Monday, May 9, 2022

In Memoriam, Zacchaeus Forjindam's 14 Years in Jail "Victim of the System and Bad Fate"


Not victim of circumstance, why is this Reporter saying so? Just as it has become an institutionalized tradition in Cameroon to give a “dog a bad name to hang it” it has become a rule and a routine of the system when ever they deem it necessary to grab a post or pick up some body, they frame him up and cook up stories to hold him liable.

Zacchaeus Forjindam was not amongst those who eyed “Etoudi” or had vaulting political ambitions. He was just an engineer of exceptional class who carried Chantier Naval from Grass to Grace and stepped on no toes to become who he was. That everybody knows and just that fact alone exposed him to become a target of gullible individuals and wolfs.

Today the regrets and damages are enormous as his successor Antoine Bikoro who took over in April 2008 helped to crumble the whole thing and since then, the ship yard and industrial hoarde has been begging to survive all because of egoistic tendencies and greed.

An attitude that has made mockery and ridicule  of the system. Many are a Cameroonian who are suffering the same fate in the Yaounde Kondengui maximum security prison who eyed the Presidency but, not with the case of this true sincere Cameroonian who proved his worth as a Civil engineer and a Director of high moral standing who was later bundled to jail by vultures.

At the mention of Zacchaeus Forjindam’s name in Cameroon all eyes turn to Chantier Naval a complex or industrial base where he put in all at the envy of vampires who cook up stories for his arrest

An arrest with no clear evidence and a balanced audit report. Proof of that time has exposed the well coordinated mafia of the then board chairs and the court officials who hurriedly slammed the said jail terms on him without evidence.

What is ironical about the whole show is that some body who was  naturally rich even before holding the said prestigious post should be charged of embezzlement. Thanks to him Chantier Naval et Industriel du Cameroon, witnessed a boom, a speed rise in it’s income and revenue meaning all was moving on well (realizing 40 Billion annual turn over was quite a huge some then). How then or is it possible for some one to come up over night to say Zacchaeus Forjindam milked Chantier Naval (CNIC) dry.

“A fat lie” I will crave your indulgence our dear reader to ask and advance, How did they come to this successfully? Forjindam’s very own Anglophone brothers who saw his speed rise to fame auctioned, masterminded and orchestrated his arrest by demon fowlers in the system.

Where we are our dear readers I hope you understand from which premise we are coming from. We regret Zacchaeus Forjindam’s arrest, we miss his presence, his memories are abound and glaring even dough in captivity but some of us Anglophones contributed to his demise.

That is why at the mention of his name in this exhaustive write up today, many after reading it, will burry their heads in shame. God has the final say and we shall all be judged accordingly. Keep digging pits for other.


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