Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Condemnation of False Accusation & False Alarm:

Condemnation of False Accusation & False Alarm: CPDM Did not Appoint Tabefor Aloysius Vice Principal in CCAST And even if it was CPDM was the post of a Vice Principal better than Principal? Tabefor Aloysius Amungwa was not appointed Vice Principal because of his deditude to the CPDM. He was appointed out of merit following Cameroon’s appointment ordinance. And what is even wrong belonging to a Party? Appointments are done most of the time in Cameroon following government discreation and influence in some fields. But with the case of Education, just like Medicine, appointments are not done “Parazar”, I must emphasise here that, Tabefor Aloysius was appointed Vice Principal in CCAST Bambili to pioneer controls and exercise management over the domitary, the infirmary, the science and computer Laboratory and the Library after managing the Senior Descipline Master Position well to the attention of detractors and blacmaillers who hurriedly went to the internet to declare conjecturing and provokating statements that his appointment was influenced by the CPDM. The same CPDM I have never seen him in it’s outfit or at her ceremonies for the past seven years now! To the attention of enemies of progress and prophets of doom, doing all in their best to tarnish the hard earn reputation of Tabefor Aloysuis, who do not want Bambui people to progress, that he stopped Partisan Politics seven years ago. For somebody to attribute or link his appointment to the CPDM is banal and litigating why not warranting Court actions. People should not just write damaging and make unnecessary comments over the internet because they have access to or are ourightly excited, for it belittles. To say Aloysius was appointed based on Party leaning or standing means, the author of the said diabolic Letter or article, as he may claim to be a conditional statement, is questioning the authority and the decision of the Minister. Whether propagators of false rumor and decipators of false alarm like it or not Tabefor Aloysuis has been appointed Vice Principal in CCAST and will soon be made Principal God being his helper. Surely the author of that article had a hand in the attempt of Aloysuis’s life some two months ago. Security is on the alert on those Bambui subjects who are out there to spray poisonous information to deter peace, Unity and progress in the Community. The Voice that speaks the Truth and Nothing but the Truth which is beater.

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