’s precious gift from God, and no man is free to disturb or take it away. God has solutions to all the problems of the life he gave us, if only we seek him. Let the ghost town be called off and Cameroonians go with God to the dialogue table for His solutions to the stalemates of today.
“My Grace is sufficient for you” (2Corinthians 12:9)
“ In everything, give thanks” (1 Thessalonians 5 : 19)  
“ For I consider that the sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall  be reveal to us” (Romans 8:18)
           Our God is noble and never changes. From the dialogue room, He wants to give Cameroon more of His infinite blessings. Let us at this moment that ghosts have occupied the nooks and corners of our towns (ghost town), call on God, he will answer us, and show us great and mighty things that we have never known. The ghosts in our towns can not provide the great and mighty Cameroon that God has prepared for us in the dialogue room. Let us chase away the ghosts in our towns, vomit out those in us and allow our children go to school peacefully. The ghosts in our towns and those in us, are only building a bleak future that will enable our innocent children fish in trouble waters.
           At this moment, our great God is asking Cameroonians to sit on his comfortable  laps where we can obtain spiritual strength and all the ghosts in us and in our towns will disappear, freeing our children from preparing to fish in trouble waters that is not of their making. Even if out of some greed there is separation, the Anglophones and francophones will continue to see themselves as brothers who failed to serve one another with love for Gods Glory. That will keep us regretting throughout our lives, till another generation comes. It is not the ghosts in us, nor those in our towns, that can stop the marginalization of the Anglophones by francophones. It is God in us all and in all our towns, that we can be able to have a Cameroon where there is justice, goodness, holiness, love, peace and unity – Sincere brotherhood. Amen.       

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