Monday, March 21, 2022

Editorial; "Red Zone” How “Red” is Anglophone Cameroon, Hit by the Liberation War? As People take Advantage

Has the Liberation War in Anglophone Cameroon Truly reached the Red Zone ebb? Is the one Billion Dollars question. If it is the case is the situation Truly Red following war analysis? Danger looms.

“Red” is most often regarded as danger and “zone” most often a time may be in other words regarded as Line. Conclusively, Red Zone can as well be Danger line and nobody crosses the danger line because it is known as the limit. The limit between death and life in a war given situation.

That is the terminology which has suddenly become the national anthem of war mongers, war lords and propagandists. To make advance their points or flesh a given situation when they are discussing the Anglophone crisis in situations where they want to magnify the story, woo or attract sympathy.

Are we really at the cross road of the crisis? Has it reached the danger line? Can our situation be likened to the scenario in Ukraine as Russia bombard every living soul? Many are souls which have perished in the crisis and to an extent war, hundreds of persons have been displaced, houses burnt, schools burnt and a good number closed even churches and hospitals. The military killed in their numbers just as civilian and separatists forces, the system made ungovernable, economy stagnated worst of it insecurity situation magnified.

But we, I mean the situation in Anglophone Cameroon has not reached a full scale war most especially as the situation does not look clearly apparent as a war.  Given that a nation does not declare war on it’s people? And the situation is such that the state is struggling to dismantle a network or a gang that cannot easily be identified, living and hiding in the midst of people. Who only hit and run or kidnap to make money or extort money from it’s  own very citizens they are out to protect.

The crisis in the  North West and the South West Regions of Cameroon are extraordinary and exceptionally unclassified under war normal given circumstances, but many have taken advantage of the situation to make huge capital gains.

It is now very common placed to hear that the situation is precarious or deepening by any individual in any given situation to drive home his hidden agenda.

Many are teachers for example who have taken advantage of the crisis not to be effectively at work. Many are people who hardly go home or to the village for pretext that they will be kidnapped. Many are government officials and elected officials who have taken advantage of the situation to be doing funny things and toiling around with the people’s fate and income, not to talk of those who have been using the crisis to settle scores.

The situation at time is described by those who pray well of the situation to be under control. Others, who for one reason or the other may not want it to end, will rather magnify every given situation to suit their interests.

This is where the Anglophone liberation war is and is growing in complexity every day given the complex circumstance and wayward attitude of the immediate actors involved and the victims caught in the cross fire. The stage is crowded with Bite and Blow politicians with pot bellies ready to swallow all at the mercy of the dying masses”.

At the end of the day, it is a “chopping arrangement” for some, while people die like flies and fools seat waiting for better days ahead from a gang of dishonest revolutionists and unreliable politicians.

Hear crooks “WE ARE IN A RED ZONE”, of what good or help is it to you? If it is not only out to fan the situation and arouse a situation or create an unnecessary sensation. God will punish us and whosoever is feeding fat out of the situation while souls keep perishing. Those taking advantage of the situation on “Ground Zero” will pay in their own coins. God of justice and vengeance is watching.


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