Saturday, September 7, 2024

Tubah Council Holds 2024 Mid Year Evaluation Session, in Frank Deliberations


This was at the Council’s conference hall on the 6th of August 2024, chaired by the SDO for Mezam Emile Moh with all Councilors answering present.

The fiscal year 2023/2024 which started on a good footing and is moving to a successful end of year, required that the Council should stop mid way and take stock of it’s activities and realizations.

Which is why the Mayor of Tubah Council Tanjong Martin, Cameroon’s Award winning Mayor, took pains off to Call Councilors of his Constituency to take stock, cross examine, access, make proposal and vote for unforeseen exigencies,.

It was also an Occasion for Councilors and the various commission heads of the Council to present their respective reports based on field assessment and evaluation reports.

Which is what was the standing order of this year’s mid year evaluation that ended up with frank talk and fruitful deliberations.

All the assessment reports it must be emphasized, gave the Mayor and his Council administration, a 100% pass mark in appreciation of the feasible realizations of the Mayor,  his multi scaled activities on waste management and people centered actions which is collectively working to harmonize Council plan and the great vision of the party which is to work for the collective good of the masses while ensuring their social welfare in a clean and comfortable environment.

Speaking to the press immediately after, the SDO for Mezam who through out the session spend time praising the Mayor of Tubah for building and transforming Tubah, showered praises on the Mayor and extended words of encouragement to his immediate collaborators and Councilors for their ceaseless support and contributions to the great realizations of the Council.

The Mayor Tanjong Martin Meshugong  on his part thanked his honorable Minister, for the open recognition given to him as best Mayor in Rwanda, he also thanked Cameroon English language newspaper publishers for their mile stone Award and the government of Cameroon for the series of medals given to him this year.

This he observed are the fruits and the results of hard work which he took upon himself as a commitment from the very first day he entered office to achieve.

Onto Council projects and realization, he said his greatest challenge has been insecurity, but in all, he surpassed all the obstacles to engage and realize all project works of his municipality.

“So far, he added, that all parts, villages, quarter or any household in Tubah knows and feels the development impact of Tubah Council.”.

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