Monday, March 14, 2022

Balance Sheet of DO Narcisse Metuge’s Over Four Months Supreme Command at the Helm of Tubah Sub-Division

*Tubah Sub-Division in the News, “Waxing Strong in the Midst of Security Challenges”

The Sub-Division of Eta Mbukaya Ashu, Alim Garga and today of Narcisse Metuge Massango lately have been in the news basically on the security wave length and education as she hosts five renown educational institutions in Cameroon and one of the oldest Councils in the country.

We are talking of the famous university of Bamenda, the most reputable CCAST Bambili (Cameroon college of arts science and technology), the well know CHS Bambui (Comprehensive high school Bambui) and the legendary Tubah Council plus the Dschang University antenna, the Agric school and Irad research center Baforkum.

Hosting just these structures or institutions and the population there in, makes complex of the security challenges or situation of the area.

Which is what the Sub-Division has continuously and consistently suffered for the past years most especially in the hands of separatists fighters with the upsurge of the Anglophone Crisis which has since 2006 heightened the security challenges and is now deepening in and around Tubah periphery.

In the face of these situations only an open door policy and continuous sensitization of the armed gangs to leave the bush for the DDR center (the center of disarmament, and rehabilitation)  can work magic.

Which is what the new DO, Narcisse Metuge has instituted in the Sub-Division for the social collective welfare of his jurisdiction.

The last days of Alim Garga at the head of that Sub-Division went without noise and his successor has taken exactly from his foot steps and is moving at and within the wave length of the wish of the people and officials he is called to head or manage.

Keeping to his words as he took office to work hand in gloves with the Fons of the four villages (Bambui, Bambili, Kedjum Keku, Kedjum Ketingoh), the Mayor ( Tanjong Martin) and all administrative heads to promote peace and harmony in the Sub-Division while fostering  sustainable development at the beg and call of security challenges, he has not wavered and is working within the ambit of the win win action plan daily to conquer.

The DO most admired, barely in office for four months is celebrated all over for exercising or dispensing power with a human heart and face.

This attitude of his goes without reproach and is creating a convenient working environment for him and others.

As we report technical ground works are been done to soften the terrain for a hitch free school and administrative year.  

That is why recently he has braved all odds to bypass arm chair administration to field work administration. As such his physical presence in the Sub-Division is abundantly felt everywhere.

An opportunity he has been making great use of to woe separatists and cajole  the public to renew their confidence in state institutions and to give respect to their Fons.

So says fact finding reports about the ever living presence of DO Narcisse Metuge Massango at the Helm of Tubah Sub-Division, seat of the University of Bamenda.

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