Thursday, December 29, 2022

Serious Man Hunt Because of False Accusations As Anglophone Crisis Deepens: The Case of Desmond Fru Tsay, Ada Henrienta Aba, Ebot Samuel Oben amongst others are Typical Examples

#Hunted for Alleged Arm Supply and the Promotion of Liberation Struggle

Set up, false accusations, blackmail and frame up has of late taken central stage of the deepening Anglophone Liberation war that has been on for the last seven years in Anglophone Cameroon. The last seven years liberation war has inflicted a lot of untold suffering to the English speaking population of Cameroon in their respective attempt to scout for liberal

and sovereign right.

Over 1000 persons brutally killed, a hundred and fifty thousand displaced, 70% of schools permanently closed and vandalized by separatists fighters, economy grounded, great material lost, not to talk of military raids, wanton and outright arrest, growing Human right abuse etc.

As we report, government in attempt to arrest the warring situation in Anglophone Cameroon, has launched a full scale crack down operation which has embarked on serial and well orchestrated arrest pin pointed by government spy's and agents.

In the process, government or Republican forces have resorted to framing up people and tagging them with names associated to the ongoing revolution to extort monies. Others pay Republican forces to eliminate people to settle dispute or misunderstandings.

In the military crack down operations many Anglophones have fallen victim and incarcerated, others on the run for their dear lives and security.

The case of last year's military raids conducted in Bamenda, Buea municipalities and the government residential area in December 2022 to fish out secessionists has left many innocent civilians arrested, others on the run and seriously wanted all long the years.

We are here making reference amongst many other cases of some graduates from different state universities Desmond Fru Tsay, Ada Henrienta Aba, Ebot Samuel Oben amongst others whose pictures are littered on public police notice boards as wanted Activists.

This are just a few cases amongst many other names which are read daily on national radio, names pasted all over as wanted individuals.

True to what this reporter is presenting as fact, many innocent Anglophones are on the run for motives associated to the struggle which is simply to settle problems or iron out differences.

 Many have died, many continue to dies and many are running for dear lives daily.

To stay safe in the NoSo (North West and the South West Regions), from common understanding you must be able to buy and bribe your way from the military and that is what makes the order of the day in a routine life situation characterized, by cross fire and wanton arrests.



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