Friday, August 30, 2024

Authorities of Private Higher Education Institution Clear the Air on Paramedical Training of Health Professionals


-Debunks False Social Media Campaign on the Cancellation of HND/BTS in Medical and Biomedical Science.

This was in an enlarged press conference organized by (ANOWEPHEI) the Association of North West Private Higher Education Institutions at the National Polytechnic Higher education institute’s conference hall on Wednesday the 28th of August 2024 bringing together press Men and authorities of the said association to clear the air on the false social media articulations around the last resolutions of the interministerial meeting on the training of Paramedical personnel by certain institutes of higher education in Cameroon.

That HND/BTS medical and Biomedical Science Exams has been cancelled. Stating very clearly that none of such exams have been cancelled, that no authorized private higher education institution has been banned or suspended from the training and that HND/BTS Diplomas are valid nationally and internationally.

This clarification, the authorities of ANOWEPHEI sounded it loud and clear to media men and women in their last media outing while appealing to government in follow up to their last letter of August 22nd 2024 addressed to MINESUP and MINSANTE that the parties should consider giving a period of grace of three years before implementing the resolutions of final press release number N0D13-255/MINESUP/MINSANTE of August 16th, 2024 to permit private higher Education institutions to have time to reorganize themselves.

In the course of the  authority’s presentation, they called on level two and three students to resume classes with no fear of any interruptions.

Hear the vice President Rev. Njoya Basile, speaking to the press immediately after, “No HND or BTS exams have been cancelled or authorized private higher education institution banned or validity of Diplomas questioned, rather we are appealing to government for three years to adjust while asking our level two and three students to continue with classes as we sort out things with government”.

The special media outing by ANOWEPHEI it must be noted is provoked by the last Ministerial outing of 16th August 2024 in Yaounde to bring some sanity in the training and recruitment of Paramedical professionals in Cameroon which has sparked a lot of debate and the circulation of false information around social media circles.

ANOWEPHEI it must be noted, is a non-profit making, apolitical and democratic association created since 2017, dedicated to improving quality higher education and social services,


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