Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Top Secret! “Mbaw Plain Belongs to Njirong”

*Proof, Ntumbaw borrows Njirong’s “Nsingong”for cleansing yearly This startling revelation was made to this Reporter on the 20th of November 2012 in Bamenda at the World Echoes Newspaper Branch office by the President RODECA Rong Development and Cultural Association Ngangeh Ernest Fai. He observed and declared with firm conviction that other than the false impression that some Ntumbaw elite go around giving the public and the Cameroonian Government about the Mbaw plain as to who own it and that it belongs to Ntumbaw, he supported his claim and right of ownership with a top secret which he declared is to the attention of everybody who attaches interest to Tradition. “The Ntumbaw people do not have a Nsingong as they claim to be a village on their own, rather our Nsingong, the Njirong Traditional secret society has been playing the role of cleansing and adorning the gods of the lands of Njirong and Ntumbaw every year” this alone is a fact that justify Njirong’s right of supremacy over Ntumbaw. He furthered, to the attention of the Public he drew again that the minutes of the deliberation of the land commission charged with the settlement of the land dispute between Ntumbaw and Njirong villages at Mawrong Ndu-Sub-Division held on the 9th of June 2004 based on prefectoral order number 004\2004 of 1st June 2004 issue by the Senior Divisional officer of Ndonga-Mantung speaks for itself. Here, after cross examining the files and questioning the two Fons, it was resolved that, the piece of land in dispute between the Ntumbaw and Njirong at Mbawrong belongs to the Njirong people. That occupant of pieces of land in the said disputed area shall continue to cultivate their farms and any other form of development there in, but must pay allegiance to the Fon of Njirong as the undispu custodian of that National land. That no new farms shall be established without the express authorization or benediction of the said custodian in connection with the existing land tenure law in force. And that a copy of the decision shall be forwarded to the Hon Minister of State in Charge of Territorial administration and Decentralization according to decree 78\322 of 3 August 1978 article 8 sub. In another vein, still in the justification process made reference to this book titled seeking Truth, Peace and unity on the issue of the land dispute between Ntumbaw and Njirong Villages published by Rev Dr Philemon Bungansa Nfor quoting from, “I was there as a young boy around 1974 at the Njitang residence of the present Fon of NTUMBAW when my Grandfather, the Fon of Njirong invited his brother, the Fon of Ntumbaw, to come and receive a piece of land and cultivate rice so as to educate his children. It was a public invitation made to the hearing of all those who were there!, I was there when the Ntumbaw subjects moved from where they worked with the Njirong people, to a place they called “power come” and claimed it belong to Ntumbaw” This I was there justifies eye witnessed account and facts on the reliability of the information that Mbaw plain belongs to Njirong. In a last vein, the president drew the attention of this reporter to the fact that the Mission Churches, government Health Centres Primary schools were named all after Mbawrong, which is a clear indication that the disputed area belongs to the Njirong people. On these note the President in consideration of the SDO Nzete Theophile’s October 2012 decision on the matter, call on the Ntumbaw people to respect the rule of law and order, pay their royalties and let there be peace once and for ever while promising their 100% support to the CPDM, call on the Government to raise her up to a Sub-Division. To your attention the centre of dispute is too fertile, very vast and under study for CDC operations. By Tamukong Roland Angong

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