Sunday, September 1, 2024

CAEPA Sharpens Journalist Skills on Effective Reporting on Disaster Response in Bamenda City


✓while Strengthening Women’s Voice in Strategic Risk Management and governance.

In a one day enlarged media working and training session that played host at the CBC Health service conference hall on Tuesday the 27th of August 2024.

On the Occasion over 20 Journalists cum disaster risk response reporting media men and women were taught effective ways on reporting to enhance disaster response and strengthening women voice in disaster risk management and governance in the city of Bamenda.

This was in partial Fulfilment of CAEPA’s Common wealth Foundation project which focuses on disaster risked communities, exposed to flooding and landslides in Bamenda city area.

With a project goal to strengthen  capacities of women and girls in disaster governance in Bamenda city area by shifting the narrative away from women and girls as vulnerable victims and Forster their participation and leadership in climate actions.

The 20 Journalists, in the over four hours training and skill building workshop acquired knowledge on some clues on in-depth reporting on disaster risk response and sustenance.  

They were trained on solution based and preventive reporting to rescues, prevent or avert a flood situation or a danger risk situation.

They were empowered to report to increase women’s voice in risk governance and management, to change their news room policies and editorial policies, to drum and groom support for more media men and women participation in reporting on disaster response, to carry out community mobilization initiatives to create awareness and to educate the public on how to live safe and in sane environments free of disasters.

This were tutorials and lectures handed to them with practical examples by the workshop facilitators, Fenwi Linda of CAEPA and Tamukong Roland Angong of Cameroon Climate Journalism Network (CCJN) Media Consultancy Agency (CCJN-Media Consult) specialized in grooming climate experts and nature based solution reporters to enhance sustainable development, nation building and good governance.

Speaking to the press after the serious exchange Mme Fenwi the coordinator of CAEPA observed that the wish of her organization has been met and she expects to follow in the days ahead effective reports in Bamenda on disaster response from disaster conscious response Journalists trained.

Tamukong Roland from CCJN-Media Consult the key facilitator a Net Zero and a GHG (Green house Gas emission) specialist reporter on his part thanked participants for answering present and CAEPA for creating such a unique opportunity for Cameroon Journalists to gain knowledge on how to report in response and rescue a situation not to report incidents or casualties. It was an enriching training that goes a long way to change the narrative and enhance the frequency of effective reporting for disaster response.

CAEPA Community Agriculture and Environmental Protection Association   is an organization that was formed in 2011, by a group of women who wanted to enhance their agricultural systems by committing and engaging them to conserve nature while being environmentally friendly. The urgent need to fight environmental degradation and soil depletion then, motivated actors of the did association to diversify her approach in tackling and handling environmental and home based issues for societal welfare, most especially women.

The mission of CAEPA is to advocate for women and girls to live dignified lives in a disaster free environment, and to also have the platform to voice out their worries.

Certificate awards, a group photograph and an appraisal of ceremony by Chifu George Publisher, Editor of the Website Newspaper accompanied the historic working and training session of Cameroon Journalists on effective reporting on disaster risk response.





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