Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ngoketunjia Fon’s Behind Ghogomo for Peace, Love, Progress & Prosperity

This resolution was arrived at by all the 13 Fons of Ngoketunjia on the 1st of September 2012 in the SDO’s office with their son in Government, Dr Paul Ghogomo Minister, Director of cabinet to the Prime Ministers office.
The said Paul who hails from Bambalang and one of the most illustrious son and elite of the Division in government thought, if things were going wrong at home before his watchful eyes and nothing was being said and done by him, posterity will live to judge him for coming into government and leaving his birth place in ruins.
Reasons why he thought it wise to commune and fellowship with hid Fons through a reconciliation meeting where issues pertaining to the welfare and progress of the Division was raised.
Here, deliberations centered on conflicts and crises management amongst Fondoms, how coup and counter threats, blackmail, petition writing, dishonesty, hatred can be eliminated in the Division in order for love, unity, progress and development to be more enhanced and strengthened amongst leaders.
To Paul, only a more united Division can be each others keeper, work for the general good of all, with well focused ideas oriented towards social peace, justice, love and development.
The over two hours thirty minutes meeting ended with the Fons resolving to be at peace with each other, to love one another, to be more friendly and cordial with the Administration and elite, to rotate meetings in all the Palaces and to massively mobilize their people and subjects to get themselves registered when Biometrics registration will come up.
 At the end, the first ever Ngoketunjia Fons Union meeting sat at the Fon of Bambalang’s rest House electing the Fon of Bamesseng Muntang Richard President and Fon of Bambalang Shumenta II her Sectary General.

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