Wednesday, November 21, 2012

2nd, 3rd Yaounde Lists Mares Credibility of HTTTC 2012 Entrance Result

This the Vice Chancellor of the University of Bamenda admitted over the Phone that there was a second and a third list that was introduced by Yaounde and that telling the Minister in his face, said he will rather prefer to resign if the said list are or were to be imposed to mare the smooth Genuine examination process or operation of UBa’s 2012 entrance exams into the training centres. The Vice Chancellor recounted to this Reporter that nothing like such lists will be considered and it will only be over his death body. As tension mounts, with Yaounde haven’t resolved, ongoing meetings in Bamenda prolong the release of the Final Results. We are reliably informed that even the list which was first released did not come after a process verbal meaning the exercise was almost like a four man “Njangee” exercise. As we report tension and pressure keeps mounting on examiners, the Directors, middle men, those who never sat at all for the exams and whose names appeared, those who think wrote well but were not properly examined because of preferential names and even those students whose names appeared in the first list confused with the nature of things whether their names will still surface. Security is on the alert and conversant of those responsible for the second and third list which we are made to know is responsible for the appointment of the said Director subjected to do just as they say. North Westerners are also vowing that this is a Bamenda Man’s University and not a South West man’s own. By Tamukong Roland

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