Friday, June 5, 2020

Pastor Warah & RAMAH Champion Crusade Against COVID-19 in Bda

Pastor Warah & the RAMAH Christian Centre Storm Food Market Bda after Tippers Park;
-This Time with COVID-19 Combat Kits,
-Which Falls within the Frame Work of Ramah's Humanitarian Program.

Rev. Pastor Warah Solomon and the RAMAH Christian Centre Family, yesterday Friday 5th, 2020 reached out to thousands (1000s) of vendors and buyers at the Bamenda Food Market after storming the Tippers Park with a similar exercise two days ago.
This time, he donated life saving kits to combat COVID-19 and to contain the pandemic.
The Marshal plan according to the Man of God, falls within the frame work of the Church's cooperate and social Humanitarian responsibility to assist, come to the aid of it's folks in great time of need and emergency.
The COVID-19 preventive kits comprised of hand wash adapted buckets, face masks, liquid soaps, hand sanitizers, plus blessed, annoited bags of salt and packets of Maggie.

The public apparition of the RAMAH Christian Centre and it's most venerated and celeberated Pastor (Warah) at this crushal point in time not only with the gospel as usual,  but with gadgets to protect the lives of the market population of Bamenda was saluted with great joy and massive turn out as many equally received their healings, blessings and deliverance.

Hear Pastor Warah, speaking to the Press immidiately after "in trying times like this, away from subsidizing our christians financially as usual, we should also secure all possible ways to protect and preserve their lives in the face of any threatening pandemic or virus by providing them life saving kits as we evangelize. The church must assume it's duty, which is to raise more social awareness against the virus, while also assisting them to contain the pandemic".

The market Master on his part after receiving the gifts and the  COVID-19 Combat Kits from Pastor Warah and family, thanked the Ministry for it's ever presence and wander working works in the direction of helping the needy and blessings God's children.


  1. I'm so impressed with the quality presentation. That's powerful Roland

  2. thats my father for life. God has made him a blessing to everyone.

  3. Sweet JESUS
    BLESS my daddy brother WARAH for me

  4. You are a Man after God's hear. Zealous and committed in Our Master's Vine Yard. We thank God for your life and that the Lord God Almighty will back your words with signs and wonders. May He always honors his word in Deut;38:1 in your in tje name YESHUA MESSIAH. AMEN.
