Thursday, December 29, 2022

Editorial: Last MAN Standing, Pa Atekwana Joins Chorus, Dumps SDF for Security Reasons

-     ✓Fru Ndi Hunted by Own Spirit as he Dabbles on Ways to Auction Party Bigwigs to safe self from Financial Mess and Scandals.

-   ✓Resorts to threats, Intimidation and false Accusations

This caption above, should be surprising and unbelievable to the Cameroonian people and our darling readers or audience. But this analyst is saying it with all authority that Pa Atekwana of all of SDF has thrown the towel, to be more explicit, resigned from the party on Christmas day (25th December 2022).

A number of reasons account for that, but not necessarily good for the image and welfare of the party, Now that SDF has Suddenly become a laughingstock.

“You cannot eat your cake and have it” The gullible actions of the national chairman of the SDF has finally scattered and tore the party into pieces.

In attempt to make of himself an authoritarian despot and owner of the Social Democratic Front, (SDF) Fru Ndi has damaged, killed and is at the point of burying a one time very strong opposition party in the country, hope of the people.

The news of Pa Atekwana’s resignation from the party landed in our news room as a bomb shell and what we must admit is, it is timely from the look of things around the party circles and for his security before SDF dies completely.

Lately, the SDF have known no peace in the Cameroon political scene and has been characterized by a series and sequences of internal wrangles.

All because of lack of trust and confidence, in-house fighting above all witch hunting, blackmail and backbiting.

All the blames falls on one person, Ni John Fru Ndi who has since found his quiet base in Yaounde, Soa where he is in his open romance with the regime in place and only does kricket trips to Bamenda.

Away from that, we are on the issue of a barrel of counter opposition force destabilizing the party, Hon. Yoyo’s press release on audits, the Mbuda declaration (G27), Hon. Nintcheu's Douala declaration and why Fru Ndi’s SDF want Pa Atekwana’s head or better still wants to auction him to wolves.

Our dear audience, from this semi stand point of view it is now crystal clear that SDF is a death trap for every living soul who appears to be a member and it is now abundantly clear that SDF is synonymous to Fru Ndi and Joshua Osih. In addition, it is no longer news to say all bigwigs and founding father’s of the party have been kicked out.

All what is happenings around the party is not by error, it is as a result of Divine retribution, excess greed, dictatorship and unaccountability. SDF losts its core moral values, when its leadership deviated from it original party slogan “from power to the people to power to Fru Ndi” .

Money came in and set confusion in the whole setting and destroyed the political agenda of the party. The party hierarchy to find excuse for all their crimes, has so far gone laying blames left and right, spraying blatant lies and false accusations.

As we make analysis, SDF has no way out as Fru Ndi grapples with the reputation of the party that is dangling, looking for who to auction or tack as being the cause or responsible for all the mix up and falling morals in his party.

Pa Atekwana was the last man standing by Fru Ndi, Hon. Njong Evaristus is gone, while Hon. Njong Donatus is still struggling to mend fence. Basically Fru Ndi has only Joshua Osih to lean on since Hon. Nintcheu and Bameleke brothers long carried their bags and are ready at any blessed moment to dump the party.

True to what we are saying, Pa Atekwana in his resignation letter stated, I quote “No body, to my knowledge, who has served you and the party, sincerely, has become anything publicly or privately in life”.

SDF Political records, this analyst must lay emphasize has Pa Atekwana in its Good books as a pillar and a founding member of the party. To be termed today by Fru Ndi as Satan, means truly that the SDF chieftain lacks the word appreciation and forgiveness in his vocabulary.

With these type of political unfoldings, what type of image is Fru Ndi and gang projecting of the party, tell us why a dog will not be given a bad name to be hanged by the master.

SDF is living and led by a confused gang. If it is not the case tell us how almighty Fru Ndi's residence in Ntarikon, is been heavily guarded by the same military he asked PM Yang to send out of Bamenda today?, how on earth Fru Ndi is escorted into Bamenda by amore cars, how has Atanga Nji boys not “Amba” fighting a just course have suddenly become terrorists, how SDF bigwigs, his hench men have suddenly become a bundle of idiots who have been hired to destabilize the party and latest of all victims is Pa Atekwana who is likened to Satan.

Going by these observations can some one really take Fru Ndi Serious or normal? NO, I rest my case. From the look of things, once the going is good with the chairman of the SDF there is no trouble, but when once you part ways there is not only problems but danger. Posterity has a lot to tell about Fru Ndi National Chairman of the SDF and his wahala as he threatens to go tough on party critics ahead of February 2023 Convention. Affair a suivre



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