Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tubah Council Empowers Over 220 Youth Recruits this Summer Holidays

✓Challenged them at the end of Exercise to Champion crusade against Waste management in their various communities, to be Civic and law abiding.

This was the take home message issued to a battery of youths cum student intakes recruited by Tubah Council this year 2024 for voluntary holidays job services to the council.

Issued by the Mayor of Tubah Council Tanjong Martin on the 13th of August 2024 at his plastic waste management and recycling site in Bambili where the youth recruits were assembled to end their holiday job activities with Tubah Council.

A Council that has since taken upon herself as a special routine to gather youths during long summer holidays and assign them to clean their communities and major squares around to earn a stipend that will assist in completing their school fees or back to school preparations.

The essence according to Tubah Council is to first get the holiday recruits engaged and committed during holidays to voluntary community services and activities.

This year’s intake were about 220 youths cum students selected from Tubah administrative head quarter and the four villages that make up Tubah (Bambui, Bambili, Kedjom Keku and Kedjom Ketingoh).

They were assigned for the first week exercise, to clean their various palaces and vicinities, for the second week, send to clean major squares, the third assigned to clean major catchment areas and plant trees around the municipality and for the last week, they were drilled on proper waste management and recycling to produce compose manure  and hard pavement bricks.

This activity or exercise in the north shell, fall within Council and government plan to occupy, educate and empower youths during holidays.

According to the Mayor of Tubah, it is always a unique opportunity to bring youths and students during long summer holidays to work for the collective development of their council area.

Speaking on the occasion to the holiday makers and the Press, the Mayor of Tubah called on all to be civic, responsible, Ambassadors of peace and to champion the crusade on waste management and recycling which is what has earned him National and international awards as Cameroon’s best mayor at the forefront of community development and environmental protection.

The Mayor of Tubah Council Tanjong Martin, it must be noted is a bulldozer who has since committed his stay in office to community service and development through people centered activities, upholding the “The clean city Initiative and Waste is Wealth Campaign”

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