Thursday, September 21, 2017

As government Intensify calls for Effective School Resumption in the North West & South West:Hon. Njingum Musa MP Ngoketunjia Nord Launch Operation “NO SCHOOLS NO FARM”

To face squarely the ghost that has in planted fear in parents for the past nine months not to send their children to school and extremists who are calling on school boycotts, perpetrating continues burning of schools,. The Member of Parliament for Ngoketunjia Nord Honourable Njingum Musa who doubles as questor to the National Assembly and PAP representative, has embarked on a ruthless marathon effective back to school mobilization campaign in his constituency.


In all the stops, in his constituency, meeting his electorate, he expressed sympathy to the poor innocent children who were been used as shield by their parents in the name of fighting for a liberation struggle.
In his persistent calls, plea and appeal to parents in Ngoketunjia to send their children to school, he asked the population “what has politics got to do with children’s right to education? Why are children the victims? What future are we building for the children by keeping them home? Even after independence we shall need the intellectual man power?
In all the effective back to school crusade grounds, he reiterated the need for sound education to all if we want to secure bright future for our children and Cameroon.
He also seized the opportunity to heavily donate in kind and cash material needs to his electorate as per their priority demands. The materials or goods ranged from bundles of zinc, 1000s of bags of cements, cartoons of soaps, bags of salts and over 200 scholarships ditched out.
Rounding up his tour on Sunday 10th September 2017, around Ndop central, he and his section President Dr Ntoh Daniel challenged prophets of doom and called on detractors to embark on constructive criticism. While assuring the population that security has been beefed to the teeth to ensure that children are safe while in school. He also promised coming back to donate books to all those who will brave the odds and send their children to schools.  

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