Saturday, December 31, 2022

Tubah Regional Assembly Councilor Atibatim Cyprain Donates Health Care Items to Tubah District Hospital, Eve to New year

The items dolled out to the Tubah District hospital to support health care provision and services to the best of the knowledge of this Reporter falls in line with, impact based humanitarian actions which are people centered and contributes grossly to enhance collective welfare and social being.

The effort accompanies or support government health plan of the season to make sure health care services are made more affordable and accessible.

What we must make precision here is that what was lobbied for and finally allocated as medical accessories for Tubah in the Regional Assembly has been dolled out to the beneficiary.

That is in a high profile ceremony on Saturday the 31st of December 2022 that saw the outmost presence of the DO of Tubah Narcisse Metugue, the Fon of Bambui Angafor III and village administration, the Mayor of Tubah represented by First Deputy, Nji Nelson, the Director of the said government medical facility Dr. Dingana Terence and personnel to receive the package.

The symbolic occasion or donation exercise was a special way the senior Regional Councilor representing Tubah at the Regional Assembly thought he could commune with his people during this festive period by donating to assist, ease and facilitate the provision of health services at the Tubah District hospital.

According to him as representative of the people of Tubah at the Regional Assembly, it is incumbent on him to source for and bring back to his community as a way of community returns to impact lives and improve on social welfare services.

Not stopping at that, the seasoned councilor who doubles as a legal mind has a lot in his shelves which he disclosed to the press shall be made known and available to the Tubah population in the course of the year 2023.

He also ceased the occasion or the opportunity to promise good tiding to the Tubah community and health officials while extending to them new year wishes in advance.

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI Bows to Divine Call at 95

BREAKING News from the Vatican: Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has died at the age of 95, the Vatican announced.

World ECHOES MEDIA GROUP extends heartfelt condolences to the Catholic church worldwide for his passing on.

Friday, December 30, 2022

MBECUDA Budgets 81 Millions 7 Hundred Thousands FRS CFA for 2023 to Harness Water resources, Improve on health infrastructures, Face lift Palace and Community Development

After the 2021 grand water fund raising project of over 77 millions raised, MBECUDA Mbeligi Cultural and Development Association has scored another powerful shot in the development history of the village.

That was on Thursday 30rd of December 2022 that the celebrated development arm of the village under the supreme leadership of Andangfung Eric who doubles as the General Manager of UNVDA Ndop, regrouped the National Executives and branch Presidents at the Bambili Palace conference hall to chatter and chart ways forward to improve on social, humanitarian and economic infrastructures of the village.

The meeting that registered massive presence dwelled on four key issues concerning Bambili village development; the harnessing of it’s water resources to meet increasing needs, road infrastructures and health facility improvement, security challenges and measures on how to safe guard the existing peace in the village for lasting peace in the phase of the ongoing Anglophone crisis.

A balance sheet or a clear cut statement of account was presented on how last year’s budget was executed for the development of the village and that of 2023 fiscal year was voted, standing at over nine hundred million (900) millions francs CFA.

Part of the anticipated budget will be used to facelift existing structures in the Palace under construction, health units and the rest for mass development and the running of activities of the Association.

The general village brainstorming exercise that lasted for over six hours before the honored presence of the Fon of Bambili, Fon Afungchwi III, the DO of Tubah, Metugue Narcisse, the Mayor of Tubah Council, Tajong Martin, gave room for village branch and audit reports to be presented. Speeches and resolutions took another phase of the occasion to register the success story.

Speaking to the press at the end of MBECUDA Annual general assembly, it’s illustrious President Andangfung Eric hailed collaborators for a good job and encouraged all executive branch heads and member to mobilize sons and daughters of the village more than ever before to join the task force of development to transform Bambili village into a veritable development hub. He ceased the opportunity to also call on sons and daughters of the village to join hands with the administration and the government of Cameroon to sustain the existing peace in Bambili while clamoring for the peace and security of the nation for national unity.

The Fon on his part Afungchwi III, thanked his subjects for the massive presence to boost development works of the village. Calling on all his subjects at home and abroad to get themselves actively involved in issues concerning the village, culture and traditions. He added that the days ahead in the Bambili village administration will be very promising as he will restructure village administration, put in place a commission to coordinate the teaching of Bambili dialect in schools above all set up a standard arts and crafts center plus a museum for the village.

The Mayor of Tubah Tanjong Martin on his part as an elite and a development actor of the Municipality, pledged his unalloyed support to the Bambili village development squad and maintained the council’s position on facilitating and contributing to the development of the village.

Bambili village, for those who do not know it, harbors a set of dynamic people and authorities of exceptional class in the country, they own a history, a culture and a traditional heritage that they have since preserved from time in memoriam till date jealously to the admiration of the outside world. She is one of the four villages of Tubah Sub-Division, seat of the University of Bamenda.



Thursday, December 29, 2022

Serious Man Hunt Because of False Accusations As Anglophone Crisis Deepens: The Case of Desmond Fru Tsay, Ada Henrienta Aba, Ebot Samuel Oben amongst others are Typical Examples

#Hunted for Alleged Arm Supply and the Promotion of Liberation Struggle

Set up, false accusations, blackmail and frame up has of late taken central stage of the deepening Anglophone Liberation war that has been on for the last seven years in Anglophone Cameroon. The last seven years liberation war has inflicted a lot of untold suffering to the English speaking population of Cameroon in their respective attempt to scout for liberal

and sovereign right.

Over 1000 persons brutally killed, a hundred and fifty thousand displaced, 70% of schools permanently closed and vandalized by separatists fighters, economy grounded, great material lost, not to talk of military raids, wanton and outright arrest, growing Human right abuse etc.

As we report, government in attempt to arrest the warring situation in Anglophone Cameroon, has launched a full scale crack down operation which has embarked on serial and well orchestrated arrest pin pointed by government spy's and agents.

In the process, government or Republican forces have resorted to framing up people and tagging them with names associated to the ongoing revolution to extort monies. Others pay Republican forces to eliminate people to settle dispute or misunderstandings.

In the military crack down operations many Anglophones have fallen victim and incarcerated, others on the run for their dear lives and security.

The case of last year's military raids conducted in Bamenda, Buea municipalities and the government residential area in December 2022 to fish out secessionists has left many innocent civilians arrested, others on the run and seriously wanted all long the years.

We are here making reference amongst many other cases of some graduates from different state universities Desmond Fru Tsay, Ada Henrienta Aba, Ebot Samuel Oben amongst others whose pictures are littered on public police notice boards as wanted Activists.

This are just a few cases amongst many other names which are read daily on national radio, names pasted all over as wanted individuals.

True to what this reporter is presenting as fact, many innocent Anglophones are on the run for motives associated to the struggle which is simply to settle problems or iron out differences.

 Many have died, many continue to dies and many are running for dear lives daily.

To stay safe in the NoSo (North West and the South West Regions), from common understanding you must be able to buy and bribe your way from the military and that is what makes the order of the day in a routine life situation characterized, by cross fire and wanton arrests.



Saturday, December 24, 2022

Whistle blowing:Persecution and Prosecution of Teachers on the Rise in Anglophone Cameroon as Liberation war Deepens

The case of Noela Ika Beh, a teachers in Wum and teachers of the two English speaking Regions of Anglophone Cameroon are  a serious call for concern and alarm. 

What started as a pacific strike actions organized by teachers and lawyers on the 6th of October 2016, to gain identity and dignity unfortunately or fortunately has grown out of proportion to a full scale war entering it’s eight years putting the same parties concerned victims of their orchestrations.

Hijacked by separatist fighters and Republican forces, who have taken upon it as a theatre or center for their cross fire  exchanges.

Eight years down the roll as the crisis deepens and grow in Propensity, 54% of schools remain closed according to UN security reports with over a thousand teachers targeted and over five hundred kidnapped, and a hundred murdered in cold blood.

As we report, a cross section of internally displaced persons over a 100,000 are mostly students, teachers, lawyers and families in areas declared red zones habited by separatist fighters and centers of the war arsenal.

North West where school reopening is trying to pick up, teachers of late in their numbers  are as we report a subject to the brutal attacks from the regime in question who want them to be in school daily mindful of the security threats and challenges from the separatists fighters who will not want to see a class door open talk less of children in school attire before accommodating the fact that teachers should go about their pedagogic activities.

Which is a gross abuse to the fundamental rights of teachers and their students to education.

In a lawless situation who cares? Most especially as the gang has resorted to kidnapping teachers who are violating their school injunction order for money.

The case of some Menchum teachers early last October is very much in the news where many teachers were not only picked up by separatist forces but by military to regain duty post brutally and with horrendous threats.

The case of Noela Ika a teacher from Wum and colleagues from our sources, reflects and mirror a beater, a brutal and a traumatic experience of what teachers go through in the English speaking part of Cameroon in the name of teaching from both Republican and separatist forces.

As a center of attention and attraction, teachers have remained a major source of target daily given that, if schools starts fully all will come back to normalcy and the nationhood liberation fighters are trying to restore will die a natural death after all the wasted years.

True to what we are saying in this special report, the act of both forces has caused many teachers to be kidnapped, some killed and most on the run for dear lives. While some are in detention camps either because they have absconded from school activities or parties to the separatist campaign.

This calls for international attention as the alarming rate of human social right violation is becoming unbearable.

Monday, December 19, 2022

CBCHS Now Owns & Offers Treatment for all Sexual Dysfunctions with ED1000

Thanks to MEDISPEC a US leading medical device manufacturing company, the ED1000 machine for erectile dysfunction has officially been installed at Mbingo Baptist hospital Nkwen.  That was on Friday the 16th of December 2022 by Dr. Adekule representing MEDISPEC and Prof. Tih Pius in the honored presence of Cameroon Press men and CBC Health Officials.

The machine ED1000 is first of its kind in Cameroon after effective usage in over 80 countries in the world. According to specialists, it comes to resolve all sexual dysfunction in men through a simplified shock wave machine that has less effect on the nerves unlike situations treated locally or stimulated through consumption of concoctions.

70% of marital problems according to experts erupt thanks to men’s sexual weakness or inability in bed as a result, CBC Health official after proper studies and consultations, have decided to put up a section with trained specialists on how to manipulate the machine for treatment.  

With the ED1000 machine, already proven for its efficiency problems of erectile dysfunction will be a thing of the past.  As treatment requires just 12 days medical visits in a month to receive 18000 shocks for complete treatment.

Proven and tested, ED1000 is so far the best option to treat erectile dysfunction presently installed at Mbingo  Nkwen Baptist Hospital, open to all.

On the occasion of the official presentation and the inauguration of the ED1000 center at the CBCHS, morning devotion opened the occasion, followed by a presentation of the Machine ED1000, how it functions, treatment and demonstration done at the unit.

For all you need to know about ED1000, Response to the basic questions below will answer all your worries;

What is ED1000?

ED1000 is a small device that delivers soundwaves called low intensity shockwaves

to the penis and stimulates receptor  repair and development of new blood vessels

to help regain strong erectile function.​​

How does the technology work?

A certain frequency of  shock waves are focused onto the treatment area triggering the release of chemical messengers that promote blood vessel repair and new blood vessell receptors.  Shockwave therapy is approved in over 20 countries The device was developed in Israel by Medispec, the innovators for this technology and who own several patents for its use.

Will it work for me?

Men with blood vessel problems (vascular dysfunction) will be the best candidates. 80% of all erectile dysfunction cases are related to blood vessel problems. ED-1000 is effective in most of these cases, even when other treatments were not successful.  This includes those with damage from advancing age, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, long term smoking, long term alcohol use, certain medications, obesity and chronic inflammation.

Why would I choose the ED1000 over other ED treatments?

Patients with treatment responses to ED1000 do not need to use medications (pills or injections) to get an erection suitable for intercourse. This means you do not need to rely on medications, take them before sex, or have to deal with side effects and the expense of ED medications.

In addition, for men who cannot take some ED medications due to interactions with other drugs, this can be an excellent treatment choice.

How are treatments delivered and what is the schedule?

A small device that looks like an ultrasound probe is placed against the penis. You will have no discernible sensation during the treatment apart from the device contact.

Each treatment session is approximately 20 minutes long. The entire treatment protocol consists of several sessions, which are conducted over few weeks.

How soon can improvement be noticed? How long will it last?

You may notice a clear improvement within the first 6 sessions of your treatment. Our patients report that the high rate of satisfaction lasts for more than a year after completing the treatment course– without reliance on medications.

Will treatments need to be repeated in the future?

Generally, following the initial series of treatments, no additional treatments are required. However, the treatment can be repeated as often as necessary, since it is non-invasive, painless, and there are no side-effects.

Is shockwave therapy safe?

Yes, the treatment is completely safe. It is non-invasive, and no medications are used. There are no reported side-effects during, immediately after.

Exceptionally; Akamancho Lopti Amungwa Enthroned Bambui Fon’s Representative in Bamenda

That was on Sunday the 18th of December 2022 at his residence before the court of first instance, Upstation Bamenda, to the joy and happiness of the Bambui community in the North West Region.

The enthronement exercise falls within the ambit of the Fon of Bambui Angafor II’s traditional administrative action plan or intension to decentralize power and take power closer to his people wherever they are in, around and out of the country.

Akamancho Lopti Amungwa, who doubles as the CEO of Lah International, happens to be the fifth in line to be crowned and enthroned as Bambui Fon’s Representative. In the line up we have AKamancho Tumutoh Emmaneul, for littoral, Geh Alfred for the West, Angafor Pius for the center, and Chungong Polycarp for the South West. Abroad, the Fon has three representatives, one in Canada, Amungwa Neba Vitalis, Angafor Gideon for the Uk and Tamanji Calistus for the US.

These persons who happen to be the Fon’s eyes and ears in the respective Regions and countries were appointed on the 30th of October 2022 on the occasion of Fon Amungwafor the II’s memorial.

Coming backing to the crowd pulling event, it brought together Bambui community at home and abroad, Fons and friend of the Bambui Palace, the Governor of the North West and constituted corps.

Exceptionally, Lah carried the day as he painted of the occasion a different picture and gave it a grandeur that suits or is compared to the enthronement of a Fon.

Speaking at the occasion the Chairman of BACUDA Mbumbu Dickson and the Traditional Council cahirman, Sixtus, commended the decision of the Fons at this particular point in time, which will go a long way to facilitate traditional administration and good governance.

The DO of Tubah Narcisse Metugue on his part celebrated the fact that the Fon of Bambui has taken the bold initiative to emulate government example, which is taking administration to the people. He thanked all who gathered in honor of the occasion, calling on them to be law abiding and peace loving, while praying God almighty to guard over all. He also ceased the occasion to drum for support for the newly created Tubah United football Club, calling on all to put hands together to raise the flag high.

The Fon of Bambui Angafor II deeply and profoundly elated, was abundantly grateful to all who gathered to make of the occasion a success. He stressed, enthroning his representatives in, around and abroad is to ease traditional administration for all and will reduce his task. As a peace loving Fon he assigned his representatives to be law abiding and be composed in their actions and decisions.

Lopti Amungwa, now Akamancho the celebrant on his part received the recognition with all honor and promised to deliver, while calling on all present to give him maximum collaboration.